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22:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tidelan Wavyrus


Tidelan Wavyrus is a Water Genasi Druid who stands 5 ft 10 in tall, and weighs 185 lbs of mostly muscle. He has thin silver hair that hangs from his head in strands, and a furrowed brow that rests over contemplative sea green eyes. His skin is blue, which has often caused him to be mistaken for a Triton by individuals within Kavidon.

Recently, Tidelan's skin has grown to be covered in a thin layer of moisture, accentuating his Genasi nature.

Additionally, Tidelan speaks with a noticeable accent (Farradi sounds kind of similar to real life spanish, but doesn't necessarily share vocabulary nor grammar), though it's not strong enough to obscure his words.

Tidelan has an unfortunately limited vocabulary while speaking Common. He can hardly read or write in Common at all (he has been blindly signing Erret Smith's forms... making out few to none of the words).

Tidelan has a complete vocabulary in Farradi, and he can read and write it fundamentally but not expertly, as he did very little schooling. In his home tongue, he speaks poetically rather than practically.

Tidelan also speaks/reads/writes Primordial, though he's just slowly becoming aware of that.

Tidelan's body is slim, but recently it's lean-ness has gotten slightly stockier with the genasi's rapid weight gain, and it has become especially noticeable in his neck, his shoulders, his arms, his chest and his face.

Tidelan's face-bones have always been angular, but they are filled in with thick layers of muscle, causing them to appear more square.


Tidelan doesn't speak when he feels it would be unneeded, and he dislikes people who use words to hurt or brag. Tidelan is very mild mannered, and he rarely dances around topics except for those of extremely personal nature, which he simply wouldn't mention.

He has a strong desire to be self-sufficient. He believes in personal freedom and the rule of the strong over the weak, as in nature.

While he's in combat, Tidelan is brutally efficient, but is often willing to stall his blood frenzy to heal or aid a well-respected ally.

He doesn't enjoy planning, and often recommends a simple approach to things.

Tidelan doesn't have any interest in being rich, regardless of the abundant opportunities in this frontier town. Money has very little meaning to him beyond keeping him alive and what it can do for him in the immediate moment.

Additionally, the coinage of this continent is unfamiliar to him, but he actually sees it to be worth a lot more than it is.

Tidelan is quick to anger when provoked, but he's not sensitive in the way that he would lash out at people for innocent comments. He would not respond well to bullies or annoying travel companions.

Tidelan is cautious in his relationships, still not very confident in his ability to determine a person's trustworthiness.

When Tidelan does make a friend, he's highly devoted to protecting them, and will go farther to appease them than he would for others.

Tidelan is generally amiable if gruff with strangers. Also, he's determined to never be a pushover again. Additionally, if he feels superior to someone, he wouldn't act arrogant with them, but he likely wouldn't look at them as an equal peer.

Tidelan has an odd behavior in that he doesn't let a taller stranger approach him to a distance where he cannot meet their eyes without craning his neck and/or looking up at them. He doesn't even let people that he dwarfs in height approach to close to him.


Tidelan Wavyrus used to have a completely different name, one that fit the culture of his mother's family line (she was a human serf). He grew up far across the Terminus Sea, on the isolated continent of Farrad. Growing up in Timberloft, a small xenophobic town in the Nation of Varna, he was bullied by his uniform peers for being of an exotic race (they called him Wishborn).

In his late teens, he fled his home town with his only childhood friend to Porter's Respite, where they stole a ship and then sailed for months to Kavidon. He lost contact with his friend shortly after arriving in port to the north of the Rimewoods, whom abandoned him with the sailing vessel

Though Tidelan's friend never told him, his reason for leaving was due to a severe drug addiction having got him in trouble with local lords. The boat went missing because the friend sold it for coin when he arrived in Kavidon.

Tidelan has a pretty good intuition for what happened, and has had lots of time to think about the secrets and struggles of his lost friend.

Tidelan still regularly thinks about that coast where he first arrived on due to the beauty and nostalgia he associates with it.

Once arriving on Kavidon, he began to live a very hermit-like life within a small forest (not the Rimewood) near Wuaden. Over this time, he developed some druidic prowess after connecting with the worldsoul, whom he calls Gaea, and in those woods he grew into a man.

Recently, he made his way from the small forest in search of a greater purpose, in order to expand his power and confidence.

He has been traveling from those woods for just under a month by the time he comes across Smith's Gambit, and he is now 22 years old.

Tidelan has a long-term goal to meet his absentee father (a Marid). He doesn't know what will happen when he finally finds him, but he believes he will either develop the strong connection with a family member he has never had, or he will kill the damned despoiler in cold blood.

Tidelan has a severe temper (especially during hunts), and as multi-classed into Barbarian, at some point. Additionally, he has recently been struggling with an irritable and protective primal side, both while wild-shaped and in his regular form.

Similarly, Tidelan is also easily frustrated, especially from boredom and/or repetitive tasks. That's not to say he doesn't have a zen mindset during labor or meditation, but he does struggle when he consistently meets obstacles with failure, or is forced to redouble his efforts with a different approach (examples includes circular arguments and conversations he deems pointless or empty).

Tidelan's only real ideal is his own personal freedom, and he's become accustomed to having enough of it that he'd put himself in danger to protect it. Tidelan is an empathetic person, but he doesn't weep for fallen foes or show mercy to enemies.

He believes that if people are placed in a battle with him, and they die, then the fault was on them for opposing him. Tidelan does not like to kill civilians nor take prisoners, because he sees that as cruelty.

Tidelan's attitude of death is fatalistic, because he understands and has lived around nature for many years. He knows that death is part of life, and believes that killing in battle or hunt is no evil act.

In addition to his ideals of freedom, Tidelan does not enjoy being told what to do nor being kept under watch or probation. He will follow an order only from someone whom he respects or fears.

Tidelan acts different near bodies of water. He clearly becomes more aloof and quicker to have an emotional response to things (including emotions that he often represses, like sorrow or openness). His eyes seem to reflect the light that dances on waves, and they change from a sea green to a many-hued blue, instead.

Tidelan has begun to realize his devotion to Honor. This will take long to unfold to it's final form. Furthermore, he has come to understand the Heart.

Though the druid himself cannot pinpoint for sure at what time he had such dreams, he can confirm that most of his shamanic wisdom has come from visions given to him by Annwn in some stage of consciousness that he cannot reproduce by will alone.

The extents of his shamanic wisdom are unknown, and how likely they are to be considered as 'true' is mostly up to the listener. Most of his teachings have not been revealed as of yet, as Tidelan himself is still processing the immeasurable weight that carrying this knowledge holds.

For the most part, Tidelan does not give specific history lessons. Rather, he unfolds a tale of a perspective on the nature of the cosmos itself by explaining concepts that are far beyond him or even most Gods for that matter.

The genasi often acts counterintuitive to how one may expect a 'druid' to behave. In truth, Tidelan does not consider himself a 'druid' nor do his powers assign him such a role. Rather, Tidelan is closer to a 'War-Shaman' and he never uses the term 'druid' as he considers it incorrigible with his worldview (basically, he doesn't think druids exist).

What is even more odd, is that while Tidelan seems to worship Gaea, the worldsoul of the planet, he also seems to worship Annwn, the worldsoul of the Feywild. Though it's not accurate to say this causes conflicts of interest, it is reasonable that an unwitting observer may be shocked at his lack of tendency to favor many classically 'druidic' things.