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18:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kalem Lenaris

Tall and thin at 6’ 1” and 190 lbs. Average in looks, but athletic without being obvious. Looks young but acts older. Long dark brown hair, but no facial hair. Penetrating hazel eyes. No tattoos.

Somewhat distracted but very serious. Has little in the way of a sense of humor. Acts as if the weight of the universe rests upon his shoulders. Tends to be pessimistic. Extremely religious especially after receiving a vision from the Prophets when he was a child on DS9.

• Deep Space 9: 2350 – 2370
Kalem Lenaris was born a slave on Bajor in the year 2350. This was during the last years of the Cardassian Occupation. When the Cardassians finally withdrew from Bajor in 2369, his parents assumed positions as station personnel on the newly designated Deep Space-9 (formerly Terok Nor) under the command of Starfleet officer Cmdr. Benjamin Sisko and Bajoran Major Kira Nerys. Lenaris’ father was Anjohl Kag, a station engineer, and his mother was Kalem Meru, a station security guard. Lenaris worked as an assistant to his father and helped him and Chief Miles O’Brien move DS-9 towards the Great Wormhole.

The emergence of the Great Wormhole and the declaration of Benjamin Sisko as the Emissary of the Prophets were both signs to the impressionable young Bajoran that these were momentous times for the Bajoran people, so he decided to apply to Starfleet Academy in 2370 after getting the Emissary’s personal blessing and approval. Thus, he became the first Bajoran to join Starfleet.

• Starfleet Academy + USS Nautilus (NCC-31910): 2370 – 2374
It was at this time that the Dominion invaded the Alpha Quadrant. Dismayed that he wasn’t back on DS-9 to help protect his home planet and his family, Lenaris often wrote his parents and his godmother, Maj. Kira Nerys, for guidance and inspiration during this difficult time.

While pursuing his studies at the Academy, Lenaris was not the most personable cadet in his class. He always had his head buried in his textbooks or inside the inner workings of a bridge computer console. Nevertheless, he did well in his studies and graduated with honors.

During his training mission on the Nautilus, his Away Team encountered on Omicron Beta-3 an alien being calling itself the Ch’en-toq-Oh. Virtually omnipotent the Ch’en-toq-Oh had the ability to alter time as it pleased. After much persuasion Lenaris was able to convince the Ch’en-toq-Oh to stay out of the Dominion War and allow the two factions to settle their differences in their own way and their own time.

• USS Farragut (NCC-60597): 2374 – 2378
During his tour of duty on the Farragut he discovered an ancient artefact left behind by an alien race known as the Illuxari. The Illuxari were a highly intelligent crab-like species who built and maintained their interplanetary civilization using specialized mandibles. The artefact itself was similar to that of the Iconian dimensional portal discovered by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise-D.

• USS Mongoose (NCC-62043-A): 2378 - Present