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Welcome to Swallows Light

19:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Silver’s life could best be described as a ping pong ball. She was born on a starship, being inducted into a criminal gang at birth. She didn’t realize that the games and chores she performed as a child were actually aiding criminal activities like drug dealing and smuggling. She didn’t shy away from the criminal life when she finally realized what was really happening. She was dirt poor and on the fringe of the Imperium, what other opportunities did she really have?

She joined up with the local pirate gang and became a raider and gunner on their ship. She lived for the thrill of the fight and the rush of seizing cargo and valuables from corporate traders. She would ride the adrenaline spike right into booze, drugs, and sex and if she could remember anything from those nights she would probably consider that the first and last time she was truly happy.

It all came to a crashing halt when one of her fellow pirates got picked up by law enforcement for a minor drug charge and flipped on the entire pirate gang. The Imperium raided the group and most were captured or killed in the ensuing fight. Silver, a consummate survivor, fled to a nearby religious order and pleaded for sanctuary and they foolishly accepted. She lasted just long enough for the heat to die down before sneaking out with a few relics to pawn for passage off world.

Arriving without any support and little more then a fake ID Silver struck on the crazy idea that she could use her knowledge of the criminal world to be a successful police detective. She was able to pass the exams by the skin of her teeth and she became an officer. Seeing the other side of things she saw a career as a dirty cop ahead of her. It worked for awhile up until a simple arrest went sideways and she ended up completely outgunned and riddled with bullets.

Lying in recovery she heard through her contacts on the force that she had clipped a rising star in the gang during the fight and now they were out for her blood. Figuring that cutting and running had worked before she slipped out of the ICU and used her badge to force passage on an outbound ship.

Old habits die hard and once she had recovered she fell back into criminal enterprise. She found herself onboard a pirate ship older and wiser and she cursed a blue streak a mile long when it turned out one of the crew was an undercover agent for the Imperium. Once again the Imperium dropped the hammer and she escaped like a cockroach.

While lying low she grew desperate and ended up joining a ship breaker crew. It was low paying and very dangerous but for once nobody was shooting at her or ratting her out to the Imperium. While salvage operations were technically illegal it was such a low priority crime that the law wasn’t hunting fo her.

For awhile she was content. Not happy but she had nutrient paste to stave off starvation and a simple, small life. Then a local insurrection caused the Imperium to suddenly be undermanned. They sent customs and anti-piracy boats to scoop up illegal salvage operations like hers and press gang them into service for civilian supply runners.

She survived the war and was looking for a new ship to crew on when she saw a couple familiar faces at a space bar. The woman who dated her brother and a friendly mechanic she served with during the war. Finding out they were looking to run a free trader, one that might skirt to the other side of the law seemed as clear as sign from fate as she could handle so she begged her way onto the ship. Having actual pirating experience, a steady hand with a gun and one of her brothers old high-tech assault rifles helped seal the deal.