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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

14:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Group: Vikings

Name: Lifa

Age: 23

Occupation:  Daughter of a wealthy farmer

Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Physical Description:

Lifa is startlingly beautiful. Her hair is as black as a moonless evening, her eyes as blue as the water of the nearby lochs as it sparkles. The contrast is complimentary. Her lashes are thick and dark, her skin fine and creamy. Her lips of soft pale pink are set above her father's chin, strong, square on the tip, and hers slightly cleft.

Her thick, hair tumbled down her back past her waist. Her figure is amply revealed by the tunics she wears.  She has a soft waist, curving hips, an inviting bosom.

She isn’t tall though, not by any means - topping maybe a little past 5 feet and proportioned in weight.


Lifa is the outgoing sort of woman that comes from successfully growing up with a family with large personalities.  If she was to make herself be heard, she could not have been retiring.  She is intelligent, clever, and observant, if easily distracted.

Lifa is quick to laugh at herself, and even quicker to laugh at her siblings.  Her verbal sparring matches with her one brother can be quite comical, though not according to her mother. The pair love to tease one another and in fact, Lifa just loves to tease. She has been described as frank at times, and she is not one to withhold her opinion.  Her mother is, quite naturally, horrified by this characteristic and has tried her very best to curb it, with little progress.  It is very easy to decipher what Lifa thinks on a subject because she regularly states her opinion on each and every subject under the sun. She does not, however, take offense when other disagree with her on a subject.  Lifa is always happy to agree to disagree or debate!

Very outgoing and sociable, Lifa must be forced to remain at the families long-house and farm during the day. She would much prefer to be in the village with her friends, dining with her friends, or simply chatting with her friends. In short, her friends mean the world to her, and she has many. While some young ladies disapprove of her occasionally hoydenish behavior, others find her refreshing. Her circle of friends often includes ladies who do not deal well with one another but who enjoy Lifa’s company. Her easy-going attitude, much like that of her mother, makes her a perennial favorite among the daughters of the village.

In her younger days, Lifa quite enjoyed playing the practical joke. The incident at one fest, however, lessened her parents' tolerance of that sort of behavior, and while she is for the most part well behaved these days, she has been known to pulling a prank or two. Always good natured and never malicious, they mostly cause an eyeroll from their victims and nothing more.  She also loves scheming (harmless scheming, of course) and friendly intrigue is most entertaining to her.

Lifa took the death of her one brother rather well, more in the style of the way it should be, but inside she grieved. He had been ten years older than she was, and she loved him dearly, but death was just part of their existence.  A raid had not gone as planned and he didn’t return.  She doesn’t speak of it.

 She knows her one brother is still suffering, however, and she is often the first and sometimes the only person to notice when his mood shifts toward the morose.  When that happens, Lifa tries her very best to draw him out of his moods, and she usually meets with success.  While Lifa herself is not anxious to marry, she would like to see her siblings happily settled, and she is not at all opposed to playing matchmaker for them if she must.


Because their graces already had a few healthy sons, they were quite content to stop at the brood they had and even managed to stay child-free for many years following their last son’s birth. The Gods, however, apparently had something else in mind - Lifa, to be specific.

A late solstice gift for them, Lifa, was born on a snowy afternoon in the following the winter fest. Her mother was quite finished with being a mother and would have been content to relegate the girl to a wet nurse and later to her other children who helped her maintain the home and farm. Lifa, however, would not have any of it. At every opportunity, she was at her mother's side, under her mother's feet, and generally in the way. This would have been beyond annoying, yet one grin and a bat of her blue eyes melted away irritation her mother felt. Over time, the pair's bond grew, surrounded as they were by strapping menfolk, and was only strengthened by the loss of her one brother.

Lifa had the typical upbringing.  Family were in abundant.  Elders provide her a limited education.  But, Lifa had her bothers who taught her much more of the written word, until she could read and write on her own.  Something she doesn’t often show others she knows.

She can't carry a tune to save her soul, and her talents on the mandolin are nonexistent.  But skills as an embroider are well known in the village she is quite gifted with a needle.  She is a swift runner and has a knack for getting in the smallest of openings.  Her skills with a bow are well meet and she can hold her own with a sword and shield.


Father:  Arve
Mother:  Svanhild
Siblings:  Many (I don’t want to claim any just yet in case other players wanted to play them.  Please feel free to PM me for collaboration.) Right now named:  Honnu (the oldest living brother) and Tam (one year younger then Honnu)

Deceased brother: Hrolf (was married to Siggi)