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Welcome to Invisible Sun: A Pursuit of Truth

17:02, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor
A Connected Empath of The Order of Makers Who Inhales the Aethyr

It can be said for a good number of folk that the first encounter with The Good Doctor can be a bit unsettling, however, after some light conversation and the passage time, more often than not those same people come to describe The Good Doctor as a very patient and affable individual. The likely reason  why initial impressions with the Doctor are low is the fact that they are an androgynous figure dressed in what could only be described as an extremely weathered and loved black leather Plague Doctor's Uniform. Like most of their kind, The Doctor's attire completely covers their entire body, leaving them sealed within the suit and only what appears to be a long beaked mask stylized like a Raven's to look upon. It likely doesn't help that a small plume of what looks to be cold vapor seemingly escapes from the vents that are on either side of the mask, as though the Good Doctor is exhaling some kind of smoke of some kind.

If they were to be measured, the Good Doctor stands roughly around five feet tall, likely close to six feet. However, due to the nature of their clothes and the ever so slightly hunch to their posture, no one is completely certain. When weighed, The Good Doctor can be recorded around 180 lbs, though again, the numbers are assumed to be off the actual mark given the nature of the clothes that are so sealed around their owner. Despite the rather foreboding appearance, the other most noticeable detail about the Good Doctor are the color of their Mask's lenses. There are stories to recount that the glass lenses are a wide variety of colors that make up the spectrum, some of which are even said to have been the rare colors Apocyan or Octarine.

The Good Doctor lives in a rather strange an peculiar House, perhaps more so than other Visale. In fact, it is rumored that the Good Doctor and the House, Forgotten were either or still are connected to something horrendous. However, there exist no records of either the House or the Visale beyond faint public memory.

It has been heard that When not attending to their patients, The Good Doctor has been found casually wandering the City quietly muttering under their "breath" about needing to Find the Path North. No one knows what this means or if it's even true.

Perhaps the most strange thing that is publicly known about the Good Doctor is their penchant to treat anyone who shows up at their office, regardless of their mortal disposition. As a result, this had led to a number of salacious rumors that The Good Doctor once had a Love Affair with a Ghost or Spirit at some time. But this can readily be assumed to be gossip and the stuff of the romantically inclined.