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Welcome to Batman: Rebirth (DC AU)

03:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Solomon Grundy


Aliases: Solomon Grundy


Physical description: Monstrously large and hulking, covered in the shoddy remnants of the punker raider gear left over from his forgotten past life.
Biography/History: In the aftermath of the great destruction the people living the rural areas on the fringes of Gotham found that the mystical Slaughter Swamp had somehow remained unaffected by the bombs. The water was clean to drink, and the food they grew from its soil was plentiful and healthy. They formed a small agricultural community in the mire. Strangely, the trees grew their massive trunks into makeshift shelters perfect for the settlers needs, but quickly swallowed any man-made structures they tried to build themselves that weren't for specifically growing crops. And any weapons they brought with them soon disappeared.
When the first band of Mutant Raiders discovered them, they feared that was the end of their little village. But to there surprise, the foliage of the Swamp came alive and killed all of their would-be attackers, drowning them in the waters of the bayou.
The strangest thing came the following Monday though, when one of the Raiders rose from Slaughter Swamp, transformed into a hulking white skinned undead version of himself. He introduced himself to Solomon Grundy.
Since then Grundy has been their protector, and the closest thing they posses to a leader. He speaks to the Swamp, and protects its people from those who seek to harm them.
Other Information: Grundy possesses Unearthly Super Strength, as well as some degree of invulnerability and a rapid healing factor if something can injure him. He can also leap great distances. Because of his attunement  to the mystical energies that birthed him, Grundy also has a sense for finding living things, such as thriving plants or clean water, and can sense the coming of things that threaten nature, like pollution storms or enemies that could destroy wide swaths of plant mass.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Grundy, though he bears a sort of childlike simple wisdom, is not very intelligent. He speaks in broken English and struggles to grasp complex ideas. Because of this, he can very easily become confused and volatile, slipping into a rage and lashing out. He can also be relatively easily manipulated for this reason. He also has a tendency to entrust in his durability and regeneration and allow attacks to hit him, meaning if he gets hit with something on a truly incredible power level, he can be injured with relative ease.
And if he dies, he will be resurrected by the Swamp, but he'll have a new body and an altered personality, and will lose all his memories of his past self save for a few flashes and visions.

Character pic:

Character Descriptors:


Shelter From the Elements
Air Filters
Raw Materials

