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Welcome to Belcoast

08:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Chastity Goodhead

Age: She lies about her age or claims she's forgotten, but never gives it below "barely legal" or above 299. So probably older. She looks to be in her 20s, never above 29.

Sex: Yes! Oh, female.

Species: Succubus (demon)


Shapeshifter: Chastity can shape her body to whatever she or another desires, although remaining within a female humanoid form. She can make minor cosmetic alterations or change her whole body. Typically, she takes the form of a beautiful young woman and her the true succubus appearance, but can make herself an ugly crone or hideous fiend if needed. She can use this to pass among humans, disguise herself, impersonate others, create a fantasy for a lover, or terrify the living daylights out of victims and enemies. Or just for cosplay.

Lust: Chastity can induce desire, arousal, and/or awkward sexual tension in others or, just as likely, herself, not only through magic but also through good old-fashioned friendly flirting. People tend to leave her company feeling a little frisky. She can decrease desire in others, but can't suppress her own.

Dreamwalker: Chastity can slip into the dreams, nightmares, fantasies, and hallucinations of others, if they're having one. She can read their desires, shape their dreams to her whims, and blur the borders of the waking reality, whether to entertain others or to drive them mad.

Kiss: The cold kiss of a succubus can paralyse the body and leave a victim helpless or even dominate the mind of another, twisting them to her will.

Drinker of Life: Chastity must feed on mortals to survive, by sucking the life energy out of them in intimate circumstances. It is both a curse and an addiction, and is the source of her powers.

Flight: With her bat-like wings revealed, Chastity can fly through the air, though not very high or fast or even well compared to more aerodynamic creatures.

Demonology: As a demon, Chastity knows how to communicate with Hell (usually just for chatting with friends), travel back and forth via portals, summon and bind demons to do one's bidding (mainly due to usually being on the receiving side of such arrangements), create wards and minor magic (usually for her own convenience) and make pacts and bargains for power. By buying a soul she can grant a greater favour.

Magic: Chastity can wield minor demon magic like creating heat and small flames, increasing and animating shadows, and other tricks for special effects or convenience. If forced to fight, she can summon a fiendish weapon, which she terms a +1 battle-hoe.

Appearance: In her usual form, Chastity is of course a gorgeous and curvaceous young woman, with hourglass figure, lissome body, long legs, a plump peach of a bottom, and full round abundant double-D breasts, all almost impossibly squeezed into her 5 feet and 7 inches and 120 pounds. She has a beautiful face with fine almost-elven features, full kissable lips, dark bedroom eyes, and long dark hair. When revealed as a succubus, her skin is a luscious scarlet, her eyes are bright blue, her ears are pointed, and crowning her head is a pair of short curved and pointed horns. A tail emerges from the base of her spine, whip-like and long, ending in a loveheart-shaped spade tip she can make razor-sharp. She also has wings sprouting from her back: bat-like, sleek and leathery, tipped with claws, that can spread out to an impressive wingspan or be folded up like a pair of umbrellas, but she often hides them for convenience. Less obvious, meanwhile, is her foot-long, prehensile tongue.

While she'll wear whatever she needs to, or even nothing at all, Chastity enjoys dressing up and dressing down, from elegant dresses to cheap clothes, geeky shirts to cosplay, favouring showing a little or lot of skin, as well as low-rise pants that will accommodate her tail.

Face Claim: Shana Lee Kim

Personality: "One of the good ones", at least when it comes to demons, Chastity believes that just because you're in Hell, it's no reason to not put on a happy face (just not someone else's, no). She uses humour and mischief to keep spirits up, break the ice, and put others at ease, but after an evening with her this can become a different kind of torment. She's friendly, affectionate, and fun-loving, but her urges can make her flighty and impulsive, and more than a little inappropriate. She'll dare to needle even the mightiest beings. She's flirty and sexy and shameless, yet stays just the right side of the line to avoid a sexual harassment suit and not bugging those who aren't interested. She doesn't do it to seduce, it's simply her habits and humour. She's also generous and caring to those in need, with a motherly streak and a lot of life experience to help her understand.

Some would say her best feature is her mouth. It is, but not wholly for the obvious. With a quick wit and a quicker tongue, she always has a ready joke or double entendre, making her good at flirting, wordplay, persuasion, and keeping herself and others talking, as well as mocking and infuriating her foes. She's always chatty, never lost for words. Her mouth gets her into trouble as much as it gets her out.

These habits have seen her through Hell, having learned to laugh away her suffering and to make others laugh so they would not hurt her. The demon maintains a flippant attitude to horrors to keep them from disturbing her. The alternative is depression, despair, and darkness. Thus Chastity maintains a spark of rebellious goodness and not-entirely soiled innocence that Hell itself could not extinguish.

