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16:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Dorian Gray

Description: She stood 5'6" inches tall, and much to Mumsy's chagrin, she weighed 275 lbs. It made her mother seethe at what she called her daughter's uncontrolled weight  and lack of concern about improving the young woman's looks in order to be suitable not only for the upper crust of English Society but also the hand of some young man with an impressive family pedigree of his own. Her mother used ample amounts of verbal, emotional, and mental abuse on Dorian to try and get her to slim down among other things, but this had the opposite affect in that Dorian abandoned any attempts to not only lessen her weight but to control it in any way.

Dorian was never into sports in her private school days, in fact she developed a bad taste in her mouth for such things owing to the bullying she received from the jocks. While she was always intellectually gifted, learning new things provided an escape for her from the abusive society who was free and quick to remind her she wasn't pretty, or sexy, and that no one would desire her because of her fat body. Because of this she dug deeper into her books and became fascinated and then inflamed with the love of folklore and the paranormal, the more sedentary she had become.  But neither she nor grandfather cared one whit about it. She had a medium brown hair that fell below her shoulder blades that some might call mousey ... as did her mother, but it had the most unusual natural highlights.  When the sun caught it just right, it would suddenly blaze out with a flame the same color of a red fox.   It quite often caught new acquaintances by surprise.  Her eyes were a gentle grey-green ; more often than not, these were glowing with laughter that only showed itself as  a gentle smile on her naturally peach colored lips.  She would only give into convention when she found it necessary to be in academia or on a business call.  Then she would line her eyes with a brown liner, add a touch of the same colored mascara and slide just a bit of clear gloss on her lips.

When she was not in her lab and out in public, she wore dress slacks and a simple, but classic blouse over patent leather pumps.  As a professional of academe, she knew that it was important to look  and to carry herself as  if, according to her brother she "had been to town before".

She was enjoying getting to know this wild child of a sibling who teased her about her upper crust accent and Limey ways.  She would be proud to have family with her when she proved the existence of the paranormal.

Psychological Profile by Doctor Dorian Gray: Sandra has not requested this like she did the others, most likely because she believes I could not be impartial in an evaluation of myself. Perhaps she is right in that, yet I would be loath to make the others do something I was not willing to endure myself.

I believe myself to be mentally healthy, and fully functioning adult female. I am interested in scientific pursuits, more specifically in proving new ones not yet firmly established by others.

I liked my father well enough, and when I discovered his affair which resulted in my half brother Samuel, the only surprise I felt is why he had not engaged in such activity sooner or more often. It is completely normal and natural to desire intercourse with another person, to have that level of connection if only in a carnal and short lived form, and my mother certainly did not leave any possibility that such actives would occur with her.

Ah, my mother. Now on this, I could probably write a book if I dragged everything out. She was a noble's daughter, yet my Grandfather understood the title was not much in and of itself. My mother on the other hand, acted as though she should be dining with dukes and the like. She met my father at an exclusive restaurant, and found out he worked in Parlaiment. When she found out he was single, she shoved as hard as she could to get married. By that, I mean she had me with him before any vows were spoken. Yes, I was blackmail, and he became her husband before my birth.

It was only after this that she discovered he was a clerk, and his boss had been buying him dinner there because it was his birthday. She was stuck with him because a divorce was 'simply not done', so they stayed together. She took every single chance to prove she was far better than him, and made sure he never forgot it. Honestly, there were times she treated the help better than her own husband, and she treated them terribly at the best of times.

As for me, he tried to be responsible and loving. He faked interest in my childish games, supported me in school, tried to help me with my homework but dear momma said that was unsightly and hired a tutor. As for me and her, she was always off at some luncheon, or dinner party, or what have you, all more important than me since I couldn't increase her status quo due to my weight and unattractive nature caused by it. She was in short a tyrant and bully who applied mental, emotional, psychological, and even verbal abuse in vicious and weaponized fashion which I find hard to describe to anyone who has not witnessed or suffered it first hand. I rebelled in what ways I could, such as not attempting to lose any weight or even control it in anyway. While she has been gone from my life for good for a time and I still have the bulk, I still to this day find a tiny glimmer of pride in my childhood defiance against her.

