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16:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hank Richards

Description: Hank Richards was in the Vietnam War yet spent most of it behind a desk or at a workbench, seeing no actual combat during his tour. He is 6'4" tall and weighs 250 lbs. with a paunch around his middle. His scalp is shaved clean and bald, though he does have a thick and wild beard of brown hair with blond highlights that look normal, but have actually been added by his girlfriend Irina. His brown eyes are now green, thanks to colored contacts. There are times however, when a lost, puzzled look comes into them as if he is missing something though he knows not what.

He dresses like a Greaser from the 1950s, having found suitable clothing on a skeleton while trapped in fractured time. This includes a white tee-shirt, worn blue jeans, a leather motorcycle jacket, and Converse-style sneakers that are a little tight on his feet.

His hands are large and well-shaped, and he puts them to good use in his chosen profession though he doesn't have callouses yet. Any boyish good looks he may have once had have faded away now that he's in his early thirties, and while he did go through basic training and knows which end of a gun to point at the bad guy, he sees himself much more as a thinker than a fighter; this is not to say he would not come to the aid of another, especially Irina, his sister, or his friends in that order.

Psychological Profile by Doctor Dorian Gray as requested by Sandra Dee: Hank is a very intelligent man, and seems to be content to take the world in stride. He doesn't express any plans for the future, and exhibits a habit of simply living in the moment. Perhaps this is due to having planned to meet with friend at a bar in Vietnam, and being the only survivor of that event. Or, it might well be linked to being locked away for five years of his life, years he has no memory of. The first could well explain why he makes no long term plans, and the other why he wishes to enjoy each moment.

Due to legal trouble Richards was on the run, and discovered a wanted woman by the name if Irina. He fell in love at the first sight of her, and she him. He seems to have found something worth sticking with and investing time in, but perhaps it is a matter of her helping him in a weak moment and a bond being formed of this alone. In the case of Irina, it could be that Hank is the first man to express a long term interest in her since her physical transformation into a woman.

Or perhaps it is the real thing and will outlast all else; I am an expert on the mind, not the heart.

End Evaluation.

History: Hank Richards was born the older of two siblings in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He came from a working class family, and didn't see his future awaiting him in a college; he dropped out of school at sixteen, taking odd jobs to help out the family until he turned eighteen, when he fully expected to join his father in a steel mill.

Uncle Sam had other ideas however, and Hank was drafted in 1970. A month after he blew out his candles, he was dumped wide-eyed in Vietnam.

During basic training, the Drill Sgt. noticed Hank's gun was firing faster and better than anyone else's. It was discovered Hank had altered his standard issue rifle without permission, but instead of punishment he was sent to speak to the base commander. The CO was impressed, so much so he wanted Hank to make more modifications and even blueprints. These last were sent to Washington and gained support to new designs; which ultimately led to Hank being being transfered out of General Infantry and assigned to Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) instead.

Hank ended up with his own office and staff, safe from the deadly bullets of the enemy while ironically figuring out better and more efficient ways to kill them.

It was then he met Lincoln, a young black man placed originally in a secretarial position but with a natural talent like Hank's own. The two ended up partners, working for hours on new designs and chatting up a storm as they did so.

LIncoln wanted to be a gunsmith back in the States, and Hank was torn between having the government pay for their education in Mechanical Engineering and opening their very own shop together, or remain in the military and pursue a career with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.

In 1975 they were both told they were going home, along with everyone in their barracks. Overjoyed at the news, the men planned to have a giant party at their favorite club. Hank wanted to make him look good for the ladies, and realized he was out of wax for his shoes. He ran to the PK and got some, then headed to meet his friends only twenty minutes late.

He arrived right after the bomb went off.

A bomb, that was what he official reports called it. There was no shrapnel found, and the damage wasn't centered around one main area.

By the time others arrived, the streets around the club were void of locals. The building itself was a complete wreck, and everyone inside was dead in horrific fashion. That is, save a single soldier.

Hank was found inside, his clothing tattered and splattered in something that couldn't be identified. He was sitting on the floor, near the remains of Lincoln. Empty guns and casings littered the floor, the source likely a couple of MPs who had been there and were among the deceased.

Hank didn't respond to questions, or being touched. It was like his mind simply wasn't there, though he didn't seem to be hurt physically. After pointless interviews for which he provided no answers or even acted as if he'd heard them to begin with, Hank was shipped to a VA mental hospital state side.

He would eat mechanically, spoke to no one, and the only sounds he made were to suddenly scream at the top of his lungs at odd hours of both day and night.

Five years later, he simply woke up one day. He was fine, acted normally, and had no recollection of time passing since the club. He was aware that his friends were dead, but when pressed for details his mind hit some mental wall. MPs pressed him for answers, but that almost triggered a relapse and the Doctors advised against such in the future.

Hank was released in 1980, and expected to see his parents waiting for him when he walked outside; however they took a dim view of anyone who required mental help, even their own son.

He was not alone however, as his sister greeted him. After a warm embrace, they began to discuss their future together.

Anna confessed to Hank what she had really done during the War for her Country, and how she was in fact still doing it. She figured she made enough for both of them to live off of, and he could use some to make gadgets for her. Then they'd just hit the road and travel, for as long as it suited them. Hank agreed, and they were off.