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Welcome to DnD5e: In'Galada - The Living World

04:30, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME:           Artagel Thales
NICKNAME:       Art
RACE:           Half-Elf
CLASS:          Swashbuckler Rogue | Battlemaster Fighter
LIVE SHEET:     Live Sheet

SEX:      Male
AGE:      24
HEIGHT:   6' 1"
WEIGHT:   200 lb

QUOTE: There is no situation that you cannot escape from, no situation that you cannot turn to your advantage, but can you do it in time?
THEME: Haken: Insomnia (beware, gratuitous guitar)

Art usually cuts his dark hair at a short to medium length and has a thin beard but currently his beard has been shaved and he has a light stubble.
His left eye is azure blue while his right is golden.
He generally wears studded leather armour, brown and green are common in his colour palette.

 Personality Traits:
 The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.
 No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
 Noble Obligation: It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me. (Good)
 The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.
  I often think that I know best and will stop at nothing to get it done.

Artagel is the third of seven children born to Lord Thales and is a well known and respected swordsman in his country.
He has been trained for war and worked in the King's Service since he was old enough to enlist.

Having an adventurous spirit since he was a young boy, Artagel undertook many clandestine tasks across sovereign borders for his king.
He had to retire from that business once his fame as a swordsman meant that he had become too recognisable to perform those tasks reliably.

Instead, he now serves in an informal portion of the King's army known as the Knights of the Steel Chalice.
Given the vague definition of his duties Artagel has spent much of the last few years competing in tourneys and taking on adventuring contracts.

A number of lords have approached his father offering their daughters as a good match however all have been turned down.

Art is a caring and kind man, often trying to solve a situation with his charm and wit before resorting to physicality.
He is generally light-hearted and easy-going however becomes incredibly serious once swords are drawn.

He has a particular weakness for dueling as it is his favored pastime.
Artagel has his own sense of honor and a sense of fair play however can be shockingly pragmatic when the need arises.

In a serious relationship with the NPC Crimson.
New member of the Royal Assembly.
Bears the Heart and Right Eye of Vecna.