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14:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Skylar Burke


Name: Skylar Burke

Nickname: ---

Age: 20

Birthplace: New York City, New York

Sexuality: Straight

Play-By: Scarlett Simoneit

Year: 1st Year

Discipline: Physical

Specialty: TBD


Physical Description: Skylar stands at 5' 5" with a thin frame, weighing in at just under 120 lb. She looks a bit unhealthy at her size, but thats pretty much because she is. She has a pretty face but her high cheekbones make it always look a little sunken in and her eyes blue-gray eyes either end up full or emotion or a bit vacant, depending on the time and the day. Her hair is usually dyed black but if her mood calls for it she will magic herself a bit of blonde (cause blondes have more fun, right?). More often than not she dresses in black, black, and more black, although sometimes she will add in a bit of white or gray.

Distinguishing Features: In general she is pretty undistinguished, unless of course you can see her arms, legs or torso, al of which have had some ink injected in them, aka tattoos. The most remarkable of these is her right am which sports a full sleeve. All of her tattoos are done in black ink, no room for color just like in her wardrobe. Oh and freckles, she has some cute freckles on her cheeks and nose.


Personality Description: Who is Skylar Burke? Now that is a good question. Some would say she's a bitch while others would say she's the nicest girl they know. If you asked her though she would probably just shrug and give some smart ass answer. But the truth is, she's a bit of everything and honestly doesn't know actually who she is. Either never wanted to in the past or she tried to find out who she was and didn't like what she saw because now she tries her hardest to not let others know.

Most often than not she hides herself behind a veil of cigarettes, booze, and prescription drugs, never letting herself get to the point of 'her.' Deep down though, Skylar knows this isn't right and knows that she will eventually have to face the truth and face herself or find something less harmful to hide behind.

Goals: Who needs goals when you have magic? Skylar just wants to get by most days.

Likes: Tattoos, substances she can hide herself behind, penguins (because who doesn't like penguins?)

Dislikes: People who act too desperate and stuck up, going to class, ending up completely sober


Characters History: (shortened with GM permission) Neither of Skylar's parents were Magician's at least not that she knew and her brother wasn't either. When she was a kind she found out that magic was real but the fact that she believed in it (true or not) was enough to make her a bit of an outcast, leading to the downward spiral that she fell in to from that point on.

In high school she ended up being a bit of a wild child, sneaking out, partying, skipping class and showing up drunk on the rare occasions that she did arrive. Through all this her parents turned a blind eye since she never got herself thrown in jail or kicked out of school. Even back then, Skylar started hiding herself behind whatever she could and while many people discover themselves in high school, that was when she truly lost herself.

She graduated but nothing changed. Skylar had no plans of going to college but when she found herself strolling on to the Brakebills Campus, learning that the thing she had been repressing for almost 15 years was real, she changed her mind, saif fuck it and decided to give it a shot.