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Welcome to City of Shadow: The Feast of All Fools

23:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Saint Thanaa of the Painless Sleep

Thanaa ibnat Bakir was a sixteen-year-old servant of House Dimir during its heyday under the reign of Ihsan Al-Hastur the Mad. She poisoned (and thus liberated) any prisoner under heavy torture who signaled agreement after being subtly showing the vial she held concealed in her sleeve. Eventually she was caught and tortured to death herself, but only after managing to poison a swathe of House members by polishing all cups but the taster's with kelakkh venom.

Understandably less popular with the nobility, offerings are generally made to Thanaa on behalf of the terminally ill, maimed or condemned. She is the Saint begged for forgiveness by suicides, and may sometimes appear to such note-writers and prayer-sayers in the bloody state she died in to talk, and, if necessary, free them without rendering their soul an unquiet ghost.