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Welcome to The Stolen Land

16:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alisa Solanus

As half-elves go, Alisa is shorter than the norm, nearer to the average of a human woman. On the slender side, but more curvy than some of such mixed blood. Her eyes are a dark human brown, complexion light tan, hair pure elvish white, like new winter snow. She tends to wear it in a distinctive and formal braid, the origin of which most would be hard pressed to say.

Her priestess raiment is dusk-blue, white, and silver trimmed, but more commonly she’s grey-cloaked and suited in a mithral-mail shirt.The finely crafted spear she bears is reflected in the silver sigil that hangs about her throat; a pair of spears crossed atop a full moon.

Story::  Those who’ve spent time in the lands of the Medvyed, in eastern Brevoy, may recall a particular ill-fated romance. Betwixt Trevor D’Medvyed, middle son of a local Master, and a pale-haired fey beauty most thought to be some denizen of the Gronzi woods.  The relationship ran long and seriously enough to produce a child, a daughter, whom the couple briefly raised together after marrying.  Yet ended in heartbreak for Trevor when his elfin lady love departed, not to be seen again.   For whatever reason, she did not take the child with her, leaving the bereft Trevor as the sole parent.

As Alisa grew, there was gossip as to the nature of her lineage.    With the regard the Medvyed feel toward the fey, these were nothing that really detrimented her life.   And those close to Trevor knew she was nothing more unusual than a half-elf.  Even so, the whispers Alisa began to hear at adolescence were unusual, murmured as they were by one who was never there physically.  Alisa had no way at all of knowing her mother’s people were able to hear the very same, within their home at the Spire.

Alisa became scarce as she grew toward womanhood.   Some said she was spending time with a secret love, or perhaps involved in some kind of apprenticeship. And neither was totally wrong, if still far off from the truth.

Eventually, she presented herself with the trappings and powers of a fully anointed cleric.The holy symbol she wears, crossed spears over a full moon, does not represent any god broadly known in the present day. Though some versed in Azlanti history and religion may recognize the sigil of Acavna, a goddess thought to have perished centuries ago, in the cataclysm of the Earthfall.