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20:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Andrei Vertov

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Personal Details

Name: Andrei Vertov

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Colony of Birth: Aquaria

Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 176

General Physical Description: Andrei is a big man actually and well muscled from physical strenuous activity. He keeps his dirty blonde hair short though it has grown longer during his time in the brig. Blue eyes still show intelligence but also a lot of pain that no one will understand. His body is covered in many scars, a few tattoos as well some that he use to wear proudly. Clothes are little more than a simple tee and pants thanks to his current situation, barefoot. Slight stubble has started to grow on his face.

*Upper Arm(right): *see pic* and Marine tattoo
*Upper Arm(left): *see pic*
*Lower Arm(right): *see pic*
*Upper Back: live, love and learn in cursive
*Chest(left): Aquaria tattoo and heart w/ family in cursive

Personality: Andrei is broken if you want to put it bluntly. He once was the consummate soldier that did what was needed. His people, humans, were his sole priority and duty. He went out of his way to make sure that they were safe putting his body and soul on the line. Children, children were his one weakness and he was to put it bluntly...married to his job. And maybe he can be this man again.

But one too many missions took its toll upon him and too many losses along the way. Too many compromises that left good men dead and even worst civilians who hadn't signed up. Ones that didn't know the risks associated with what had to be done. So when his company left civilians behind, mostly women and children, Andrei broke and went rogue.

Likes: children, service, hard work, rainstorms, cooking, outdoor activities, adrenaline, harmonica

Dislikes: lies, cylons, anything boring

Hobbies: reading, working out, shooting, outdoor activities
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Military Details

Branch of Service: Marine (former)

Military Occupational Specialty: Sniper (scout)

Rank: Lieutenant

Time in Service: 6 years - 2 in military prison

Decorations: None

Training: Trained (small arms, machine guns, shotguns, rifles, heavy weapons and explosives), High Trained (sniper rifles), Highly Trained (MCMAP), Highly Trained(boxing and krav maga), Highly Trained (SERE), Trained (military tactics), Trained (mechanic), Trained (survival)

History and Background

Andrei was born on Aquaria to the Vertov family who lived on the outskirts of the city of Heim working to keep windmills. As would be expected of a family that lived on a planet with a hostile clime, you grew strong and tough. And Andrei was no exception when it came to growing up strong and tough. He was one of three siblings, a sister Ulna and brother Alexi, and the oldest of the three. School was something that was a mixed bag for Andrei as he wasn't as good with the bookwork, instead being good with the hands on stuff. He was good at sports though, anything physical to be, wrestling and boxing to name a few. Though growing up on an ice planet also brought about other adrenaline fun, outdoor treks that were survival related. Camping trips that most would never try, hunting local animal life that were very dangerous and climbing things that shouldn't be climbed.

Why you may ask would Andrei leave this planet? His home? Answer was simple and one that his father Nikolai didn't totally agree with...ADVENTURE. But both Nikolai and Nikita knew that their son had dreams and would never be happy otherwise.

Joining the Marines straight out of school was what Andrei did with the blessing of his parents, hearty hug of his brother and tears of his sister. And a better soldier no one had seen as he showed his talents and skills...on the range and in the field. By his fourth year, he had been promoted to Lieutenant though he didn't look to take a team. He was in many small skirmishes, not with anything more dangerous than other men and monsters. Monster though came in the form of creatures on planets that disrupted different planets productivity or way of life. Another year and he was promoted again, not in rank but from a normal Marine to a Sniper or as he preferred to be called...a Scout. And he asserted himself well, working most often solo though sometimes he worked with a partner. It was a stint though back with the regular Marines who had been in need of a Scout, things happened...people died.

Andrei ended up in the brig due to some rather uncivilized conduct on his part but not enough to warrant his execution. They didn't even bother to discharge him though they gave him six years to serve before reevaluation. A model prisoner, he has only been in three altercations which taught a lesson to just let him be. With no one killed and no extra charges, he was left to serve out the rest of his time. And so for two years, Andrei has served his sentence with another four yet to come without intervention.