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21:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mia Ranger

Name: Mia Ranger

Age: 945 appears to be in her mid twenties

Sex: Female

Species : KItsune, Celestial ~ Nine tailed

Powers:   While Mia has the below listed abilities she does not like using several of them finding them distasteful.**
 Foxfire~ generally small balls of celestial fire which can be used to light the way, as a toy for amusement, or even a weapon.
 Illusion~ the ability to cast illusions of anything and make them solid and indistinguishable from the real thing. A deeply devout person can see through the illusions and should they touch it the illusion breaks.
 Shape shifting (different from her three forms)~ the ability to transform herself into anything found in nature.  Does not gain the innate abilities of side form, does gain forms vulnerabilities.
 Dimension pocket~ the ability to make a pocket of reality all her own of varying size and detail. Time flows faster here generally she makes it a minute in the mortal world last an hour in hers This is adjustable.
 Seduction~ the ability to hypnotize an individual via the swaying of her tails in a certain pattern.  The target sees and thinks what she wishes them to inside their mind. Can be broken by certain magic and wards. **
 Possession~ taking over a targets body for a period of time. Easier when the target is willing, however a forced possession is possible but requires trapping or breaking the targets will, potentially driving them temporarily insane when the possession is over. In either instance the target has no memories of the time they were possessed. She has very limited access only foxfire and illusion during the possession.**
 Avatar~ Possessing either a unborn child in the womb or a dead body that was not properly buried and consecrated. In essence a human form without a soul.**
 Weakness~  While in her human form or during a possession Mia places a portion of her essence into a small silver ball. Should it be stolen while she is in human form she is required to do a favor for whomever possesses it, if it is taken while she is possessing someone she cannot return to her natural form until it is returned.

Appearance: Mia has three main forms~ her white fox form, her hybrid or Yokai form, and her human form.

Her fox form is a pure white fox with red-brown eyes and she appears to be any other fox until you reach her tails. Unlike a normal fox she has nine tails  which she hides from mortal eyes with illusions while she is running through the forests of the mortal world.

Her hybrid form and the one she prefers to wear most when not dealing with the human world is of a human woman in her mid twenties. Her hair is the same white as her ears and tail, which are plainly visible for all to see. Her eyes are a soft amber red that can be both seductive and eerie depending on her mood. Her body is the build of a dancer, soft in appearance but touch reveals the hard tension of muscle beneath her pale skin. Her bosom and hips lend to the appearance of her softness, their curviness notable yet not overly obnoxious.

Her final form is that of a mortal human, while she can appear as either male or female she prefers to wear the form of a female. Over the centuries she has worn several faces when dealing with the mortal world as one of its members. Her current face is that of a white-blond  woman with grey-blue eyes the color of a lake during a storm. Her skin, while pale is dusted with freckles along her cheekbones and nose. Her body is like that of her hybrid form, thin and toned with subtle curves, though overall softer to touch.

Face Claim: Devon Jade

Personality:  Mia is a bit of a dichotomy in her personality. While she is always respectful and diligent to her duties and family honor, she can be rather snarky and aloof if the mood strikes her. In her youth she was often joyous and full of laughter but time and life have taken their toll on her and while she still can be found with a smile on her face it no longer always reaches her eyes. There is a loneliness that bleeds from her eyes no matter the form she takes which only adds to the aloofness that has taken hold of her over the last century.

History: Myth speaks of how a family of five kitsune came to take shelter in a temple of Inari and became the first celestial kitsune after fulfilling their ten labors. Mia knows this to be fact and not myth for those original five were her grandparents and their children, including her mother. Eldest of the grandchildren Mia was raised in the temple that had once offered shelter to her family and grew up as a favorite among the gods for whom she delivered messages.

 Though it was not required of her she undertook the ten labors like her mother and grandparents before her had done, completing the tasks with a diligence and steadfast determination that resulted in her finishing them quicker than any before her. Her abilities and skills matured quickly as she gained her tails and danced on the winds between the celestial and mortal worlds.

 During her 5th century of life she found herself in love with a mortal man and played the role of mortal wife for a time. She bore him a set of twin sons, both strong and healthy. Fate was kind and allowed her to remain with the three of them till her sons were nearly grown. The year her children turned 16 a nogitsune took up residence just beyond the village. As a celestial fox she knew it was her duty to drive the creature away even though it would mean she would likely have to leave her family behind.  And she was right, the battle that ensued  resulted in injuries that prevented her from maintaining her shape and illusions.  The villagers,  seeing she was a kitsune blamed her for the damages done by the nogitsune and chased her away from the village. To protect her sons she fled into the forests being hunted and chased while still bleeding from her battle preventing her from using her abilities. In the end to escape death she had to give up one of her tails something not done lightly by any kitsune.  She could not return to the man she'd come to love or the sons she had born and raised out of fear for their safety and fear of their rejection.  Her family kept watch over them as she recovered her strength. Yet even when she was healed she did not return to their sides, instead she watched over them from afar.

 As the centuries continued to pass she continued to serve the gods and protect the mortals near the shrine where she had taken up residence. And with time she regained her tail and several more until she gained her ninth and final tail. Always she kept watch over the descendants of her children. But as her heirs lessened and grew fewer in number she found herself withdrawing further and further into herself causing concern among those who knew her, including the gods who she had brought such joy to as a kit.  So it came to pass that arrangements were made for her to become the shrine maiden of a temple on the edge of one of the most unique cities in existence, Belcoast. The hope is that she will find something or someone who can get past the wall she has put up around herself, sometimes literally.

Profession: Shrine maiden, Assistant Manager at Han's Pawn Pawn

Hobbies: Ikebana or kadō (flower arranging) reading urban fantasy and science fiction romances, drinking, and anime.

Sexual Orientation: Flexible