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Welcome to Star Trek Adventures: Daring Greatly

23:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

LT JG Xanatos Mcreeg

Bohemian.. a word from the past to that fits his early life..Born and raised on Aldebaron III, a colony all about the mind, studying, thinking. creating, peaceful in all ways..and to Xanatos, so very dull..

As rebels go, he was kind of tame, instead of just learning, he implemented, instead of the arts, he turned to Ships and Space, where as the others only wanted to interact with those of like mind, he preferred those he could learn from, that challenged him..

and that led him to StarFleet..

He'd heard both good and bad things about them, about their diversity and what they had to say, and it intrigued him..and with the well wishes, if not the blessings of his parents, that didn't understand him in the least and thought seeing the outside world, as it were, would show him the error of his ways and he'd return a new man, he sent off his first communication to the Organization, and after alot of back and forth, lots of convincing, and an admitted curiosity on their part, he was accepted and off he went..

The Academy, new people, new experiences, good, bad and mediocre, yet from everything he was exposed to, he learned, grew, and prospered in ways he'd never imagined, even failures were a learning experience

and then he got out into the real world, out into space..and his life truly changed forever...


The first, an encounter with the reptilian Gorn, where guesswork, training and the ability to think outside the box, applied abstractism you might say,all came together in a way no one had thought of, and he saved the day at what came to be called "The Battle of Cestus Reach", by creating and implementing what came to be known as "The Mcreeg Maneuver"

The Second, the accident that had no name, nothing much to speak of, really, just a routine away mission to The Pergium mines on Janus IV, realm of the Horta, yet it truly had nothing to do with them. The party beamed down, yet perhaps because of a fault in the pad, or the beam itself, he's still not sure, he materialized far too close to a boulder,, his arm embedded in it like the Sword in the Stone of Legend. There was no physical pain, the shock knocked him out..but there was psychological scarring..

And in the time he was fitted with his bionic arm, learning all over again to use his left hand, the skin on it so good that it's almost undetectable, he studied, trying to find ways to make sure it never happened to anyone else..

When the chance once again came up, to be assigned a post, to again man a station, to take the helm of a Starship, he jumped at it.

And here we are..