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08:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nicholas Tenbrook

The Mundane

Name: Nicholas Tenbrook (can and probably should change, I suck at names)

Nickname(s): Nick

Age: 18

Hometown:  Hockessin, Delaware

The Magical

House: Horned Serpent

Year: 7th Year

Wand: Chestnut, Snallygaster Heartstring, 10 ¾”, Slightly Springy

Familiar: A saw-whet owl named Oliver.

The Physical


Weight: 170 lbs

Physical Description: Nicholas has far from an athletic build. He is a bit more on the skinny side, though he has broad shoulders. He has blonde hair, usually kept messy. When not in his Ilvermorny robes, his wardrobe mainly consists of dark colors, such as dark blue, gray, and black. During the school year, he is almost always seen wearing a scarf. He wears contacts, but can occasionally be seen wearing his black, square-framed glasses. He wears a necklace with the Horned Serpent emblem, a gift from his father, who was also a Horned Serpent. If he can, he will usually dress in layers, partially because he likes the look of layers, but mainly because he likes having access to more pockets to carry his belongings.

Distinguishing Features: He can always be found wearing his father’s Horned Serpent necklace.

The Personal

Personality Description:Nicholas is inquisitive by nature, which has led him to be quite intelligent. Or, at least, very well read. Sometimes, common sense situations get the best of him, and he can never spot a prank before it happens. Thankfully, he has Kate to help him out with that, at least when she’s not the one doing the pranking. Whenever he comes across something he doesn’t understand, he is driven to find the answer and will scour every inch of the library until he does. However, because he spends so much time hunting for the answers to his curiosities, he has not spent too much time trying to socialize with the other students. He has bonded with other Horned Serpents over late nights hitting the books, though, and has had a chance to get to know some of Kate’s friends. He is usually very quiet and reserved around those he doesn’t know. However, around those he truly considers friends, he is a very caring individual who is happy to share a smile. While it often takes longer to share that smile with a person, he is always very caring and protective of animals of every kind, often finding momentary companionship with each one he meets.

Goals: To one day share his love for magical creatures by becoming Ilvermorny’s Care of Magical Creatures professor, though he would settle for taking up the position at Hogwarts.

Likes: All forms of animal (magical or otherwise), the serenity of the library late at night, board games, dark chocolate, and Quodpot (watching, not playing), and the Pukwudgies that roam the halls of Ilvermorny Castle.

Dislikes: Divination class, brussel sprouts, Herbology, people who talk too loud in the library

History: Nicholas was born to a wizard father and a No-Maj mother. He grew up in what felt like a bridge between the wizarding world and the No-Maj world. While they lived among the wizarding community in Hockessin, his mother would usually take him out into the No-Maj world to visit his family on her side and so that he could, one day, become a more well rounded wizard. The entrance into the Hockessin wizarding community is hidden in the basement of the massive library housed in the town. Growing up, he didn’t pay much attention to the local library, but, as he started attending Ilvermorny, he became more and more interested in the books both in the wizarding community and in the No-Maj community and spent much of his time there during the summers.

When Nicholas first arrived at Ilvermorny, he hoped to be placed into the Horned Serpent house like his father before him, and thankfully, as soon as he stepped foot into the Gordian Knot, the crystal inset in the Horned Serpent’s head shone brightly. As he began his studies, he mainly kept to himself, though quickly made friends with some fellow Horned Serpents, sharing book recommendations and the joys of reading well into the night. His first two years were rather uneventful, really, though he learned a great many things. Between his second and third school years, Nicholas’s father passed away unexpectedly, shortly before he was to return to Ilvermorny. If asked about the circumstances of his father’s death, Nick always remains silent. Filled with grief, Nicholas returned to Ilvermorny with a new owl familiar his mother managed to find for him. During that time, he confided in the small, sam-whet owl he named Oliver.

By the end of that year, it seemed as though he could almost understand the nocturnal bird, simply by the way Oliver’s expression changed. This created a thirst in him to learn more about other mundane animals, and, more importantly, magical creatures. Moving into his fourth year with this new passion, he threw himself into his studies, trying to learn everything he could about magical creatures from the texts provided in the library. He met a few like-minded individuals in his Care of Magical Creatures class, giving him a chance to get to know new people, as well. The two years after went much the same way, leading up to the present year.