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14:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Caleb Kaine

Name: Caleb Kaine

Nickname/Title: Kaine, The Cane

Age: 27

Birthplace: Suffolk U.K

: hetrosexual

Play-By: Tom Hardy

in his youth he was a farm hand before running away and becoming a merchant sailor, smuggler and briefly a pirate before the ship he was aboard sunk and he returned to England where he headed to London to try and make a name for his family. Works on the docks when needed, part of 'the crooked coin company'

Physical Description: Caleb is a tall man with dark blue eyes and short dark hair. He is stocky and muscular, from a lifetime of hard work and has a heavy brow. He has a short cropped beard and stubble. He has the constant look of someone needing a bath and not having slept in many days. He is reasonably tall but does not tower over other men. He has a wolfish grin and his slightly crooked teeth only add to his animalistic appearance, a number of tattoos are hidden under his shirt from his travels around the known world. He is never seen without a thick cube ring of Russian gold worn on the little finger of his right hand and buddhist prayer beads hand around his neck.

He wears a long black coat with a collarless shirt underneath and a small top hat. usually walks with a cane. He wears solid leather boots that are obviously functional over fashionable and rarely clean. Smokes a pipe.

Distinguishing Features: a small but deep scar under his right eye, a multitude of small scars on his hands and forearms and a number of tattoos hidden under his shirt that few people are graced the sight of.

Personality Description: He is quite a quiet man only speaking when spoken to and only when he has a valid point. He will not argue on matters he has no knowledge or opinions of. However when he speaks people usually listen. He is strangely characteristic in a mysterious sort of way and people thoroughly enjoy his stories of worlds beyond there own on the far shores of the world that they could only dream of.

He does not have a short temper but is known to settle scores with his fists if needed and usually comes away victorious. He is also known to carry knives about his person as well as other concealed weapons but they cannot be seen under his long black coat.

He is also renowned to have a wicked sense of humour, especially when into his cups and the dry wit of his birth county comes through. He enjoys a drink or two. Smokes a pipe

Characters History: Caleb was born into a small romany gypsy family in the county of Suffolk. His family were well known and well liked in the county even though they were constantly moving from place to place. His Father was a farrier and horse man and would sometimes be working in manor houses helping the lord of the estate with his racing ponies and field horses, then the next week he would be working with the miller re-shoeing the mill horse or cart horse so Caleb was constantly around people from all walks of life.

His mother on the other hand mainly stayed at home sewing, knitting and crafting clothes to sell on the side of the road as her husband plied his trade. She looked after the children. Caleb had two younger brothers and two younger sisters. He was the oldest of the littler. she was an amazing cook and carer and would sometimes read fortunes for some of the local ladies that passed her by.

When he was 12 Caleb was caught spending time with a daughter of one of the lords of the estate and her father took exception to this even though he was just trying to help her train her new pony to canter properly. He took to beating Caleb with his riding cane until Caleb's father witnessed this and came to stop the beating by attacking the man himself. The family quickly packed up their belongings as the lord of the land lay bleeding into the grass and disappeared into the night before they could be punished.

For his own good Caleb's Father Thomas apprenticed him out to an old sailor friend Simon Buff, and Caleb was to sail the seas as a merchant sailor. The man was as crooked as Caleb's smile and soon taught the young boy not only how to sail but how to quickly make one penny into two in almost all ventures. The entire crew were shanghaied while in port at a small Caribbean island after Buff had gotten himself into a fist fight with another sailor.

After two years at sea with the navy what was left of Buff's crew deserted in the night during a siege with two Spanish ships wanting to retrieve the silk, sugar and cotton the ship contained. Buff and his boys, including Caleb escaped into the night with a stolen boat and the blood of a Navy officer on their hands. The man had spotted them during their escape and tried to stop them. Buff had slid a small knife into his ribs while Caleb covered his mouth to prevent him from calling out.

After a few months Buff and what remained of his original crew scraped up enough money to buy a run down merchant ship from a shipping company that was going to scrap the almost ancient vessel. Buff called the ship 'Dorothy's despair'. His mother's name was Dorothy and she had been horrified when she had found out that Simon was going to take to a life at sea.

Caleb sailed under his flag for almost eight years, Man and boy until the ship was harassed by pirates and Buff was killed and his boat 'Dorothy's despair' was sunk beneath the waves.

Caleb sailed with the pirates for a number of years before getting longing for his family and setting course back to England with enough coin for him to sit pretty for a little while as he looked for his family and work. He returned to Suffolk first looking for his family but could only find whispers of them, those whispers led him to London where he now resides. He fell into a gang of thieves led by a man he once sailed with stealing from the ships that came into the docks, keeping the peace at his friends wharf side tavern ' The crooked coin' and once in a while even prize fighting for a pretty penny when he won and he usually did.

To improve his station in life and find his family, if not his parents at the very least his brothers and sisters so he is no longer alone and lost in the world.

the way money sings to him, loyal friends. Gin and opium when he can afford them.

Gentry, the upper classes and all those that keep the poor poor and look down on the likes of him.