Nevertheless, Chastity is a true believer in Hell's Cause, regardless of its failings and hardships. Her road to hell was the one paved with good intentions. She genuinely tries to do good and believes she does good, and is comforted by that. She does the wrong things for the right reasons, and the right things for the wrong reasons. She helps people, just not necessarily in the way they expect or want or like. She instigates and trolls, but for constructive purposes, to change and challenge. She corrupts, but to make someone innocent more worldly and wise. She seduces, not just sexually, but in making friends, winning the trust of the community, and improving Hell's image, and improving Hell itself. She takes souls, but of good people who are deserving of her gift and want it, and in full knowledge, while leaving the ambitious, cruel, and power-hungry to suffer without getting what they want. She tortures and torments, but to punish and rehabilitate the wicked. She believes in the Cause to tear down Heaven, but not as a zealot or with blind faith, but with questions and doubts and rebellion, for Hell is not without corruption and suffering, and would bring down Hell too if she could. And she wants to have fun doing all of it.

As a succubus, she has an infernal lust and hunger that can never be sated. Always with sex on her mind or somewhere near it, Chastity tries to distract herself, with humour or hobbies, and to manage her need to feed on mortals. It doesn't always work. Nevertheless, while she might be a horny devil, Chastity keeps a touch of the Puritanical, having a cleaner and more conservative approach than one would expect of a demon. She prefers partners she likes and trusts who respect boundaries and needs, and at times is wistful of long-dead lovers of times past. A romantic at heart, she still believes in love and still hopes to find it.


When asked about her name, Chastity admits she probably got it from her parents. Her memories of her mortal life are hazy now, she gets dates and details wrong, some are contradictory, and she tells a lot of tales, but she can still remember clues, estimate facts, and surprise herself with memories from time to time. She knows she was born a human to Puritan parents in the 1600s. She was raised in a rustic village (allegedly wiped out by Plague in 1666) and worked as a milkmaid. But with the familiar fate of a child saddled with an embarrassing virtue name, mocked and rebelling against it, Chastity grew up to be most unchaste, a wanton wench, beautiful, defiant, and spirited. The Puritans were actually all for sex, but only within marriage, yet Chastity just had so much love to give she couldn't wait. She must've been a mother, once. Soon, she fell in love with the wrong woman. Then the wrong two men. And then the wrong man and a goat. Only it was actually a man with goat's legs and horns. In time, she'd made enemies, those jealous or jilted or with affairs to hide. Falsely accused of being a witch, by witch-hunters completely missing the actual consorting with dark forces, she was put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to hang until she was dead. She sacrificed herself to save others. Barred from Heaven for the sin of Lust, she chose to be damned to Hell.

Life can be so unfair.

Tormented, cursed, and made into a succubus demon, Chastity spent centuries as a junior succubus, learning their arts and serving more senior succubi. She was usually only sent to the mortal world via the wet dreams and fantasies of teenagers and lonely men, often not lasting long enough for a good feed and mostly restricted to bedrooms and in the dark. But these gave her tantalising glimpses of the human world: culture, technology, freedom. When Earth entered its 20th century, these got progressively more interesting and she became fascinated by the things she saw. Taking assignments just to get out and see, making contacts via dreams, trying to get her name and summoning instructions out, she wanted to escape Hell and live her life on Earth and live like a human woman again. What she needed was to get summoned, bound to serve a good master or mistress, then escape or be released onto Earth.

What she got was trouble.

Trouble came in the form of Duke Zepar, incubus warrior and minor demon lord, who thought to punish the mouthy succubus and put her in her place, that being on her knees before him. One thing led to another, Zepar was utterly and bloodily emasculated, and a well-timed summons spirited Chastity away to Earth. In time, she parted ways with her new master and made her way to Belcoast for sanctuary, whilst hoping that Zepar wouldn't find her.

Settling in, she started to make friends and make a reputation. She soon found her calling in taking over the Old Belcoast Confectionery Store, after getting to know and buying the soul of its owner, John "Old Mister Hubbard" Hubbard. Running the store on his behalf, she's refurbished and renamed it the Lickety-Splits Lolly Shop, and has shown herself to be an enterprising sales-succubus.

Profession: Manager of the Lickety-Splits Lolly Shop

Hobbies: Chastity long ago learned that the best way to not get old was to keep up with the new. For a girl born in the 17th century, her interests are in the 21st, or at least the mid-to-late 20th. However, she can still be a bit behind the times, especially in musical tastes. She picks up a lot of hobbies to keep herself busy and out of trouble, and has a lot of abandoned ones behind her.

Currently, she enjoys geeking out, such as being a fan of Star Trek and whatever else takes her fancy. Good Omens (the novel) really opened her eyes as a demon. She also loves cosplay, using being a shapeshifter to cheat assist her in making costumes. Previously, she had a passing interest in rock music and hot rods, but this was limited to sitting on bonnets and being depicted on album covers and mud flaps.

Her enjoyment of lollipops, large and small and of all shapes and kinds, isn't so much a hobby as it is a raging addiction. She started as a distraction, but now she needs her lollipops, when idle and especially when under stress. However, it's not hard to work out, usually by men seeing her deft tongue licking a lollipop, that it's just a substitute for her real addiction. She may well have started Lickety-Splits to keep herself in lollipops, and since then she has taken up other candies, but still likes her lollipops.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, polyamorous, switch