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08:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Annie McDougall

Name: Annie MacDougall

Occupation: Nurse/Healer

Age: 21

Residence:  Small apartment above her father’s medical office

Personality: Upon first impressions, Annie can appear quiet, even shy. She is focused and determined, liking to spend her time collecting items for her father's surgery, where she assists, as well as searching for herbs and plants that help her in her own healing practice, even if it is more underground. She has a true passion for helping others and would come to the aid of anyone, as her father taught her to do. Kind and caring Annie MacDougall should not be mistaken for a doormat, however, if she senses injustice, she will stand up for what she believes to be right and true. Just under the surface, she could even have a rebellious spirit.

History/background: Annie’s father, Ian MacDougall, was still a young doctor, married only a year and some months, when the final Jacobite rebellion in Scotland occurred. Although the Clan MacDougall itself did not support either the Jacobites or Hanover, some of the clan members met with the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden in support of Charles Stuart. In his heart he was a Jacobite, and wished he could have joined the men but knowing his duty to his wife and newborn son, Alec, Ian left for battle knowing he could do one thing well. And he did. English or Scottish, Ian took them all, the bleeding, the broken, the dying. In the end, the Scottish were beaten and many of his clansmen, brothers, cousins, and friends were dead or would be upon execution. And with that, the death of Scottish culture as he knew it.

After the battle, Ian lived a pretty normal life, opening a practice in Edinburgh and went on to have 6 more children with his wife Janet, of which Anne “Annie” is the youngest. Annie could remember how excited she was not to be the youngest anymore. She could not wait to have a little brother or sister, maybe Ned (her brother closest in age to her) wouldn’t pick on her so much. Teddy, if a boy, and Annie (after her of course!), if a girl, 5-year-old Annie would imagine. The baby came prematurely and her mother, along in her childbearing years, was not able to withstand the trauma of the birth. Neither Janet nor her sibling survived.

After his wife’s death, Ian stayed in Edinburgh for two more years until the weight of his surroundings became too somber and heavy. Having intentionally saved for this day, he knew it was time to start a new adventure, a new life. His oldest children, Alec and the twins, Thomas and Rowina, stayed in Edinburgh. Alec and Thomas having found an apprenticeship in a printer, and Rowina taking up a position in a household kitchen, all refused to leave Scotland. Feeling as if they could make their own way. (Alec and Thomas adamantly reassured their father that Rowina would be well looked after.)

In 1762, Annie made the voyage to the New World with her father and her 3 other siblings destined for a new life in America, eventually settling in Philadelphia. It took time for Ian to gain traction as a doctor in America, between many not being able to understand his thick accent or down right not trusting him. Being the youngest, Annie spent most of her time at her father’s heels. Something about mending broken bones, bandaging wounds, and curing illnesses engaged her head and heart at a young age. Of course, her father was absolutely delighted that one of his children had a keen interest in the science of medicine, but as she grew, wasn’t so thrilled that that child was a girl. Ian would never discourage her, but would pray that someday she would not be so focused on healing others and focus instead on creating a family of her own. Still, he taught her to care for all.

Annie, on the other hand, knew full well her father’s bittersweet taste for her love of medicine. The thought of her father being worried often saddened her. But in healing others, she had a purpose. She even learned different herbal remedies through various texts and the help of the odd, old woman down the road, Margaret McNab. Some say she’s a witch but, if a witch, Annie thought, at least a good witch.

Annie’s Family:
Ian MacDougall (age 56) and Janet MacDougall (deceased)
Alec (Born 1745, age 31)
Thomas and Rowina (Born 1747, age 29)
Mary (Born 1749, age 27)
Hugh (Born 1750, age 26)
Edmund “Ned” (Born 1752, age 24)
Anne “Annie” (Born 1755, age 21)