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Welcome to From the Ashes

07:18, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miyuki Kondo

Name: Miyuki
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Eastern Elf
Height: 5'1”

Named Miyuki for her clear ivory complexion, she stood out throughout her society as an object of attention primarily for this reason. Indeed she grew used to even the noble women snorting haughtily. Ever in control of her outward emotion, Miyuki always held her retaliatory smirk to herself. No matter how much sun she takes, she neither tans nor burns*. Not necessarily ugly, she's not all that pretty, rather plain. Plain Jane, nothing to pay much attention.

A wiry little thing, Miyuki keeps her black hair cropped short for practical reasons. Though she applied her makeup carefully, she could use a bit less, almost as if she hasn't much experience using it. Though the ruby she wears around her neck is quite lovely and by no means small, it matches oddly with her sapphire earrings, and neither hold much more luster than costume jewelry. Even stranger is that she wears clothes seeming more suitable for a man, pants drawn with string and a loose fitting three-quarter sleeves shirt. Her shoes look almost like thongs, but include wrappings that cover her whole foot. The wrappings extend up, pulling the bottoms of her pant legs in neatly for easier movement.

Miyuki also carries a large black duffle bag everywhere she goes, made from of some exotic leather. For such a small thing to lug around, the bag seems quite burdensome. If anyone asks about the contents, Miyuki claims that it's her extra clothes and cosmetics. In truth, there's only one dark suit in that bag.

Quiet and shy, Miyuki usually keeps her eyes cast down. In public, she's usually relatively forgettable once one grows used to her odd appearance. Taking short, meek steps, most disregard her as simple,  and she doesn't take long to lose herself within a crowd. In truth, this is an act Miyuki learned from her father. He told her she would have an easier time with this as a woman. Coming to the west has helped with this since her complexion doesn't have quite the outstanding effect on the attention span of onlookers. The sooner one forgets Miyuki, the sooner one might say something too close to her one didn't want her to know. Calculated, Miyuki smirks inwardly once again.

In front of her friends, Miyuki boasts brashly, cocksure in the knowledge that she does what she does better than almost anyone. She doesn't take well to criticism, sometimes known to shun others for periods of time. She's also prone to impulsive behavior, often strange or out of place. All this fun she's been having these days, she just wants to ride the wave.

Then there's the dark part of herself that she wishes to keep buried. Having taken three lives** now, she's found an adrenaline rush like no other, and she wants more. The problem is she knows that the more she feeds that impulse, the more monstrous she'll become.

Athletic Excellence:
It makes no sense that Miyuki can run so fast for how small she is.  Not only that, she can climb with near the same speed.  She also possesses advanced skill with climbing gear.  She's also quite adept at leaping, sliding, and many other difficult physical maneuvers along these lines.

Miyuri moves like the wind, even in a casual setting.  Even when wearing large jewerly she passes silently.  This practice extends all the way down to breathing exercises that allow for her to perform impressive physical act making little to no sound when provided enough time to move slowly.

Mind Reader:
While possessing no magical or psychic powers, conversations with Miyuki tend to tell her more about others than what was simply said.  She's good at spotting tells and picking out lies and half truths.  She's also good at cataloging this information and piecing it together to lead her to find what others want kept secret.

Broken Western Dialect:
Although Miyuki can speak the dialect, she can sometimes get lost in more complicated conversations, or have trouble explaining herself.  Then again, her western isn't that terrible, and applied cleverly this could be used to her advantage.

Miyuki takes plenty of time doing everything.  She doesn't walk fast, she pours tea slowly, she speaks in a deliberate unrushed manner.  She only moves fast when she must.

Miyuki gets a decent rush by beating someone at something they're good at.

In order to substitute her new favorite source of adrenaline, Miyuki gambles heavily and steals frequently.  Easy come, easy go.

Unstable Mind:
Having one's life turned upside down can do this to someone. Despite being taught to control her outward expressions to hide her true self, the new cracks in Miyuki's emotional armor have started to let some unwanted behavior bleed through.

Muyiki is a small elven female who until recently lived under the subjugation of a vow of non-violence. She's a piss-poor combatant.

