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Welcome to Coupled in Zombieland (Under Construction)

05:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OG Ginger Jones

Name: Ginger Jones

Age: 29
Height: 5'3"      Weight: 120
Hair: Black         Eyes: Brandy
Sexuality: Straight

Sector: 2 (and Z)

Education: John Bartman HS in Philadelphia, PS, followed by a year at the School of Visual Arts in NYC

Occupation: Dancer / Smuggler

Zombie Survival Rating (1-10): 7.8

Background Questions

Actual Transcripts of the Interview

1. Tell us a little about your life before the Pillars landed and the Sectors formed.

Ginger sat with the heel of her black motorcycle boot hooked over the bottom rung of a bar stool, one leg crossed over the other. At the question, she gasped wistfully and clasped her hands around her propped knee. When she spoke, it was if she were narrating a reboot of Masterpiece Theater.

“In West Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playgrounds is where I spent most of my days. Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool, playin’ some b-ball outside the school. When a couple of zombs, they were up to no good, started makin’ trouble in my neighborhood. I punched in one little throat, left the other impaired...and then me and a group of survivors took refuge in a military camp outside the city until the Pillars dropped and I got sent to Las Vegas to shake my feathers for a bunch a fuckstiiiicc....”

She pinched her lips together in a tight smile, then blinked slow and calm at the camera.

“Lunarians. Kind--." zap “Gentle--.” zap “Honest.” zap zap zap. “Lunarians.”

She winced a little with each buzz.

Producer from New Beijing: “Miss, you may continue to lie if you wish, but I must please ask you not to swear.”

Ginger raised a palm in apology, then shot him a double thumbs up.

2. Zombie education from ages K thru 12 has been a mainstay in public schools for almost a decade now. Share with us a memorable story from your own educational experience.

“I was already out of high school when the Pillars fell, so I missed all that fancy public school brainwashing. Got plenty of real-world experience, though. There were near 4 million people in Philly when shit -- sorry -- stuff broke bad. And that military camp I mentioned, the one where we holed up? It was only about twenty miles away. So with all them zombies crawlin' around nearby, we were always under attack. Especially that first month or two, you could hear ‘em night and day. First the snarling and bumping, real low on the horizon, so much it got to be like white noise, you know? And then all a sudden….WHAM! Whamwhamwham!, they were throwin’ themselves at the walls, trying to plow it down. It was enough to drive you batsack crazy.

“But you wanted to know about educational experiences, yeah? Okay.”

Ginger uncrossed her legs and adjusted so that her hands were between her legs, clasping the edge of the stool.

“We had to go outside the compound on the regular to scavenge for food and supplies. I didn’t mind -- it broke up the monotony of the camp, and I was good at at it, so I volunteered more than I probably should’ve. Anyway, this one day, toward the end when things were gettin’ real desperate, we go outside our safety zone to scout this farm. Toward the back there’s a chicken coop, right? And tangled up in a broken wire fence is this….little boy. Ten or eleven, maybe. Not undead, but dead dead, from a gunshot wound--.” She tapped a finger to her forehead. “Right here. I don’t know if he belonged to the farm, but….” Ginger trailed off for a second, her look distant, a pained and somber smiling playing on her lips.

“He had this sack tied to his hip. A burlap sack. I knew I should leave it alone -- bad luck robbin’ a grave, even if it’s open air, but you gotta understand, we were out of food, out of water, damned near out of ammunition. I was thinkin’ if the kid belonged to the farm, and he was trying to escape, maybe he was smart enough to grab a handful of seeds on his way out. ‘Cause seeds, you know. The ability to grow a garden? That would’ve been everything to us right then. A smudge of hope when we needed it most.

“So I took the bag from him. Pried it out of his hand so that his fingers snapped apart like crackers inside a sausage skin. And when I looked in the bag, it was all bright yellow feathers and bones. Tiny little bones, like the kind my Bammy used to tell fortunes with. And I realized, this boy, he hadn’t been thinkin’ about no seeds. He hadn’t been thinkin’ about food or water or surviving, and he sure as hell wasn’t thinkin’ about himself. It was the chickadees. He was tryin’ to save the chickadees. And then someone went and shot him in the face.”

Ginger bit the inside of her cheek and shrugged.

“Come to think of it, I don’t know exactly what that taught me. But I know it stuck with me. More so than anything else.”

3. Every Sector is a little different and wonderful in its own way. Tell us a little about your life thus far in your Sector.

Ginger was quiet for a long moment. Her look was far-away and aimed at some nondescript spot on the floor.

“Most days Sector 2 ain’t as bad as the compound.”

Producer from New Beijing: “Do you have more to say?”

“No, sir, I do not.”

4. What are few things for which you are most thankful?

“I’m thankful I ain’t dead. And I’m thankful weed’s so easy to come by in Sector 2. Oh wait, wait,” Ginger snapped her fingers excitedly. “You can use that for question three. Things I Like About My Sector. Copious, degenerate amounts of weed.”

Personality Questions

1. What is the first thing most people notice about you?

“My sass. You might’ve noticed it, too....I got a mouth on me.”

2. What is the one thing that people don’t notice about you right away but you wish they would?

“I don’t overly give a shit what people don't notice. That count as a double negative?”

Producer from New Beijing: “No. Also, language.” 

“Sorry. Fuck."

3. How do you typically spend your leisure time?

“Well, if I’m not catching up on sleep, I’m packin’ up my old rust bucket Barracuda and drivin’ out to Lake Mead. Got a little boat down there I like to row out into the middle of the water so I can re-read House of Leaves in peace. I know, it’s nuts goin’ out past Zone 1, especially on my own, but there’s a...I don’t know. A thrill to it. To tempting Fate like that. Plus it’s the only place I can be alone.”

4. What are some of the most important qualities that you are looking for in a potential romantic/survival partner?

“What does every woman want? Man stink, a giant moose cock and arms long enough to reach shit off the top shelf. Bonus points if he’s inclined to act as a human shield.”


"What the fuck! That was the truth, why'd it juice me!?!?"

Producer from New Beijing: "Language."

"Mother fluffer."

5. Describe one thing about yourself that until now only your best friends knew.

“My afro is pretty bitchin' when I grow it out.”

6. What are a few of your likes?

“Weed. Think I mentioned that already. And I miss cherry pie. I miss it a helluva lot. Like, I’d do things for cherry pie.”

7. What are a few of your dislikes?

“I don’t much like being at the beck and ca….you know what? I ain’t got any dislikes.” zap “The world is a beautiful place--” zap “thanks to the graciousness and benevolence of our superlative and scrumtrulescent Lunarian overlord--.” ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.

“For real, that last one might've partially lobotomized me.”

8. What are a few of your fears?

“If I ain't got any dislikes, I definitely ain’t got no fears.” ZAP!

9. What are a few fun facts about you that a potential match might want to know?

“Keep me away from bright lights, don’t get any water on me and never, ever feed me after midnight.”