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14:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chole Bondurant

Name: Chloe Penelope Bondurant
Nickname: Faye
Alias: Faye Marshall
Age: 22 years
Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell

Major Ability: Portal Manipulation and Creation.

Portal Manipulation; a variant of space-time manipulation, Chloe has the ability to dissolve the structural continuum between two locations. Her portals manifest in a whirl of kaleidoscopic hues, not unlike a wormhole, and may be as tiny as a softball or as great as a small room.

Her gift operates within four constraints - time, volume, knowledge, and distance.

The first dictates that any fissure she cleaves through the world is fleeting, as the universe detects and attempts to correct anomalies relatively quickly. The longer she has to hold a portal, the harder it becomes, leading to a lot of mental, and physical strain.

If pushed beyond her limits, she can lose control of her portal, which could simply cut it off, or have other disastrous consequences. Such as the energy becoming volatile and exploding, or losing whatever was passing through it in the space between.

The longer a portal remains open, the weaker she becomes. This period of time is further restricted by the number of objects that travel through the portal, with the size of the object multiplying the strain imposed upon it.

Lastly, in respects to knowledge, Chloe is able to connect portals to places in her memory. The clearer her mind's vision, the higher her rate of success. Where this is impossible, she can lead the portal to a place she can neither see nor recall, but at great risk. It would be like navigating in total darkness, where her portal may open into a wall - in which case one would be stuck, if not suffocated - or empty space.

The limits of distance are malleable, with portals connecting proximate locations being easier to create and control than those connecting further distances. Chloe has been able to gradually extend the distance of her portals with practice. But the further the distance, the shorter the time, as well as greater the strain it places upon her.

Finally, although her portals are predominantly static and relatively inactive, as an offensive measure, they may act as vortexes, sucking in objects and enemies. Or alternatively, a more gruesome use of her powers would allow her to relocate parts of an object to a different location...and if this object were halves of a person?

Yes, you get the picture.

Side Note: Due to the experiments that were done to her while she was captive. Chloe's powers have been amplified but at the cost of control. She is suddenly dealing with more power than she's had time to get properly accustomed too. Which means, her powers can overwhelm her, or behave erratically, especially when she is hurt, or in a state of high emotion.

Minor Ability: Healing

Limitations: This ability is passive and automatic. She can't control when it activates. She cannot heal others. The more severe the injury, the harder her body has to work to correct the injury. Small and superficial injuries heal relatively quickly - seconds even - while greater injuries or ones of a more complex nature can take hours or days.

A side effect of her healing ability is pain medication has little to no effect on her.

Is your character a League member or a recruit? No
How many years with The League: n/a
Occupation on the Campbell Compound: n/a

Occupation and Organization: Chloe is part of a separate organization. They call themselves The Crows - a bad of gifted mercenaries who roam the world, hiring themselves out to compounds as security. They also do trade runs, rescues, etc.

Theme song:

Physical Description:

Hair the shade of a crow's wing, laced with hints of mahogany. Often braided, or thrown up in controlled ponytails. Her eyes are the color of dark chocolate, piercing and framed in a dark wreath of lashes. A slim nose - ever slightly upturned at the tip - led the path to soft lips, the lower full and curved in a soft pout.  Together her features exuded none of the warmth beneath, their resting state a mask of cool and knowing.

Her nails are bitten short - manageable, but lacking care. Her skin is deeply sun-kissed from hours spent beneath it. Chloe's clothing is often dust covered from being on the road. She favors dark colors and tends to enjoy layering. Her jeans are always ripped, and she is always wearing leather fingerless gloves on her hands.

Distinguishing Features: A black crow tattoo at the base of her neck.

Personality Description:

As a kid, Chole was sarcastic, lively, and a bit of a tomboy. She was a high energy girl, always willing to take risks and try new things. Adventurous. She wanted to be the hero in all her games and would be quick to irritation if attempts were made to make her a damsel.

Now, she has that same strong spirit. But, the lively girl is hidden beneath the shadows that cling to her. Chloe is a reserved young woman, with a sharp tongue. She is opinionated and pragmatic. While she doesn't make friends easily, she isn't a lone wolf. Chloe can and often does work with other people, and understands it take a certain amount of willingness to compromise, and understand others in order to be successful.

