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11:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexandre Ramirez

Height: 5'11
Weight: Average
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Hazel
Distinguishing features: Two bullet wound scars on his chest

Personality: Ramirez considers himself a Caballero of the old school, trying his best to be polite and charming (particularly towards the ladies), and one who enjoys the finer things in life (when available). Other's might less charitably describe him as cocky, lecherous and sharp-tongued, but as a gentleman, he could not possibly comment on the doubtless jealousy inspired rantings of less cultured individuals. He is loyal to his friends, generous when he can be, and tries his best to avoid trouble .. not that it generally gives him much choice in the matter.

Friends and allies: Assorted contacts scattered over South East Asia, in the grey markets. Most of his close friends and allies (his crew) were lost when he was almost killed, and he hasn't been able to find out the fates of the rest.

Rivals and enemies: Skorzeny (first name unknown) - Nazi, possible 'werewolf', and the cause of the bullet scars in Ramirez's chest.

Background: Ramírez was born into a wealthy cattle ranching family in Brazil. Growing up he was told his father had been a sailor, a captain whose ship was lost years before in the Devil's Triangle, though little was said and the topic quickly changed. As he grew older he caught snippets of conversations indicating his father had simply been a sailor that had seduced his mother and left, though such was never said to his face.

It seemed that the sea might claim him too, as he seemed always to feel its pull, and at 17 he ran away from home, joining a merchant ship crew, determined to find his father, or what had happened to him.

Ten years later, he had sailed around a fair portion of the world, though most of the time was spent between the Bay of Bengal and the Sea of Japan. He had ended up involved in the grey markets, smuggling goods, information and occasionally people around South East Asia, with connections in what seemed like every port. He ran a few jobs for a Swiss businessman in Singapore, a collector of antiquities with an eye for strange, old bits and pieces.

Visitation: Ramírez never knew quite what it was that he delivered that last time. Some odd statuette, whatever it was it seemed to produce unearthly excitement from his buyer. Unfortunately, it also produced automatic pistols from the businessman's bodyguards, and his crew being systematically cut down. Ramírez himself went overboard from his vessel, two bullets in his chest, the last word he heard werewolf.

Death did not claim him, as he sank into the dark water. Instead, something seemed to explode within his head, a voice, or the memory of a voice, telling him that he was a son of the oceans, and the water would always be his. His head cleared and he found he could breathe as easily under the water as above it, and swim as fast as he could run. He made his way back to shore on Sentosa Island, a tall, bearded man stepping out the trees and introducing himself as his father.

The two spoke long into the night, and as the dawn sun rose, Ramírez found himself in a much stranger world than he had the day before. It wasn't easy to find out you were the son of an Irish sea-God, after all. Still, with his newfound knowledge and powers, he was in a much better position to take on these 'werewolves'. They started this ... he'd finish it.

His father told him that he had other duties to attend to first though, and the following dawn saw him in San Francisco, where his path first crossed the many-times-Great Granddaughter of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.

He caught up with Skorzeny in a crumbling temple in the depth of the Burmese jungle. The two fought, nearly killing each other, til one of them triggered some kind of trap. The next thing Ramirez knew, he was alone in the temple, and over 70 years had flashed past in the blink of an eye.

The world he knew is gone, but this one still contains the same evil he fought against in the past. He's just as happy to pick things up and fight it again.

Likes: A challenge (particularly when it comes to women), the finer things when it comes to food, drink, clothing etc, soaking in the bath

Dislikes: Ill mannered behaviour, bigots, stupidity.

Hobbies: Music, reading, dancing, flirting, martial arts

Fears and phobias: Slight claustrophobia, worse underground, stemming from an incident as a child when he got lost in a cave complex.