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Welcome to The Night Below

22:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rissa Twiceborn

Clearly a Tiefling, she made no effort to disguise her demonic heritage with hoods or cloaks.  The purple flesh of her face  was heavily marred with intricate tattoo work, monochromatic in dark black.  They bore no form or easily discernible meaning, at least to those who lacked the lorecraft to read Celestial and Abyssal, repeating geometric shapes and strange symbols that began at her cheeks and traveled down at least as far as the high collar of her studded leather jerkin.  To those who could, the arcane symbols of binding and containment were immediately clear.

Her ears and horns were heavily pierced and adorned with jewelry and rings, with some trinkets of real value mixed in among the cheap costume jewelry.  The armor she wore looked to be of solid quality, though lacking the embellishments that the upper classes might bear. Faded grey leathers with black studs at regular intervals, clearly well worn.  A knife rested at each hip, though those appear to be her only visible weapons.  Under the leathers she bore simple traveler's clothes, the heavy backpack over her shoulders and good knee high boots on her feet making it clear that she is ready to move.

Far more startling was the staff of purest ice she held protectively in one hand, clear and cold, with twinned columns of shadow and light running through it like coiling serpents.