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19:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Watcher

"Name's Uatu. They call me the Watcher, because that's my job. I'm sort of a cosmic news reporter I suppose. I'm not supposed to get involved, but...something about this grimy ball spinning through space just kinda grows on ya."

Uatu appears to be a bald heavy-set man in a blue and white pinstripe suit. He watches all the goings on from his office on the moon. When he's not peering out his telescope through the blinds at the Earth, he's typing up reports for his superiors.

Sometimes he shows up on Earth, in the guys of Walter Charles, a veteran news reporter from the esteemed Wichita Watcher, mainly to buy cigarettes. He's not allowed to intervene directly in Earthly affairs, so if he does interact with someone he may cause them to forget the encounter, but perhaps leave a post-hypnotic suggestion.