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Welcome to X-men: Omega Remnants

04:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anna Klep

Name: Anna Klep
Code Name: Fairy Tale
Age: 27~ish?
Power: cloth Control

Anna can manipulate and move any kind of cloth/clothing or fabric with her mind. The closer to her it is, the stronger the effect. Her powers have a range that hasn't been measured yet, however it at least spans the globe enough to give an average size doll the strength of a regular human teenager.

She is also mildly empathic. Though it has regressed since the meds have stopped.

Personality: Anna is a little off the rocker. She doesn't think in straight lines, and her sense of humor can be light to morbid to anywhere in between. She can be nonsensical and very very vindictive. She easily befriends people.

Physical Description:  Anna is very pale with a smattering of freckles. She has patchy red-blonde hair that's kept shoulder length and a few large scars across her skull (One over her right ear and one on the top back left) and down the length of her spine. Her legs are currently too weak to hold her up, but she can move all her limbs. Left pinky doesn't like to listen sometimes. Anna prefers to wear long sleep shirts and shorts. Though doesn't mind a good blanket when the need arises. She can also always be seen with at least one dolly(Of varying variety.) and her red scarf, long enough to reach a foot past both arms.

If she could stand, it'd be at a whopping 5'2". She's about seventy to eighty pounds.

Background: Anna was a subject of a secretive area of the government. She'd become part of the secretive Shadow Squad. Once that fell apart, her little plushy self wandered, sometimes causing mischief, but typically non-harmful. Without the influence of her teammates, Anna left to her own devices was just ..insane. Not murderous.

When the super bomb went off, the power stopped to her pod. Which, if the scientists (And cafeteria staff) hadn't pulled her out, would have killed poor Anna. However, with the tubes pulled and the scars sewn shut, Anna was off whatever was feeding into those tubes. Which left her painfully aware. It was when Anna woke up.

Initially, there was utter confusion as she saw the world through her own eyes and the eyes of the dolly she controlled. She tried to flail, but only could make incoherent sounds as her muscles had deteriorated over the years.

Several years later and well after the alien incident, Anna can talk. Can even use her hands, her arms. The science team discovered that Anna's moral alignment tended to mirror those of the people around her. Unfortunately, the insanity remained. It could be diagnosed as Normalcy with bouts of insanity, or insanity with bouts of Normalcy.

Once they were convinced she was stable, Or at least stable enough to not be harmful, she was transferred to where she would tie up less government assets that could be better used somewhere else. So off she was sent, with bitter tears and farewells, to Haven. ...With Beth, her favorite lunch lady who wanted to help. Even though she was assured that one of her favorite teammates would also be there.

Other Information  This information is not mandatory, but is very much encouraged.

Hobbies: Honing her powers, raising a gummy-bear army, puppet shows
Likes: Dogs. kids, Unicorns, Waffles, implosions, dropkicks, shopping carts, Black dots, inkblots, Dinosaurs, peach fuzz.
Dislikes: screwdrivers, corn, genies, grey trucks, Portable toothpaste packages, Inverted coffee tables and pink. Oh, and occasionally the letter three.
Sexual Orientation: Unlikely. We'll touch on that later if it ever comes up.
Relationship With Family: If there's a memory of them somewhere, she hasn't found it yet.
With Friends:
Beth: the lunch lady. Anna is friends with her. Likes to take her advice.
Molly: teammate for the second iteration. Likes to think they're friends and that Molly probaby understands her more than the normies of Haven.
Any Other Information
 Current dolly.