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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

22:17, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

William Jacobson-Blanchard

Name:William Jacobson-Blanchard, but its Billy to his friends and that's pretty much everybody, if Billy's asked about it.

Age: 23

Occupation: Billy is a fairly well-known comic book artist who started out life as a freelance artist drawing whatever clients wanted on the internet (mostly weird porn) before Kickstarting his own comic book (mostly sci-fi softcore porn coupled with Han Solo-esque smuggler adventures) which took and currently holds the number one spot as most funded comic Kickstarter and that has garnered a pretty strong fan following. He's well-known among the geek crowds as he does the convention circuit a lot and his comic is even about to be adapted into a TV series (on HBO, obviously, because of all the alien sex) so he's doing pretty well now.

Birth Place: Everywhere and nowhere at once, in the deepest voids of space, Disneyland's Magic Kingdom, a hidden commune where he was learning to be an assassin, Pittsburgh or any other number of nonsensical places is what Billy will usually tell people. The truth, which is something you can get out of him once you get to know him better, is that he is a California native, originally from San Francisco though he now lives in LA.

Sexuality: While he only recently learned the technical term, Billy is what one would call demisexual. Billy is really more attracted to people more than to genders. If he clicks with a person and their personalities mesh, the attraction just comes naturally after that, regardless of gender.

Physical Description:Billy would be characterized as more pretty than handsome by those who view him. His features are soft and gently angled and he looks younger than he actually is and probably always will. His hair is a lighter auburn and is dyed red at the ends, leaving streaks of crimson hanging around his head and in front of his nearly translucent blue eyes that often sparkle with good humor and cheer. He has a fair complexion, his skin smooth and unmarred except where he has marked it himself through the use of piercings (such as the gauge piercing in his right ear, the ring in his lip, the stud in his right ear, the stud in his tongue and maybe one or two in other places you'd have to know him well to see) and tattoos (location and pictures at bottom of profile) that are peppered about his body. His expression is always one of bright cheerfulness, his smile bright and wide and nearly ever-present and his gaze always seeming to shine with half-contained excitement and amusement at whatever happens to strike his fancy.

Billy stands at 5'10" and is built slender and lean. His limbs are lithe and one can see the hints of definition in his arms, legs, shoulders and back from where his habit of swimming at the beach or a pool at least a few times a week and walking almost everywhere when he can has left its mark. Of course, his sweet tooth and lack of self-discipline has left its mark in the slight softness one can see in his belly as one couldn't call Billy "ripped" without laughing. While he's been told he should do some crunches or weights to try and get that rippling definition that many people seek, he always shrugs that off and says he's comfortable with himself and so that's all that really matters.

When it comes to clothing, Billy doesn't think about fashion so much as what is comfortable and what he likes. That being the case, he will usually be seen wearing any number of t-shirts or hoodies with any number of TV, anime, video game or comic references upon them. He usually couples this with jeans or cargo pants that are loose upon his frame and are usually worn to some degree. The only thing one is always sure to see him with is his favorite pair of black combat boots that he's had pretty much since he left home and moved out to LA when he was 18. He can also be seen with a messenger bag that usually holds his drawing tablet and sometimes his laptop if he thinks he'll need it. There will also be a number of pencils and at least one sketchpad for when he decides to draw in a non-digital fashion which he does on a whim sometimes.

Distinguishing Marks: A number of piercings and tattoos cover his body, but he has no natural birthmarks or scars of distinguishing size.

Personality:Billy's personality can be a bit much for some people, to put it mildly. He's cheerful and high-spirited and seems to never truly run out of the manic energy that powers him forward and colors his actions and speech. He has very little in the form of social filters, often striking up conversations with random strangers at inopportune times or musing about things out loud that make no sense at that point in time. He is almost impossible to bring down and even more impossible to slow down, it would seem to most people, and, as such, he can come off as a bit more annoying than anything to people who aren't used to him.

