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23:52, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trinity Cole

Name: Trinity Cole

Nickname: T, TC, Trin, Trini

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Gray


Distinguishing Marks: None

Appearance: Long and lean, she has a dancer’s body, and uses it well.  She is not what one would consider traditionally beautiful nor would you describe her as cute. She’s not even what one might classify pretty.  Attractive, yes, unique, yes.  There is an old-world elegance in her features, a grace in the way she carries herself, a maturity in her misty gray eyes that belies her age.   With long blond hair, a swan neck and enough curves to please the eye of anyone who likes a woman’s figure, she is not without options.  Very much in shape, which is a must given her profession.

Personality:  Trinity is a realist, perhaps a pessimist.  She does not believe in romantic love and white knights.  Her innocence lost long ago, she looks at the world through jaded eyes.  She expects nothing so she’s never disappointed.  Despite her profession, she is not a real party girl.  Not that she dislikes a good party she just has other things she finds interesting as well.  She enjoys rock climbing, camping, gardening and of course music and dance.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Employment:  Pole Dancer

History:  Trinity was born to a single mother who worked hard at not working. Who her father is, is anyone’s guess due to her mother’s penchant for partying which always included sleeping around, drugs and alcohol.  Mostly she was raised by her grandfather, a kind man who really had no idea how to raise a daughter, much less a grand-daughter.  He did his best, though, and did better with Trinity than he had his own child simply by the blessing that Trinity was nothing like her mother.   While Lorraine was a selfish woman who felt the world owed her something.  Try his best, Cliff never got over losing his wife and had no clue how to parent especially in light of his over-compensating for the fact Lorraine only had one parent.  She wound up spoiled to the point of her failure to launch, as they say.

By the time Lorraine was 15 she’d already been arrested for shoplifting and possession of drugs more than once.  By 16, Trinity was born.  By the time she was 18, she’dbeen arrested for prostitution and other charges such as theft, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.  Life was not easy, they had little money since Grandpa Cliff was forever bailing his daughter out of trouble.   Trinity resented and was embarrassed by her mother and it only got worse when Grandpa Cliff died when she was 14.  Having no will, everything went to his daughter.  Which she burned through rather quickly.   Trinity did her best to soldier on, going to school and doing well, working towards the scholarship she and her Grandpa had talked about so many times.  She found she had an interest in psychology and what made people do what they did and act how they acted.  She had thought about going to school for that but when she was 17 her mother had another oops.  He was born premature and with down syndrome.

Lorraine showed even less interest in being a mother now than when she had Trinity, no surprise.  And things got worse.  They lost the house, had to sell almost everything and wound up in a cheap apartment and baby Jaxxon need a lot of care.  Trinity had to drop out of school to look after the baby and they barely survived on government aid.  That was when she found pole dancing.   She got a job baby-sitting for a woman who made her living as a pole dancer and over time, she taught Trinity the trade.  Lorraine continued to make money the old-fashioned way, though she blew most on blow.   When she was 18, Trinity took her first job as a pole dancer.   She did alright, continued to practice, became even better and her popularity grew.  Still, the more she made the more her mother partied and stopped working, beginning to rely on Trinity totally, which caused a lot of fights over the next few years.  When Trinity made it very clear that Jaxxon’s care came first and she was not going to skimp on him to provide for her mother, Lorraine did the unthinkable, the unforgivable, the ultimate in betrayal; she made arrangements to let someone adopt Jaxxon.  Without a word to Trinity, she sold the four year old and would not tell Trinity where he was and the measly ten thousand she got for him was gone almost as soon as it hit her palm.

In utter shock, Trinity went to the police.  While she had been relieved to find it had been a legitimate adoption to decent people, she was dismayed that the family refused to allow her to know who they were or where they were, they wanted nothing to do with her or he mother. Trying to fight it would be a losing battle, she was advised.  They told her to be thankful he would have a better life than she could provide him and she could now love life for herself.  As an added incentive, that gave her ten thousand dollars to help her find her way.  She refused it, however, and worked just long enough to scrape together funds so she could move away from the life, and mother, she had come to despise.

Now in a new town, far from the mother she would never forgive, she was looking to make a new life for herself without the baggage of the past.  She had little to nothing of her own, a carpet bag that had been Grandpa Cliffs, a few items of clothing, two pairs of shoes, a stuffed monkey that used to be Jaxxon’s, the hospital band that has been placed on him right after he was born with his info, a silver chain with a locket that had a picture of Jaxxon and Grandpa Cliff, her purse with her wallet, what little money she had, some makeup, and toiletries.

Her whole life in one bag and a purse.