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Welcome to The Harbinger's Children

19:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Michael Angelo

NAME : Michael Angelo
GENDER : Nonbinary
AGE :  late teens/(very) early twenties
HEIGHT : 5'6"
WEIGHT : 120lbs
HAIR : Varies. Currently Red and bleached blond, cut so can be styled in a mohawk.
EYES : Two, blue, piercing, intelligent and restless.
NATIONALITY : British (English)
Primary Cytokinesis - the ability to control biological cells
Secondary Heightened Intelligence - genius (and beyond?) level IQ with the higher levels of thought and logic, and multitasking ability, to utilize it.

DESCRIPTION : Embracing the punk look with enough enthusiasm that those who know her sometimes wonder if she isn't being a touch ironic Michael certainly looks memorable.  Good genes, an active lifestyle and control over her body's flora have gifted Michael with a lean, athletic body. All angles and toned skin there isn't an inch of spare meat on her, although she's the healthy side of skinny, even if it's only just. Her skin is naturally pale, and when left undyed her hair is naturally a light blond. Michael often styles her hair into a six inch mohawk, she has a long strip of hair grown in the middle for this purpose, and the sides are cropped close but not bald. 'Striking' is certainly a word that can be applied to the androgynous looking girl, whether that's a good or bad thing is a matter of taste.

Her pale skin is covered in a patchwork of tattoo's of wildly varying quality, the majority of them her own work. Her most unconventional tattoos are a series of structurally correct skeletal models of various compounds that pepper her body. The rest of her ink is a bit more conventional in nature, although one might not expect to see quite so many tattoo's on a wiry young girl. In true punk style Michael has the word 'f**k' tattooed on the fingers of one hand and 'cake' on the other. She has a crude looking black tiger prowling the base of her spine, and an unfinished naked pin up girl on her left shoulder blade, she's missing her feet and some shading. Her left bicep has a modern day valkyrie in leather riding a flying pig over a burning city. Her right wrist is ringed by a slightly messy ring of barbed wire. A surprisingly detailed rendition of a T-rex adorns her right breast, and a matching stegosaurus occupies her left one. Not content to stop with her upper body Michael's left shin and calf is covered in creeping vines with metallic flowers, and her right inner thigh is covered in a surprisingly clumsy leopard print.

As well as enough ink that she looks at risk of blood poisoning Michael has a number of piercings. Her right ear has six rings through the cartilage, and her left ear has the traditional large safety pin through the lobe. Her right eyebrow, nose and lower lip are also pierced. Not quite so obvious to a casual glance, Michael also wears metal through her tongue, and both nipples. Like the tattoos her piercings are all home made. The majority of Michael's body is heavily scarred. Mostly pale lines from shallow cuts, which cover pretty much all the skin Michael can easily reach, although she has a handful of larger, nastier looking marks. She also has a relatively impressive collection of old burns, and it is quite easy to jump to the conclusion that she's been the subject of abuse in her past.

Although she isn't shy about her body or being naked Michael often wears clothes that cover the majority of her skin. Her entire wardrobe is second hand, most of it is functional and worn, and anything that stays in her possession for long enough receives some form of customisation. Jeans, boots, t-shirts or shirts and leather jackets make up the bulk of her wardrobe, although if it takes her fancy there isn't much Michael wouldn't wear.

Given the persona she projects most people are taken by surprise when Michael first speaks in their presence. She speaks with a smooth, polished, upper class London voice which speaks of the money she was born into and the education she received, to those who know what to listen for, anyway. Even for Americans, though, it isn't difficult to identify Michael's accent as posh.

PERSONALITY/OUTLOOK : Like her fashion choices Michael's personality is loud, outspoken, and not for everyone. She genuinely likes people, is friendly and open, and has an optimistic outlook. She also has a stubborn streak, a forthright attitude, and problems with authority. At her heart Michael is endlessly curious, about everything, and is used to being the smartest person in the room. A fact she isn't shy about sharing.