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Welcome to The Harbinger's Children

07:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Malcolm Winchester

NAME : Malcolm Winchester
AGE : Late teens
HEIGHT : 5' 10”
WEIGHT : 158 pounds
BUILD: Gangly, but muscular
HAIR : None
EYES : Black
FAMILY OR RELATIVES : Arthur Winchester, Father, Alive; Mary Clemson Winchester, Mother, Alive; Steven, Older Brother, Alive; Helen, Younger Sister, Alive

POWERS OR ABILITIES : Malcolm is basically ooblic in reverse. He is solid until struck with a certain threshold of force at which point his body begins to fluidize to absorb the force of the impact.  Think of him as a shear thinning liquid with an extremely high surface tension. It is almost impossible to cut or puncture him as his body will deform along the line of impact.

A secondary ability which is more of a curse and handicap is that his skin is almost totally frictionless and so far nothing he has encountered will stick to it.  This is not an oil or a secretion or some form of energy, it is like his skin is now the ultimate form of teflon.


Except now he has pure white skin and no body hair at all.

PERSONALITY/OUTLOOK : Malcolm has always been an easy going individual, more inclined to talk his way out of a confrontation than to start making threats. Violence should only be the final option after everything else has been considered.  This does not however mean that he is a pushover or someone who will let others walk all over him. He is aware of the fact that there are some issues that a person has to be unwilling to compromise on and a point at which they say, “This much, no more.”  If you push him to that point all bets are null and void.

While Malcolm has always been a good team player and a benefit to any group effort he is a part of he is actually a bit of a loner and has few close friends.  He sees no reason to hang out with the guys and ‘Chill’ or to go out cruising on a weekend. If he does go to a movie most likely he will go alone.

FULL POWER DESCRIPTION : Malcolm has a specific and very restricted form of Stretching. To be specific when he is struck his body converts instantly into a shear thinning liquid with an extremely high surface tension. In other words he splats but does not splatter and then begins to flow back into his human form. The amount of area fluidized depends upon the size and the force of the impact. It should be noted that the surface tension or (skin) that is created when he liquefies is so high that even when spread out over a very large area his body has not been ripped apart. However a large enough impact or a fast enough impact could cause a rupture and potentially kill him.

As a result of his mutation Mal is nearly impossible to cut or pierce as his body simply deforms along the line of  thrust.

Malcolm is unable to stretch his body like Reed Richards or Ralph Dibney but he can cause a body wide fluidization at will or cause discrete flows in select locations. By doing this he can flow through even very small gaps, cracks or holes but it could take some time. (Imagine pouring five gallons through a soda straw.) (BTW, this will only come with lots of experience)

A possible secondary mutation or maybe just an aspect of his primary is that his skin is not only completely white  and hairless but also so close to being totally frictionless that there really isn’t any difference. This is not an energy field or something his skin secretes it is a property of the skin itself.

One interesting side effect of this frictionless skin is that his body sheds any dirt, grime, oil, water, and dead skin cells instantly and so for the most part is self cleaning.  This means that he does not have much of a scent that can be tracked and aside from the psychological comfort of a hot shower or bath he could go weeks without bathing and be no worse off.

Starting out Malcolm will have no control over his abilities as they have only manifested once or twice and then only by accident.

Mutation Weaknesses: Malcolm's biggest vulnerability is to shock waves or loud sounds such as explosions.  these can cause his body to liquify but as the shock waves bounce around inside his body they set up resonances and harmonics that could tear him apart.

As noted Malcolm can not Stretch and his ability to control how he flows when fluidized is limited. For example if he is on an incline he will begin to flow toward the bottom, if he is going to fast he will not be able to reform as a human.

Even in liquid form he needs to breath, normally this is done by oxygen exchange through the ‘skin’ but if he is engulfed in an airless materiel or underwater he could suffocate. Another possibly problem is if he was spread out over a large area and unable to reform for some time he could quickly dehydrate. (That’s a lot of surface area.)  Another problem is that if he is fully liquified he is also essentially blind, deaf, and unable to speak.

While it is not a limitation on the Power so much one of the things Mal really hates is how much it hurts.  While getting hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat or ran over by a truck will no longer injure him it still really, really hurts.

As a result of his frictionless skin Mal has a very hard time keeping clothing on as it tries to slide off at any opportunity. For this reason he often appears to be almost stitched or laced into his clothing with straps and laces trying to hold everything in place.  All of this is moot however the first time he turns to liquid.

NOTABLE SKILLS : Malcolm is good at soccer and played on his school team in middle school and high school.  He is an aspiring chef and a damn good cook with a talent for flavor combinations.

HOBBIES : Soccer, bicycling, hiking, baking, cooking
LIKES : Playing Soccer, Well written Science Fiction, Nuclear grade spicy food, (Tabasco Sauce? That’s what you drink to put out the fire.), Cooking Shows (Wants to be a chef someday),Fresh cooking ingredients.

DISLIKES : Trolls, Attention Whores (He ignores them completely),  Math, Algebra,] Bland, boring food

BACKGROUND :  The life of Malcolm Talbot Winchester was pretty boring as he was growing up. He came into the world in the usual way. There were no ominous portents or dark and stormy nights although there were one or two visits from mysterious strangers (Uncle Phil and his two wives, Sandra and Bob came for a visit from the East coast.) but aside from that everything was pretty normal.

He had a bad bout of childhood chickenpox when he was three which he gleefully shared with his older brother, Steven and his younger sister Helen and spread snot and other fluids around with wild abandon just to show how much he loved his Mommy.

When he started school Mal became convinced it was his Great Destiny to become an actor and to trod the boards of Broadway and the great stages of the world.  This was after playing a tree in the first grade Thanksgiving play.

After getting the role of a tree in the fourth grade Thanksgiving production (not to mention every play prior to that) he gave up on his thespian aspirations and decided to become a fireman instead.

It was in High school while taking a Home Economics course that he discovered his interest and talent in cooking and baking. As this meant lots of fresh baked goodies around the house nobody objected to strongly.

It was while he was on his way home from Varsity soccer practice that Malcolm's Child abilities manifested for the first time. It was raining quite hard and Malcolm had the hood of his sweat jacket up, trying to keep the rain out of his face. As a result of this his vision was badly restricted so he never saw the car that hydroplaned into him until the very last moment and by then it was to late. All that was found at the accident site was his mangled bike, crushed backpack, and an empty set of clothes, underwear included.

It was several hours later when Malcolm woke up cold and naked in a storm drain tunnel many miles from home, although he was unaware of that last bit until sometime later. What he did know immediately was that something was seriously wrong. For one, as said, he was naked.  For another he was white. Not a Caucasian white which really isn’t, or even an antique white but a pure white that almost seemed to glow even in the dim light. The next thing he discovered was it was almost impossible for him to stand up and walk because even on the rough concrete his feet kept slipping out from under him.

Getting out of the storm drain was a nightmare that won’t be detailed here. It happened and someday he may need counseling to deal with the trauma.

Once he was out of the drain and not dealing with the immediate issue Malcolm realized he had a bigger problem. He didn’t dare go home. His Father, Arthur, had always been a very vocal and outspoken Anti-Child protester. Inflation? A Child's fault. His candidate lost? Children again. Favorite TV show canceled? You guessed it. He had often stated loudly and forcefully that he would disown any child of his that “Turned out to be one of those God Cursed Freaks” and that he had the number for CFI on speed dial.

While it bothers him greatly Malcolm is afraid to show himself because of his strange appearance so he is surviving barely on what he can 'borrow'.