She has a strong mind and a good heart. But, struggles with that in a harsh and unforgiving world where mercy and compassion are often weaknesses to be used and exploited. Chloe never wants to be a victim again and has taken measures to guard herself, both physically, and emotionally.

At the end of the day, she's a survivor and someone who longs to feel safe but doesn't know how to achieve that.


The life she had before the world changed - It's a fairytale. It's a story about a little girl with wonderful parents and a brave big brother. It's about that little girl having a great house, and everything she could ever want or need easily within reach.

Then it's about a little girl whose daddy - her hero - who suddenly wasn't around very much, but when he was due home. She'd wait for him on the steps of their house, the welcome home present resting on her lap as she waited for his car to pull up.

Then one day, daddy never came home, and the world changed.

The outbreak drove Chloe and her family from their home. Her mother was wary of the compounds especially when it became apparent that the trio wasn't normal but gifted. They heard the whispers in the shadows, saw how people responded to gifted individuals. Curiosity. Jealously. Fear. Anger.

Chloe's mother was a survivor, she was resourceful and strong. She taught her children to make due with what they had, she taught them when to fight, and when to run. Chloe's mother did her best to prepare her children for life in a world that was very different than the world they were born into.

Her powers manifested when she was still young, but being a child, she lacked control. Her mother was not just her mother, she was her trainer. Zoey helped both her children come to terms with their powers, helped them learn to the best of her abilities, and taught them to hide what they could do, to keep it secret from the rest of the world.

Sometimes, they'd stay at smaller compounds. The ones with less security, fewer rules. They'd stay for a few days, weeks, sometimes months before moving on. Zoey never wanted to stick around, she didn't want any of them getting too comfortable, and would always tell her children that in this kind of world. Comfort. Complacency.

It was death.

One day, those that hunt gifted caught up with them. Someone had seen Chloe at one of the compounds, and she didn't think it was a big deal, because they'd left soon after. But, then her family was ambushed, and it was the night Chloe would lose her mother. Her mother gave herself up, using her abilities over fire to distract the group while Chloe and her brother Tyler fled.

That moment will haunt Chloe for the rest of her life.

Chloe and her brother made it for a while, they were fine. But, when it rains it pours, and they ran into a group with captives. It was a situation like with her mother. They were overwhelmed. A choice had to be made. Chloe made that choice. Using her abilities in plain view, she transported her brother from there to the first place that popped into her mind.

The last camp they'd all shared as a family.

It was far away, and the strain of using her ability to get him that far weakened her considerably. Chloe was unable to fight back, and it left her vulnerable. They captured her and chained her up next to the others. The next few years in captivity were absolute hell. She was poked. Prodded. Once they found out what she could do, they experimented. Drugs. Forced her to endure whatever mad idea that popped into their head.

They amplified her powers, juiced them up to the point that she can do amazing things. If she can control it, and if she can manage not to harm herself or anyone else. During their experiments, they managed to activate a secondary ability. Healing. Chloe's body can heal itself from most wounds, and boy did they test that theory.

Eventually, they decided to transfer her to a bigger, more secure facility for hell knows what purpose. Chloe's vote is brainwashing or dissection. During the transport, they were attacked by a group of well equipped and trained mercenaries. They took supplies. Clothes. Whatever medication was there, and she was freed.

But instead of running to the nearest compound, Chloe chose to join them. The leader, a grizzled old bastard who called himself simply Murphy, he is very selective about his recruits. But, he decided to take her in. Murphy would become a mentor for Chloe. He would train her and encourage her.

Chloe is a mercenary. She's a Crow. She hires herself out as security. She goes on raids, and supply runs. She has learned to trade with the compounds, and handle the leaders. It's what her group does. Sure, many of the compounds have their little greenhouses and small fields. But, supplies are still needed. Medication is still needed. Even the little luxuries when the can be found and people are willing to trade for those goods.

The Crows have connections, allies. While she's been with them, she's been sending hunting down information about her family. She's heard whispers about her mother, indicating she's still alive, but whereabouts unknown. Her brother, she's finally found, and no one will stop her from making sure he's ok.