The Duffle bag:
One navy black suit with one full mask that covers all but Miyuki's eyes. One small dagger of eastern design (ref. Japanese tanto, less the quality of samurai steel), handheld crossbow, caltrops, a kit for making more caltrops and crossbow bolts, collapsible grappling hook, small metal bits with spiky ends designed to fit over the hands and feet. Additionally, the bag holds the majority of her more mundane day to day items.

Likes: the finer things, victory, the rush

Dislikes: idiots, almost anything to do with her former clan, policing bodies

Habits: gambling, stealing (never from a friend)

In most stories told, ninja are cold blood killers who might end one's life before one even sees them.  Certainly those ninja make for more exciting stories, so they carry more fame. The truth isn't so black and white. Many are information brokers, spies and infiltrators. More important than a sword to a such ninja is the message he carries. Some elven ninja clans even take a vow to exhibit peaceful behavior. If a ninja must harm someone, it must only be done to preserve the mission, evade, escape. Certainly, a ninja must never take a life on purpose. Miyuki's father, Kondo Jiro, taught her this from the time she could communicate.  Her heart swelled with pride looking up at her father, brother to her clan's leader, Kondo Taro. Of course Taro was the natural leader of the people, having the grace and intellect of an official, and it was he who drew the attention to of Yakuma Minister Izawa, who went on to name the Kondo clan as his official employees. While Taro brought so much glory and prosperity, it was Jiro who did the dirty work.

In fact, Jiro was known as the best of any ninja clan. By the time Miyuki was old enough to walk, Jiro's skills had advanced to the point that any mission he took was a solo mission, as no one else within the clan could keep up with him. Under his watchful eye, his beloved daughter learned the ways. She learned them so well that Taro had no choice but to recognize her talent, despite his aversion to the concept of a female ninja. Prideful of who's daughter she was, Miyuki trained hard day in and day out till she would crawl to her bed. By nine, she had trained so hard that she could leave her peers in the dust. Again she drew hateful eyes, and again she kept her smirk private.

Between Taro's organization and Jiro's incredible skill, the Kondo clan thrived. As the clan's reputation grew, so did Izawa's demands. Then one day, an order came down from the minister's desk that took the clan deep into Sho territory to deliver a parcel to a spy working for a particlulary brutal warlord known as Han. The mission was a suicide, and everyone looked to Jiro as the only one who stood a chance.  Miyuki had already lost her mother the night she was born. When her only other parent accepted the mission, preferring to die before dishonoring the clan with cowardice, the young girl feared she wouldn't see him again. He did indeed die, leaving Miyuki parent-less at the age of fifteen.

Miyuki buried herself in her work, gaining in skill even faster now motivated to honor her father's memory. She relished in the adrenaline rush she got from this, pushing herself harder as it took more to reach that feeling. While clear she didn't possess quite the talent of her father, her skills still outmatched most if not all her peers within the clan. By the age of 25, even her uncle couldn't deny her seat among the highest order of the Kondo. As a final test, she would lead a team to spy on Han. Over the years Han had lost a good deal of his power, and if this mission proved successful, Izawa could use crucial information gathered to finally crush his long hated rival. With Han's lost influence, this mission was rather simple to accomplish, more a test to Miyuki's adherence to her ninja vows. As it turns out, when she was standing over the sleeping form of her father's murderer, vows don't count for much. As she stabbed her blade deep into Han's throat, a cold rush hit her like nothing she'd ever felt from any hard-won success. When her companions saw her commit the deed, they also saw the wild look in her eye.

At this, Taro finally had his out to get rid of his impudent niece. Cast out, Miyuki walked away now parentless, clanless, homeless, directionless. She took to stealing, as her skills lent naturally to this act. It was only in this stage of life that she realized how much she liked owning pretty things. Western jewelry caught her fancy particularly. Then again, she was so stark white and stood out so much to the easterners. Her clan was famous, and so was her expulsion. She set out to further reaching lands seeking anonymity. Along her wanderings, she ran into a team of Tekken mercenaries. Upon discussion, Miyuki learned of the organization and gained acceptance into the organization. She now heads out west to suppliment her new clan, hoping for a completely fresh start.

*Miyuki's most important cosmetic item is a potion that keeps the sun from tarnishing her skin.  Despite this making her life harder she uses it anyway in honor of her mother's dying wishes.

**During all three murders, the victim wasn't aware of Miyuki's presence. The first was personal(Han) and the latter two were to avoid detection(proper excuse).