When my father's want of closeness won out, I did not blame him for I wished contact of some sort myself in a life devoid of a mother. Of course she hit the roof as the Americans say, threatening to cut him off completely, leave him destitute, and using family connections to not only get him fired but blackballed as well. She still would not divorce him, so he'd be homeless and without employment, unable to even find real happiness finally and marry.

It came back to haunt her in a big way, when my Grandfather found out. He disowned her, stopped her allowance and threw her out of our home since it was rightfully his. He pulled some strings and got a quick divorce, and gave my father some money to get set up in an apartment. He told daddy dearest that he may come see me whenever he wished, as was a father's right.

My grandfather wanted badly to meet his grandson, but he left this Earth before he could. He left his title to me and a sum of money, then left another amount to Samuel. His last wish was for us to meet, spend time together, get to know each other, and become the family we were.

My father is still a clerk and happy in his life for the first time in years, he's happy for me to write or call whenever I like. As for my mother, I haven't the slightest notion what became of her nor do I find that I care in the slightest.

I believe my knowledge of the supernatural, though all book learned and not as complete by any means as Sandra's, is still of help to the group as a whole. I know how to shoot a pistol and I have my Grandfather's .38 from the War, if I must protect myself or the others. I think of myself a loyal friend, and believe I would stand with each of the group to the bitter end. Also, my skills as a psychologist have been called on at least twice so far, and given the kind of work we now do and the forms of trama that could be born of it, I have little question that I will be called upon again to act in this capacity.

End Evaluation.

History: Born in England, Dorian's life was one of ease and comfort that allowed her to entertain herself with her own pursuits as opposed to having to work for a living. She was sent off to a well reputed boarding school for her formative years, where she was capable of obtaining and keeping good grades. Math, science, and the rest however did not capture her attention as much as the ghost stories the other studies whispered about the aged institution.

This seed grew inside of her, steering her steps into fields not supported by logic minded people as a whole. She gained entrance into Oxford, and based a number of assignments around the numerous haunts said to call the ivy clad buildings home. She graduated with a PhD in Parapsychology, which was fine in and of itself as rich nobles tended to sometimes earn things for amusement which would be then  forgotten or at best used for entertaining conversation.

Dorian caused waves however when she actually expressed intent to use her training, and prove the supernatural as solid and real as any other proven aspect of the Sciences.

Her mother would have cut such desires short with little fanfare, if not for the involvment of Dorian's Grandfather. He had learned that his son in law had been unfaithful with a woman at a carnival some years before, and this had blossomed into a grandson he'd never met; this was due to his daughter, whom was next in line for the title as well as a chunk of the family money. She demanded her husband cut all ties with the woman and child, or he would be out on the street broke and hungry. Her actions angered her father so much that he disowned her, and she fell into the same fate she had threatened her spouse with.

Dorian's Grandfather very much wished to meet his grandson, who grew up in the carnival with his mother. Health issues prevented this however, so the aging man left several treasures to the boy as his birthright. He set the rest of the estate up in a trust fund for Dorian, and willed her as well the trusty revolver he had relied on back in his Army days. His last and final wish was for the two siblings to meet, travel together, and get to know each other. Upon his death, with his daughter officially disowned, Dorian inherited his title and became Lady Gray.

Per his wishes Dorian tracked down her brother, and the two paired up to search the world for proof that things really did go bump in the night.

Lady Dorian Grey counts herself lucky that she bore no relation to that more famous Lady Grey who was also known as Jane of the Nine Days.  Her head would stay firmly attached to her shoulders or so she was planning.  Her level of English Nobility was just as familiar with scandal as were the upper echelons, so her mother's disinheritance came as no great surprise.  Dorian found her mother's nature to be tiresome and just a bit too touchy to suit anyone's taste.  She loved her father however and did not blame him for his misdeeds in America:  she just wondered why it had taken him so long.  Her grandfather, however, she flat out adored.  He had always urged her to find what made her happy in life and to pursue it.  And he had never once chided her about her weight or pushed her towards every eligible and suitable young noble to stumble along.