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00:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Santiole Valkysdottir

Santiole Valkysdottir is an Abel dwarfess of striking appearance and presence.  Her hair is curled, braided and of a platinum blonde that borders on white, and her bright eyes are the pale blue of a winter sky.  She is uncommonly slender of figure for her people and her features are fair and unblemished, the hallmarks of the privilege to have avoided hard labor in favor of the scholarly and artistic pursuits of the Skald.  She is a daughter of House Valkys, a venerable dwarven noble family that claims descent from the legendary First Valkyrie herself.  The Valkyries have long since vanished into legend and the Clan is now but a shadow of its former wealth and prestige, though she takes pride in her heritage regardless.

Her demeanor is friendly and welcoming, always encouraging others to better themselves.  She is well-spoken and a talented singer, with a rich voice with a certain gravitas that captures the listener's attention.  A natural storyteller, she always has songs, tales and verse close at hand.  When prepared for danger she wears a form-fitted chain shirt and a little-used shortsword at her hip.  Slung across her back are a pair of stout hand drums, a curved wooden horn and a lyre case of boiled leather.

Skalds are the traditional dwarven lore-keepers and minstrels, charged with the preservation and enrichment of dwarven culture.  They are also the sole practitioners of the art of spell-singing, an ancient sorcery of music and song.  Some consider skalds to be relics of a bygone age, frivolous and useless to modern society at best, or disreputable criminals at worst.  Although Santiole has not yet earned the honor to be recognized as a full skald, she is eager to disprove such mistaken notions.  She intends to prove her worth to the Ehrenguard by inspiring its men and women to greatness while sowing despair amongst its foes.