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07:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ooli Quag

Name: Ooli Quag

Rank: Freeborn

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 606yrs / any. Less than 1 year from cytokinetic birth

Gender: Either, but identifies more as female / neither

Race: Slime

Description: Ooli is normally inky black in color, an opaque gelatin through which no details may be seen. However, as a polymorphic entity, Ooli can possess any shape and appearance, given the proper skeletal foundation, and can perfectly mimic its features and mannerisms. Ooli's preferred form is humanoid, about 5' tall with grayish-white 'skin' and a head full of mimicked black hair.

Adapt - Ooli is less a single cohesive being and more an aggregate intellect arising from complex electric and photonic communication between each cell of her being. Each cell possesses base intelligence, an unrivaled ability to sense the space around it, and the ability to break down and consume any organic material and copy its structure and properties. This information is shared with the collective, allowing for coordinated processing and integration. This property also allows for spurts of evolution in response to environmental stimuli.

Shapeshift - Ooli is a polymorph by nature, lacking skeleton and organs alike, and so is capable of forming herself into any shape, provided she has the body mass required. In order to maintain any form capable of erect locomotion, or of standing taller than two feet, she requires a skeleton or some other form of solid support. Her gelatinous form can mimic any property and can vary in density and hardness at will. She can also stretch her body out over an extraordinary amount of space, expanding to cover a plane or to fill a space. Anything inside her body is subject to her will, and can be moved quite easily; she can also choose whether or not such matter is consumed, expelled, or retained.

Greater Magic: Due to the consumption of large amounts of magical creatures, a handful of magic practitioners, and a certain slave collar designed to ensnare a polymorphic wearer, Ooli has an immense storage of raw magic power in each of her cells and the innate knowledge on how to use it. This ability and familiarity with magic, no longer inhibited by a geas that prevents thought of it, is quite formidable. Compounded with Ooli's incredible senses, this innate well of energy and experience also grants the slime exceptional magic detection ability.

History: Ooli separated from Oola in response to wildly conflicting urges and needs; this conflict revealing external influence on Oola's will. In response to certain loopholes in the original collar, Ooli was formed in order to handle dealing with needs that go against the overwhelming urge to obey. Separated from the original form and bound with different signals, Ooli has realized this coercion and behaves on her own will.

Culture: Ancient Slime - A powerful collective of autonomous cells capable of breaking down and integrating nearly any form of matter. The primary goal of any slime capable of learning and developing intellect is to continue to do so, and so encompass all knowledge and matter some day.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual