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Welcome to Star Trek Adventures: Daring Greatly

03:43, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

CPT Naryss ch'Pertha

Naryss' story is somewhat steriotypical:
He grew up a rebellious little Starfleet brat on the biggest Starfleet facility on Andoria.
He was a headstrong and rebellious young man, and during his adolescence, got into a lot of trouble breaking rules (and into places he should not have), before facing some serious legal repercussions.
Given the chance to do jail time, or join the academy, he chose the latter ... and it actually straightened him out.

His 'misspent youth' disregarding, avoiding and opposing security personnel and procedures, gave Naryss a practical, and somewhat unique perspective on the Security industry; with its needs, challenges and technology.

He found purpose and direction at the Academy; and after graduation, joined a shipboard Security contingent ... 'to see the worlds'.
And he hasn't looked back since.

Naryss is slightly shorter than the Andorian average, but his physique speaks of many years training martially and athletically.
He keeps his hair cropped short; and sports several facial scars.

Mostly, he wears the standard uniform pants, with the heavier, field boots.  The white turtleneck shirt (which compliments his complexion and hair), with the vest (rather than the jacket; which he finds 'restrictive').

Casually, nothing really changes:  Boots, Pants, white Turtleneck and Vest.