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Welcome to Swallows Light

06:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tepha Pezal

Tepha defines her life by what “should” have happened. She felt like she should have been born into wealth and social standing. She should have had her acting/singing/dancing career take off and she should have been the star of a hit musical or movie. She should have gotten this part, she should have gotten famous, ,she should have gotten her big break.

Finally she felt her opportunity had come. While he career was still floundering as a frequent backup dancer or extra two things happened. One she started dating a guy she met at a bar only to discover that he was actually a pretty powerful criminal lord. With his influence doors started opening up to her. The second is that a friend of hers was assaulted by a nobleman’s son and despite a mountain of evidence the boy only got a weak slap on the wrist fo the crime.

Emboldened by her boyfriend’s power and influence she started an activist movement against the noble and his son. She organized protests and even paid for advertisements to be run at the local opera so that the noble’s peers could hear her friends story directly while they waited in line for entrance.

Tepha’s actions should have triggered reform and a social movement against the rich and privileged escaping justice and punishment however she bit off more than she or her boyfriend could handle. Razen’s small criminal empire was no match for a powerful noble and a couple of crackdowns and raids were all it took to break Razen’s little empire. As for Tepha word got out that she was consorting with a drug dealer and arms smuggler and she was blacklisted from the entertainment industry.

Looking to start anew she booked passage as far as her credits would take her. While her prospects were done she still had a wide list of contacts and tried to spin that into a talent agency and management career. While she was quite capable she found it insufferable to be spending her time launching the careers of younger, prettier women who, in her estimation, weren’t nearly as talented as she was at their age.

Her life was looking grim until she met a drunken Naval officer at a party. He had amazing stories to share, including the truth about the noble that had ruined her life and his powerful friends. Tepha realized she had spent her life up to that point trying to pretend to be in other people’s stories while completely neglecting her own. Ledo had stirring tales of space combat and tense boarding actions and thrilling ambushes of pirates and smugglers. She fell in love with the idea of becoming a free trading pirate queen, being her own boss and going wherever she wanted to go and taking whatever she wanted to take and living a thrilling life worthy of a trilogy of movies, or at least a couple seasons of a holo serial. She quickly ensnared Ledo into her dreams and spun him around so that he was longing to be a pirate king as well.

Together they pooled their money, reached out to a few other contacts and now find themselves on the edge of the Imperium with a ship, a motley crew, and a burning need for excitement and credits.