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Welcome to Gallows Hill: Boston [Anitaverse]

09:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bryanna Delaney

General Character Information
Full Name:
Bryanna Delaney
Nickname(s): Bree

Date of Birth: March 19th, 1984
Actual Age: 29
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Flexible

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish)
Religion: Pagan
Degree of Religious Practice: Dedicated

Species: Human Witch
Powers: Healing, Herbalist

Physical Appearance
Weight: 110 lbs
Body Type: Petite
Hair Color: Brown/Red dyed streaks
Hair Style: Mid-length, usually tied back in a loose bun
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Fair

Scent: lemon and chamomile
Aura: Yellow and gold

Physical Description: Bree is a petite woman with a very Bohemian sense of style. Her hair’s natural medium brown is usually dyed with streaks of red and darker brown, sometimes blonde, and sometimes other random colors. It is often tied up in a casual bun with messy strands escaping in every direction. Her clothes are colorful and usually worn in layers, with patterns and fabrics that create a riot of visual stimuli. She tones it down when on clinical rounds at school, but even then, she usually sports a bright scarf or belt or other hint of color to spice up the white lab coat and slacks.

Dr. Matthew Delaney, 61
Mother: Lindsey Delaney, 59
Siblings: Dr. Jeremy Delaney, 32

Marital Status: single
Romantic Relationships: none currently

Highest Education Achieved:
Currently working towards MD
Degrees Held: BS in Biochemistry
College/University Attended: UMass (BS), currently Harvard Medical School

Current Occupation:
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): Upper class
Socioeconomic Level (Current): Upper class

Spending Behavior:
Financial Assets: Condo, car (blue 2011 Mazda3 hatchback)
Financial Liabilities: None. Her parents pay for her schooling and purchased her condo and car.

English – L5, R5, S5, W5
Spanish – L3, R3, S2, W3

Bree is a compassionate, outgoing individual who enjoys taking care of those around her. She has a very curious mind and is continually questing for new information, new ideas, and new ways of doing things. She makes friends easily and sometimes is a bit too trusting of people and their intentions.

Compassionate and selfless
Weaknesses: Overly trusting
Mental Illnesses: None
Turn Ons: Kindness, people who are passionate about their beliefs (even if they aren’t the same as hers)
Turn Offs: People who are intentionally cruel

  Short Range Goal: Not flunk school, heal some people
  Medium Range Goals: Finish her MD program at Harvard
  Long Range Goals: Expand her training into less conventional medicinal practice

How does the character handle emotions of…?
  Anger: Bree is a slow burn. She doesn’t anger easily, but once she gets there, her temper can be pretty explosive. She does tend to forgive easily though.
  Fear: There is not much that Bree fears.
  Desire/Lust: Bree is unashamed of her sexuality and will happily pursue anyone who interests her.
  Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak): Bree gives her heart easily and so also tends to have it broken frequently. She considers that to be the price of passion. Some ice cream, some sappy movies, and she moves on.

Character History

Bree has led a charmed life. Born and raised in Boston, MA, her father is a cardiac surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, and her mother is an ER nurse there as well. Despite their hectic schedules and high pressure jobs, her parents were attentive and involved in their children’s lives. With money came opportunity, and so few doors have ever been closed for Bree. It was a foregone conclusion that both of the Delaney children – Bree and her older brother Jeremy – would end up in careers in the medical field. Neither of them disappointed, with both showing early interest and aptitude in science and medicine.

Bree was in her teens when her creativity and passion for learning led her away from traditional medicine. Listening to her parents talk about their successes and failures with patients led her to believe that there must be other ways to approach medicine that were not being utilized. Her desire for knowledge led her to alternative therapies, and she became deeply engrossed in studying healing from a more natural standpoint. She became involved in the local Wiccan community, but did not limit her influences to there: she spent as much time as she could seeking out and learning from healers of every religion and discipline. Witch doctors, shamans, medicine men and women, druids, even faith healers and people she was pretty certain were charlatans – if they would teach her, she would listen. She took what she could from each of them and applied it to her own techniques.

Bree also continued her schooling in traditional medicine. She completed a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry, deepening her knowledge of how living things work. When she was accepted to the MD program at Harvard Medical School, she embarked on that new challenge with her customary enthusiasm. She is nearing completion of her first year at HMS.

Throughout her knowledge seeking, Bree stayed closely connected with some of the friends she had made in Boston’s Pagan community. She is a practicing Witch with a focus on the healing arts and herbalism.

The idea of officially being a Witch-Doctor when she graduates is a constant source of amusement for her.