Despite his cheerful and bright demeanor, there are parts of Billy that others don't get to see. He might be ready to talk to strangers and make friends at a drop of a hat, but there are parts of himself that he still keeps guarded except from those he truly considers friends. Sure, he will tell you he's buds with everybody, but there's really only a handful of people he'd consider close and its those handful of people that see Billy at his most real or are privy to the personal details about himself that he usually keeps to himself.

Some of those personal things are what lead to his few moments of introspection or quiet personal moments. Moments where he needs to be alone and just think. Usually those are during holidays or other special occasions, but there are times when Billy just closes off for a time and will be out of contact for a day or two before showing up again like nothing had ever happened. When asked about it, he never has a real answer. Not for the people who aren't closest to him and those people would probably already know what was up anyway.

When it comes to relationships of the romantic sort, Billy isn't much for the casual thing. If he has an attraction to somebody, it's because they've spent time together and their personalities have clicked and, when that happens, Billy will usually be the first to say, "Hey, I like you, you wanna try and do the more than friends thing?".Usually exactly like that, as he tends not to mince words or hesitate about things. If he's rejected in that moment, he accepts it and remains friends if he can. If he's not, then he is intensely loyal and dedicated to that relationship. He takes those sorts of things deeply to heart, thinking that, if somebody is trusting him with their feelings and he is trusting them with his, then he should work to actually earn that trust. It's a big deal to Billy, especially due to his upbringing being less than loving and affectionate causing him to overcompensate, some would say, when he has a chance at a close relationship.

Back Ground: William Jacobson-Blanchard is the child of Brian Jacobson, a successful plastic surgeon, and Juliet Blanchard, defense attorney with more than a few celebrity clients to her name, two very successful young go-getters in each of their fields that ended up together more out of the thought that they looked good together than actual affection for one another. They got married because, well, it was what many of their social circle was doing so they thought they should to. That was also, sadly, their reasoning behind finally having a child when they decided to do so.

It was, of course, done through a surrogate as Juliet didn't want to ruin her figure carrying her child and so William was born to a surrogate mother who he never got to meet and who was paid very well for her services. Which was another thing that became a trend when it came for those who would care for Billy as his parents, far too busy to actually raise their son, made sure that there were a number of well-paid nannies and babysitters to care for him as he grew. In truth, Billy didn't even really know who his parents truly were until he was about four years old and that was after he had made the mistake of referring to his favorite nanny as "mommy" and she had been fired while he'd been corrected by his real mother.

Being corrected by his parents was also a trend in his life going forward as he always seemed to be doing the wrong thing, according to them. He was never exactly how they wanted him to be. Too much of a dreamer. Not focused enough. Not at all like how they were at his age. He should be trying harder, studying more, focusing on the future. That was the common refrain he heard from them whenever they were around, which was just rare enough an occurrence to allow Billy to almost forget their disapproving words before they would storm in again with renewed disapproving vigor.

In this environment, with disconnected babysitters and nannies who didn't want to be fired for being too familiar with Billy and parents that only really treated him like an accessory, it was no wonder that Billy felt so very stifled and downtrodden. He felt like he was nothing more than what his parents treated him as: an accessory. Something for them to trot out and show their friends and then put away when they were done with him. He never truly felt like he had his own identity...until his freshman year of high school, that is.

That was when he had an art class as an elective and that particular art teacher, a free spirited sort, noticed that Billy had a talent for it. He showed an interest in Billy and encouraged him. He fostered in Billy a spark of something. Individuality. Creativity. A sense of self. All of those things and more. It was that teacher that showed Billy so much about the world and taught him to love so many things. He was the one who introduced him to all the pastimes and entertainments that Billy would grow to love himself. He showed Billy a way to be something more than just his parent's pet to show off and then forget. He showed Billy what it was like to be cared about and loved.

It was probably no wonder then that he and Billy ended up having an affair and that that ended very badly. Billy was seventeen when the romantic relationship was found out and the teacher was fired and brought up on charges and Billy had to leave school, his parents embarrassed and ashamed and outraged all at once. They threatened to sue the school, to make sure the teacher was incarcerated and to make sure Billy never was able to do such a thing again.

