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Welcome to DnD Tomb of Annihilation

11:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jansaadi Rensha

Height : 5'4"
Weight : 145lbs.
Age    : Early 20s
Eyes   : Glowing Violet
Hair   : Black
Skin   : Dark Olive


Jansaadi looks and moves like a native to Baldur's Gate, everything from her accent to her clothing pegging her for a city girl.  The surname sounds Calimshan, and her dark skin would suggest that as well, but it's a big world and one can never be too certain.  She's average height, but with an almost feral leanness to her build, all stringy muscle and long lines.  Her collarbones are like knives piercing her skin, and her cheekbones aren't much duller.  She can usually be found in plain brown tunics and loose baggy trousers, with a headband that can double as a face mask in a pinch.  She's almost never see without Klar'rasa, a brilliant green serpent that like's to bury itself within the long braids of her brilliant black hair.

Her most noticeable feature is her eyes.  In the light, they are a grey so pale as to be almost lost in the white of her sclera.  In the darkness though, they clearly glow a brilliant shade of unearthly violet.

She bares a strange weapon, a spear whose metal head is a curiously violet hue of dark metal.  Runes have been indented into the steel, arcane and alien in their appearance.  The shaft is made of an even darker wood, strong yet flexible, and a long ribbon of violet black silk nearly two feet long is hooked through a ring near the cross-guard.


Jansaadi can be hard to pin down, personality wise, her presentation seeming to flit from archetype to archetype depending on the crowd.  Among rowdy drunks she's loud and boisterous, while among bookish librarians she's soft spoken and introverted.  She seems keen enough on making friends, and an overarching curiosity fills most of her interactions with others.  She is always asking questions, asking those she meets to fill in all sorts of details they might otherwise leave out.  When asked herself, she's rather sparse on details.  If pressed, she mentions that her family is from Calimshan, but that she emigrated to Baldur's Gate from a city called Loudwater in 1373 DR, when she was just a child.