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10:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vellos the Red

Character Name:  Vellos the Red, Torg's Son
Age:             27
Height:          8-foot 2-inches
Weight:          500 lbs.
Race:            Half-Ogre

Physical appearance:  Vellos has pale green skin, hulking muscles, and long arms.  Beady black eyes peer out from his heavy brow, a set of blunt fangs erupt from his out-thrust jaw, and unkepmt mutton chops cover his cheeks.  Two vestigal horns poke from the top of his balding head and straight red hair is pulled into a ponytail down his back.  His brown leather armor is a bit old and worn, having been in his family for generations.

Weapons:  Vellos carries a large gray battleaxe, which he can wield with a good degree of skill.  It was left to him by his father when the elder didn't return from a glorious battle.  He also carries a large dagger (almost a short sword) in his boot for fine cutting.

Magic:  None

Special abilities/skills:  Vellos has a slight odor about him (like swamp mud), leftover from his Ogre heritage.  However, if you stand near him long enough, its easy enough to get used to.  His own sense of smell is highly acute though.

History/Char bio:  Vellos was born in the Human/Ogre/Dwarf community of Westmark.  Raised mostly by his Human mother while his father was fighting for the kingdom, he is quiet and mostly keeps to himself.  He's not to bright, but has a good heart.  He's fierce in battle and will defend his friends with every breath in him.  He's a kind-hearted soul who enjoys sharpening his fighting skills, collecting bounties, and bird watching.
     Vellos wanders the land doing odd jobs, killing the occasional monster, and searching for unique and interesting birds to write about in his journal.  Recently he heard of a rare blue-bellied warbler residing in the Southern Forest.  The information was recanted to him by an short Elf in a bar, who claimed this warbler was a magnificent bird to behold and be-heard.  Always eager to visit new lands and seek out interesting raptors, Vellos headed for the southern town of Lurgmut.