They threatened all those things and Billy very politely told them he would have none of that. And "very politely", in this case, meant telling them to screw themselves and running away from home. In those three years that Billy had been seeing his art teacher, he'd also been already secretly saving up money by drawing commissions for people on the Internet. That same teacher had introduced him to that opportunity and Billy had taken to it as enthusiastically and rabidly as could be. He'd been saving money already to be able to leave home as soon as he finished school. The unfortunate drama with his parents and his teacher just moved the timetable up.

So Billy left his home in San Francisco and ended up half hitchhiking and half walking his way to LA. A seventeen year old runaway, he should have probably ended up dead on the side of the road, but he was either lucky or more of a survivor than he seemed because he made it and, even through some lean years where he'd lived on ramen and water and sometimes had to sleep in bus stations or back alleys in the early times, he found a place to call his own. He grabbed hold of the opportunity to find his destiny and his identity and never let go. And now he's actually doing well, making a living doing what he loves, getting a moderate amount of fame among the circles he runs in and still being able to have some fun when he wants to. He has what he would call a good life.

Though there are still times, especially those times that would call for family togetherness like his birthday and holidays, where he finds himself wondering about the parents he left behind. He hasn't spoken to them since that day he left and he hasn't heard anything from them trying to find him. Perhaps they forgot about him and wrote him off. That would be for the best and, yet, Billy can't help but feel like something is missing from his life because of that. There's an emptiness there that art, video games and so many other distractions can't completely fill. Something he can't truly define.

He feels that sometimes...but he always eventually shakes it off and goes back to his regular, irregular ways. And that's for the best, isn't it? Better to not think about those things if he doesn't have to. That's, at least, what he tells himself.

Likes: It would take too long to list all the things that Billy likes. Obviously, there's his drawing, which is number one on his list of interests and hobbies or else it wouldn't also be how he's making a living. Then there's comics and anime and video games and movies and TV and pretty much any consumable part of pop culture there can be. Internet memes, roleplaying games, Twitch streams. If you can watch it, play it, listen to it or otherwise enjoy it, he's probably into it. He also likes the beach and swimming, one of the few "outdoor and active" things he likes, though most of the time on the beach he just sits on the shore and draws or people watches.

Dislikes:The things Billy truly dislikes are few and far between and, even then, he wouldn't even say he truly dislikes them. Some things can be a little annoying but, not in a "I vow vengeance against you and your kin, my unholy foe!" sort of way. Just in a "oh, that kind of sucks, but, eh, I'll get over it" sort of way. If he was forced to say the one thing that he would be the holidays. And if asked why that was...he wouldn't answer and would probably try and change the subject to something innocuous.

Strengths: As one would expect, Billy is a talented artist and can draw well enough to imitate a number of styles he enjoys and artists he's looked up to. He's also pretty well-versed in most things pop culture, making him something of an encyclopedia for those sorts of things. In addition, Billy is pretty much unflappable when it comes to things, endlessly optimistic and never truly put off or put down. He has boundless energy and is always ready to tackle any obstacle or task with a smile on his face.

Weaknesses: Besides a crippling addiction to junk food? Well, Billy has the bad habit of not knowing when to shut up and not having much of what people would refer to as "common sense". He is the first one to talk to strangers and seems pretty gullible when it comes down to it. He can also be a bit annoying to people who are not used to him, his mile a minute way of thinking and rambling way of talking grating on many people's nerves. He is pretty bad at reading the room or the atmosphere, very much oblivious to many subtle social cues and always going at his own pace, which can be good and bad at times depending on the situation.

Fears: Being alone would be the first and only thing he could truly think of if asked what he fears. And that would be all he has to say about that.

Billy's Tattoos

Right Leg

Upper Back, Left Shoulder

Left Arm

Upper Chest, Right Side

Back Of Neck, Right Side