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Welcome to Pioneers: Repopulating Earth

18:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nicholas Lockmore

Name:  Nicholas Lockmore
Male, 26 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Brown and curly
Eyes: Gray
Buddy:  Maximus, beagle-mutt extraordinaire

Nicholas Lockmore is a free-spirited fellow in his mid-twenties whose best pal in the world is his goofball dog, Maximus.  Nick has a rangy, rock-climber’s physique and a casual bohemian style, which is often tanned from spending much of his time outdoors.  He's fortunate to be handsome enough that his swarthiness and cheerful eccentricity can be considered charming rather than simply weird.  His hair is a perfectly-mussed mop of curls and he wears sideburns and a light goatee.

He’s easy-going with a wisecracking sense of humor and has a hard time taking things seriously, for better or worse.  He considers himself a philosopher, but it's often hard to tell whether he's serious about his often absurd profundities.  His humor perhaps masks an uneasiness with what has happened to the world, but that’s not something he’d readily admit.

Nick is a hard worker so long as the work interests him and either pleases others or provides a sense of tangible accomplishment.  Otherwise, he's unhappy and anxious to move onto something he's better suited to.  This habit has led to him dabbling in a variety of trades and hobbies, but never long enough to attain expertise in any one.  His most recent and longest occupation was as a carpenter, at which he's become at least a fair hand.  His favorite hobbies are hiking, rock-climbing and parkour, which are skills he’s put to good use for scavenging through empty towns and cities since society’s downfall.

Nick’s constant companion is a beagle mutt named Maximus, who is rebellious and kind of dopey but super loyal and friendly.  Max has proved himself very useful in the post-apocalyptic world for hunting down food and other (sometimes) useful things.

Nicholas, in deep philosophical contemplation of a good breakfast menu.

Maximus, running rampant.

Nick’s official haiku (thanks, Atsahne`!)
Beagle-Spirit Guide;
A babbling aimless brook,
One foot upon sand.