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Welcome to Gallows Hill: Boston [Anitaverse]

19:12, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aisling Kilkenny

Full Name: Aisling Kilkenny
Nickname(s): Ais, Ash

Date of Birth: February 20th, 1986
Date of Death: None
Apparent Age: 28
Actual Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138
Body Type: Lightly muscled
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Medium length
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Fair

Birthmarks: None
Scars: Faint scar on the inside of her left thigh.
Tattoos: Small pair of blackbirds on the back of her neck, below her hairline.

Physical Description:
 Aisling tends to wear casual clothes. Long sleeved tshirts with jeans in the winter, and short sleeved tanks with jean shorts in the summer. For her, it is all about practicality. Most of her time is spent in nature, abandoned buildings, crevices, odd locations. Worrying about what she's wearing, while crawling through the dirt to catch the image of a bird before flight, is counterintuitive. Most days, her hair is pulled back and up, though it falls just below her shoulders when let down. Bright blue eyes and a quick smile show her, often joyful, disposition before she even has a chance to speak.


In Georgia:
Father: Aiden Kilkenny (Divorced), 56
Stepmother: Lisa Kilkenny, 43
Half Brother: Liam Kilkenny, 16

In Providence
Mother: Rebecca Kilkenny (Divorced) 48

Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None
Other Romantic Relationships: None
Children: None

Current Occupation: Photographer, Freelance. Does mostly nature photography for her art, but will photograph people when needed. Occasionally grabbed shots for tabloid papers when money was low. Her job has drug her back and forth all over the US, and some of her works, captured deep in forestry reservations and state parks, have ended up in magazines. It is her deepest passion, and Ais has been known to disappear with her camera for weeks at a time. Swimming and sailing on the harbor, are both hobbies of hers.

Personality: Aisling is fearless, friendly and outgoing. She is unafraid to talk to strangers and is quick to smile. A helpless romantic, she tends to build pedestals that only lead to disappointment when it comes to her dating life. Compassionate and empathetic, she usually thinks first before she does anything, to ensure her actions don't harm others. She is unashamed to be herself and have fun, even if that makes her the butt of a joke.

Vices: She has a sweet tooth. When she starts to become stressed, sugar is her turn to.
Strengths: Brave and slow to anger.
Weaknesses: Too trusting, sometimes to the point of naivety. She thinks everyone has good even when they don't. This has lead to more than one poor judgment call and a bad relationship.
Fears/Phobias: Pitch black darkness
Mental Illnesses: None
Turn Ons: Intense and direct
Turn Offs: Sports nuts

How does the character handle emotions of?:
Anger: Aisling is a slow burn. She tries to talk people down first and descalate tension. She hates conflict enough that she'll sandwich herself in the middle to try and divert attention.
Frustration: Water is her stress relief. A long shower, a tub of cookies and a sappy movie help her through.
Fear: fear is not a common emotion. Her reaction to it will vary widely depending on the circumstances. (Though she has a fear of pure darkness, causing anything from anxiety to a panic attack.)
Desire/Lust: Desire is met with open honesty and an edge of fun
Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak): Avoidance. This is the one area of her life where she cowers. She'd rather let go, then find out the faults and risk being hurt.

Character History:
Rebecca and Aiden Kilkenny were married in July of 1985, seven months before Aisling was born. Four years later, they were divorced. Raised in a single parent household, Ais was forced to mature quickly. Emotional maturity and deep empathy swiftly cemented the foundations of a hardworking and generous personality. With her mother working two jobs to make ends meet, Ais took up the responsibility of taking care of the home, and there pair of them eeked by.

When she was twelve, she got a camera for Christmas. It was second hand, but Ais loved taking pictures and her room was soon peppered with them. That passion turned into a opportunity, and she found herself being awarded a partial scholarship to RISD. While in college, she found herself roomed with Shae Williams, and their instant connection became forever.

Graduating with her bachelors, she was given the opportunity to work in a gallery outside of Boston. Shae followed, and they got a dumpy apartment on the south end. As money got better, they were able to upgrade to a slightly better place, though by no means glamorous.

Shae's influence over the years pushed Ais out of her shell. Still responsible, but unafraid to just be herself, she managed to carve out a small happy bit of life.

The Vegas trip was Shae's idea, a weekend away to celebrate Aisling's birthday. Packed up into a plane, they flew out near the end of February. The bar had also been Shae's idea, and to talk to the dark stranger sitting alone. A few too many martinis, and Ais found herself in a strange hotel room alone, with only the faintest memory of how she'd gotten there, some regret, and a peppering of bruises on her skin. The bite mark on her thigh, however, had been deeper than a rough one night stand. It healed to a faint scar, and she refused to talk about it.

What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.

A Wolf

Darkness falls,
Moon rising calls,
Night lifts up its velvet walls.

Star shines fall,
Light up all,
From haunted woods there comes a call.

Grayish blur,
Shaggy fur,
Death is this creature's lure.

Scent of fear,
Very near,
Wander ever closer here.

Deadly bite,
Very tight,
Every wolf will feast tonight.

Species: Shifter, Wolf

Scent: Honeysuckle and Cypress


Physical Prowess: All lycanthropes are extremely fast, strong, and resistant to damage. Lycanthropes' strength appears to depend somewhat on their actual size and somewhat on their level of supernatural power, as well as what kind of animal they are based upon (a werebear is much stronger than a wererat, for example – but also much slower).
Enhanced Healing The virus which infects Lycanthropes’ increases their metabolism, and as a side effect increases their ability to heal from wounds. Powerful Lycanthropes’ can recover from almost any wound other than those caused by silver weapons or fire, and even very weak individuals heal a bit faster than humans. Transformation can allow a Lycanthrope to regrow freshly lost limbs and critical body parts, although if the injuries are extensive or repeated they might not heal in entirety with a single transformation.
Pass Unseen As a Lycanthrope in it’s animal form you can blend in with other animals of your type, as well as with animals closely related to your type (I.E. Werewolves can pass themselves off as large dogs when moving about the city in their shifted form). This does not mean that a Lycanthrope whose animal type of not native to the region can go about unseen, quite the contrary. A Tiger walking through the streets of Boston is going to raise a few eyebrows, and likely get Animal Control called on it at the very least.
Acute Senses: Lycanthropes’ have acute senses, even in human form. In its most basic expression, a Lycanthropes’ heightened senses allow them to identify a person unique scents, identify other Lycanthropes, as well as other types of preternatural entities (unless they are actively masking their scent, i.e. Fae Glamours or masking charms).
Beast Speech Allows line-of-sight communication with animals of the Lycanthropes’ type. It allows the Lycanthrope to interpret the animals basic vocal and sub-vocal communications, as well as interpret body language to pick up on basic ideas and concepts (I.E. ‘I’m hungry’ or ‘I want to play’).
Control Animals: Within line of sight, speak with and influence animals of their base type.
Hybrid Form: As they gain experience, they can shift into a “hybrid form” – a bipedal cross between their animal type and human form.
Aura of Power: All shifters have an Aura of Power, though only Heads of a Clan can actively use theirs.
Pass as Human: Though not all shifters in the book are able to ‘pass’ as human, in the game all can unless the player chooses to say otherwise. This means short of supernatural senses telling otherwise, you cannot tell a shifter from normal without a blood test.

Partial Shift (uncontrolled) - This power is similar to Partial Shift except the Lycanthrope had zero control over it. When stressed or triggered in another way one part of the Lycanthropes' body shifts uncontrolled. The Lycanthrope cannot immediately shift it back.

As newly infected Lukoi, Aisling's control is weak at best. Fluctuations, random changes, she is struggling with what she was, and what she must now be.