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Welcome to 1599

14:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Summer is tiny, standing at an even 5 feet tall with her blonde hair trimmed at her chin and her green eyes wide and bright. A smile is usually present on her freckled and suntanned face, and she tends to speak softly but clearly. There's a presence to her that lights up a room when she enters.

While on the job, which she normally is, her scaled armor is a cool gray, perhaps in need of a polish. Her breeches are a simple dark color beneath it, her shirt a dark red with gold accents to better show her position. A rapier rests at her hip, a shield on her arm, and a longbow and quiver strapped to her back for the occasional emergency.

On her rare days off, Summer trades her knightly garb for plain but sturdy dresses, usually brown or gray to help her vanish into a crowd. A single blue ribbon is tied around her arm in either garment, faded and worn from many long years, but always present nonetheless.


'Warm' is probably the best way to describe Summer. Her name is an accurate statement; she's a little ray of sunshine with a cheery smile and a kind word for everyone. She prefers to talk rather than fight, but when the time comes to draw her blade, she does so with grim resignation and fierce determination. After all, kind does not mean soft, and that rapier is not just for show.
Despite her apparent naivete, she's got sharp eyes and a good sense for liars, which she tends to dislike. She is, however, a bit less than educated; a fact that she finds quite embarrassing and prefers to try and keep hidden.
A sadness can be seen in her demeanor during quiet moments when she believes herself to be alone. She often brushes her finger along the ribbon on her arm in moments of uncertainty.

Many noble knights are born or raised into the position, but Summer is a different case. In fact, most of her formative years were spent as a street rat, working for some less than savory individuals to make ends meet. Anything from pickpocketing to blatant murder was fair game, and Summer was quick with the blade and quick with her hands.

Until, during a botched robbery, she met Leah. A young widow with a young daughter, who helped without a second thought when a tiny injured blonde staggered into her garden with a twisted ankle. Summer hadn't known much in the way of kindness for a long time, and despite the implicit taboo, fell head over heels in love with Leah. Loved her, loved her daughter Riley, and was loved in turn. Within months she'd abandoned her old crew entirely, wanting to give a quieter life a try.

But good things rarely ever last, and barely a year later in 1596, Summer returned home from a  market trip with Riley to find her beloved dead on the floor. Murdered in her own home. Seems the crew hadn't taken too kindly to Summer's abandonment. Heartbroken and horrified, she took Riley to London where Leah was from. She left the young girl with other relatives, and began searching for work suited to a lone woman with a tarnished blade.

One thing led to another, and in an effort to live up to gentle Leah's faith and ideals, Summer has reforged herself. No longer a simple thief and killer, but a holy knight, sworn to protect the weak and the innocent. She keeps her head high, keeps moving forward, and seeks her own atonement without speaking a word of it...although, the old lockpicking skills do come in handy on rare occasions.