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Welcome to Batman: Rebirth (DC AU)

01:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Unpronounceable.
Moniker: Lobo ("He who devours you alive and enjoys it.")
Aliases: The Main Man
Age: Pre-Apocalypse
Physical Description: Lobo is seven and a half foot and three hundred plus pounds of brute force in broad, burly frame. Great slabs and cords of legendarily potent muscle ripple beneath his ashen grey flesh, genuine strength instead of that sissy Kryptonian tactile telekinesis. He has a fondness for garbing his powerful frame in leathers, having an affinity for wearing the flesh of his prey. Though he possesses phenomenal physical power, he often bears an array of weaponry for no other reason than his having a fascination with implements of destruction.

Biography: Czarnia was a utopian world, populated by a people who had cast off the bonds of mortality and base emotions, devoting themselves to philosophy and science. They had purged themselves of the primitive urges that lesser creatures termed evil. They had built a true paradise and were set to be beacons to all other life in the Universe.

Then Lobo was born. It is said that those who delivered him became the first mental patients of their species in 10,000 years. The last Czarnian was also the one who had destroyed his own kind, for he just so happened to be a cannibalistic warmonger with a genius for destruction. After committing genocide on his own species, the last one went forth into the world, where he first encountered the warlike Khund and earned a name that would live on in infamy.

History: Back in the bad old days some Humans got their hands on a tiny portion of the last Czarnian's genetic material. An attempt to infuse an All-American hero, whose name has been lost to history in that nuclear firestorm that ended the whole affair, went well and went badly. For one thing they did indeed succeed in making a man into a monster, creating a ferocious, indestructible warrior capable of making war unlike any army in history.

Unfortunately, this being was Lobo reborn, the Czarnian genetic memory overwhelming the pitiful Human shell. Fortunately, this being was still in polyspectral stasis when a 120 megaton nuclear weapon struck the mountain beneath which the laboratory was located. One forgotten weapon lead to another forgotten weapon, and remained that way for centuries.

Some poor, unfortunate bastards had the immense good fortune to come across a long-buried trove of pre-Apocalyptic advanced technology. In their hurry to loot the place, the reactivated a long dormant program that freed Lobo from his long stasis. The looters provided Lobo with snacks and clothes, though he didn't quite think to keep any alive for information.

Other Information:

Lobo doesn't make friends, he's got no sense of consequences and virtually nothing in the way of self-preservation instinct.

He has a strict code of honour. Lobo will never tell a sincere lie, nor will he break his word, even if it might somehow get him killed. Once he takes a contract he will follow it to the end of time and space.

Lobo will usually take the most interesting or brutal approach to solving a problem. Just because he knows how to devise weapons of mass destruction doesn't mean he'll employ them, even in dire straits. He delights in taking on a target with his own two massive fists.

Lobo is Violent, Selfish and Confused.

Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Stamina: Lobo never tires and is extremely durable.
Regeneration: Lobo renegerates tissues with phenomenal speed, able to regrow lost limbs in moments and even regenerate his entire body from a single cell.
Self-Sustenance: Lobo can survive without food, water, air or even an atmosphere.
Genius Intellect: Lobo is a violent, brutish thug because he likes it. He's got a phenomenal talent in mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering but his only interests are in building things that go fast and go boom. He speaks nearly 19,00 languages.
Superhuman Senses: Lobo has visual acuity, olfaction and hearing far beyond anything human. He's an expert tracker and can see in a broad spectrum.

The Jet-Hog: Lacking the materials to rebuild his beloved Spacehog, Lobo has built himself an advanced jet-cycle that's heavily armed and armoured. It has an onboard autocannon, rocket launchers and deafening sound system.

Automatic Gyrojet Launcher: A sidearm that fires massive calibre explosive rounds with built-in rocket propellant for extra kick.

Automatic Carbine: Fires high-velocity, large calibre incendiary, armour-piercing rounds.

Grenades: Fragmentation, Incendiary, and Concussive. Always carried in rather large quantities.

Meat-hook: A massive barbed hook on the end of a long chain, both are made of a high-density alloy that can stand up to his inhuman strength.

Chainchete: A large cleaver of a weapon, two dense plates with diamond-tipped saw-teeth and an extremely powerful motor.
Weapons - Lobo has the technical abilities to construct all manner of weapons.
Transportation - He has built himself a monstrous jetbike.
Manufacturing - Lobo has salvaged the remnants of a buried laboratory and is also capable of designing other tooling machinery.

Raw Materials - He's capable of making much out of little and has no trouble finding buried raw materials.
Shelter - He doesn't need any protection from the elements.
Power - Lobo is capable of salvaging and building power supplies.

Food - Lobo doesn't need to eat but he still does and there's no shortage of people around.
Water - He doesn't need water but is immune to terrestrial contaminants and parasites.
Air Filters - Nuclear fallout and other toxins don't bother him in the slightest.
Workforce - He's not really the sort to make friends.