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Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons: Mysteries of Iveriu

01:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


If there is one word everyone - no matter of the age, the sex or the race - uses to describe Alyndra it's definitely beautiful. She somehow seems to reach the perfect balance in everything: she's a bit taller than average but not so much than she'd tower over anyone. She's thin, with a lithe build, but she still retains some nice feminine curves perfectly proportioned for her body type. Her hair, reaching all the way to her calves, always flow mostly freely on her back like an almost shiny silk curtain but never gets tangled. Her eyes are a bit weird: in most cases, they look a nice and beautiful amber but under the right light they clearly look bright red. Still, somehow, it manages to not look creepy but deliciously exotic.

What impresses a lot about Alyndra, maybe more than her physical beauty, is her simple presence. Even when she doesn't move or say anything she can't help but draw attention to herself. Though it could have something to do with the nice feminine dresses she most often wears even in the worst possible situations seeming to disdain armour altogether. Most particularly, whenever she walks quickly somewhere, or talks exitedly, she's accompanied by motes of purple light trailing her.

She favours feminine and colourful clothes like dresses which she wears pretty much no matter the situation.