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03:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Imogen Miller


Name: Imogen Miller

Nickname: Contrary to what would be a normal nickname of Gen, Imogen's high school friends had always called her Mo. She doesn't mind.

Age: 22

Birthplace: East Aurora, New York

Sexuality: Heteroflexible.

Play-By: Alycia Debnam Carey

Year: Second Year

Discipline: Physical

Specialty: Flight


Physical Description: Imogen is of average height at 5ft 5in tall and weighs around 130 lbs. She has dark brown hair that falls far beyond her shoulders and wide, bright green eyes. She normally dresses in casual and comfortable clothing, and is a big fan of flat shoes, particularly casual, cloth ballerina flats. Trying to get her into high heels would be a sight to behold, mainly because she'd probably break her ankles trying to walk in them. Her fashion choices are usually to do with comfort, and she also prefers thrift store finds of old vintage band tshirts that she pairs with blue jeans or brightly colored slacks. She frequently wears long, flowing skirts of bright colors or floral patterns when it's warm enough out. During the autumn and winter months, she loves to wear yoga pants and fuzzy sweaters.

Distinguishing Features: Imogen has an extensive quirky sock collection, and often wears socks that have no matching characteristics with the rest of her ensemble apparel. Socks range from bright colors to funky patterns, and definitely anything to do with her favorite things, be it television shows, games, etc. She also has a scarf collection, but it isn't near as large as her sock collection. (For now.)


Personality Description: Imogen has an even temperament. She is friendly enough without going overboard and tends to keep her circle small simply because it's less drama that way. However, she'd never leave a fellow student in a lurch and does what she can to help other students, be it with their studies or helping first years get acclimated to life at Brakebills. Strength in numbers and all that.

Additional Note: Imogen works at the Twilight Zone Bar & Cafe part time at nights as a waitress.

Goals: Imogen's primary goal is to prove to Dean Fogg that both her assigned Discipline, as well as her Specialty, are incorrect and to be assigned to where she feels she should be.

Likes: Botany. Imogen loves not only studying plant-life, but she enjoys growing, harvesting, and converting her grown plants into alchemical concoctions for the purposes of magic potions. She's a huge fan of zen music and is an avid practitioner of yoga, taking part in meditation daily to help her focus. Though she tries to eat as healthily as she can to keep her figure, there is nothing more delicious to her than a peanut butter and peppered bacon sandwich, with extra bacon...and extra peanut butter. She'd eat one at every meal if she could.

Dislikes: She is easily annoyed by people who overlook plants or believe that they have no real use, or who don't appreciate the beauty of plant growth. She isn't a huge fan of gossip and does her best not to spread it. She can't stand beer and will always have a glass of wine or a cocktail instead. To her, there is no reason on earth to drink such a disgusting tasting beverage as beer.


Characters History: Imogen's father never even knew that he had a daughter on the way before he was tragically killed in an automobile accident along with his parents. At sixteen years old, Imogen's mother was left pregnant and scared to death to tell her family. For months, she hid the pregnancy, neglecting appropriate doctor's care during her pregnancy in an effort to hide it. Coming from a strict and religious upbringing, Imogen's mother was afraid of being shunned by her family, but also didn't want to lose the part of her boyfriend that still remained alive within her womb. Being so young, she didn't have the maturity in her mental capacity to come up with a better plan other than to wait, procrastinating the reveal.

But pregnant bellies grow and even though her family excused her weight gain as a sign of depression from the loss of her boyfriend, eventually Imogen's mother could no longer hide her secret. When confronted by her family, she confessed to her pregnancy and was indeed shunned from her religious family. Ashamed that their daughter could betray her faith and shame her family, and unwilling to terminate the pregnancy even if they could at that stage, they put her in isolation so that she could have the baby and place it for adoption with minimal impact on the family reputation.

Her mother tried to fight it, wanting to keep the baby that she carried, but being only sixteen years old and unable to support herself let alone a child, she knew that it was a losing battle. In desperation, she wrote a letter to her late boyfriend's grandmother, with whom he had lived, and told her about the baby, begging her to take the baby when she gave birth, so that one day, maybe she could still know her child. A paternity lawsuit was filed that very week and after the child was born, the adoption was put on hold to establish paternity. Once that paternity was established as a legal measure, Enid Miller was in the running for adoption. After a messy but short court battle, Enid was granted permission to adopt the baby girl.

Raised by her father's grandmother, Imogen was brought up in the study of magic. Her great-grandmother was a Naturalist and taught Imogen everything she now knows about plants. Several small greenhouses lined her property and every day before and after school, Imogen would tend to the plants within the greenhouses with her great grandmother. During these joint greenhouse visits, Enid would tell Imogen about her father and about her grandparents. The kind of people that they were, that Enid's daughter had been a Naturalist as well and that Imogen's father was showing the signs of an affinity towards the Discipline as well. Unfortunately, Enid didn't know too much about Imogen's mother, as she had written her and sent pictures of Imogen to her for the first three years of her life before the letters and packages that she sent started to be returned. Now, Enid only sent pictures at Christmas and on Imogen's birthday. And yet they come back to her and are labeled RETURN TO SENDER every year.

Imogen felt it was her destiny to be a Naturalist after hearing of her family's abilities and witnessing them for herself through her great grandmother. She focused every fibre of her being into the Naturalist studies. When it came time for her to test to get into Brakebills, Imogen was heartbroken to discover that she'd been placed within the Physical Discipline. It was like a slap in the face. When she argued that there had to be some mistake, she was told that later on, when Specialty testing and assignment happened, maybe her Discipline would change. In another kick to the gut, her specialty of Flight was assigned and she remained within the Physical Discipline. She has had time to let the sting wear off of her placement, but she is still somewhat bitter. However, it doesn't stop her from practicing the magic she loves, and her study and application of her Flight specialty is done only at the bare minimum of requirement as a silent form of protest.