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07:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Taal Khan

Name: Taal Khan

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: A slightly under middling height human male with sandy brown hair that tends to flop into his blue eyes. Athletic without being muscular. Mildly attractive, but more on the pleasing end of the spectrum than the handsome. Slightly sharp features, high cheekbones, long nose. Always a snappy dresser.

Personality: Affable Rogue. Likes gambling, women (not particular about species), flying, Corellian opera, shopping. Dislikes Jedi, getting in fights, and being arrested. Has a decent enough heart, but will always take the option that saves his own skin no matter how morally questionable it might be.

Brief Background: Grew up orphaned on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, running with gangs of other street kids and moving from lookout to pickpocket to messenger and eventually graduating to low-level enforcer working for a minor Hutt gangster. In his spare time-- which he actually had a fair amount of, as protection monies didn't need to be picked up every single day-- Taal hired himself out as a pilot (land, atmosphere, or space), drank too much, and gambled away most of what he earned. As happens to the bosses who aren't among the top tiers, eventually his organization got taken over and absorbed into a larger one, which was okay as long his own Hutt was still in at least nominal control of the area, but the last takeover also was accompanied by a "corporate restructuring" that saw multiple members of Kreska's crew not only jobless but deceased as well. Taal decided that was a good time to look for a new line of work and took the first piloting job he could find that was heading out-system, eventually ending up in Lord Togriss' employ.

Status: Smuggler

Gear: Dual blasters, armored coat, pazaak deck.

   Healing: At this point, manifests as a really good personal healing factor.
   Unbelievably Believable: Fast-talking mixed with a little bit of Force-persuasion gets you sooooooooo many places. And out of them. It was totally not Taal who did that thing. Also, even though he doesn't look dangerous and he won't enjoy it he will totally thoroughly fuck you over if you don't come up with Kreska's money, so it'd be smart to pay up now. Because Taal doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he will if he has to because it's his job. Paying up would be an excellent idea. Good job. Kreska thanks you for your contributions.
   Precog: Manifests as an uncanny ability to not be in the way of the blaster bolts, knives, fists, or other weapons aimed in his direction. Also includes navigating around and between asteroids, wreckage, and other hazards found while piloting. Does not include anything that he can't see coming.

    Taal is not aware that he has any Force sensitivities, and none of his abilities are consciously controllable. Actually, Force users kind of creep him out. Really creep him out.

   Slicing: While Taal is by no means the best slicer in the galaxy, he knows his way around a computer system and hasn't yet found a system that he couldn't get into with enough time.
   Piloting: Taal's an even better pilot than he is a slicer.
   Bullshit Artist: With very few exceptions, Taal has been able to talk himself into or out of situations for most of his life. Pretty much since he learned to talk, really.
   Contacts: Taal Knows People. Even if he doesn't know someone directly, chances are very good that he Knows Someone who Knows Someone.