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Welcome to The Sixth Floor

06:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Darcy Stein

Stage Name: Darcy Stein  Real Name: Darlene Klopfenstein
Nickname: Darse
Age: 23
Occupation: Actress... well Waitress but someday her break will come.

Theme song: Pass the Wine
Faceclaim: Candice Swanepoel
Physical Description:

At 5'10'' Darcy Stein is a bundle of energy.  Her natural metabolism runs high, so she is usually seen eating something.  While she tries to eat healthy her natural instinct for noshing usually spills over into junk food.  Still... she barely weighs over 118 lbs sometimes she can get it as high as 120, but inevitably she'll stop working out and lose the muscle mass.

She has a lithe figure, not particularly muscular but with the soft curves that make her appealing especially for film and stage work- or so she hopes.  While she believes she should probably be concerned about her cup size, she's afraid of needles, knives, and blood and is alright with the C-cup she has at the moment.

Darcy is usually seen in the apartment building wearing a t-shirt and jeans or the like.  Outside of her efforts of becoming a full time actress she likes comfortable.  However, when she's going out on a possible job, she can transform into an array of looks each one targeting the job she is gunning for.

Her waitress uniform is less of a uniform and more of a costume.  Her job is less of a waitress position and more of an entertainment position...  She works at a gentleman's club that is costume themed.  Her current position is playing Marilyn Monroe- it's a good part and the manager is clear that there is no hanky panky with the girls.  The clientele is mostly Japanese businesses men who prefer the woman they are with to have good conversation, an affinity for games, and less about lap dances.  Still she has to admit the uniform is fabulous- Marilyn's white dress, and heels- wig, lashes, and even the beauty mark.

While Darcy isn't fond of it, the job does provide more acting experience than waiting at Denny's and she receives tips in the hundreds rather than the tens.  The other girls she works with are not always as sheltered as she is.  There is talk of things going on outside the club, but Darcy relies on her upbringing and keeps it strictly fun and flirting.

Distinguishing Features:
Darcy's most notable feature is her startling blue eyes.  As an actress she's refrained from getting tattoos or piercings, however she has a wide variety of temporary tattoos that she sometimes wears to auditions when the role calls for it.

Personality Description:

Darcy is an optimist. Raised on the dairy farm in up Pennsylvania, she always tried to look past the cows and the smell.  Her parents taught her hard work and about the real world.  She's actually pretty good with machinery, having fixed the pumps for her father since she was in her early teens.  About that same time Darcy experienced her first acting class.  She fell in love, and throughout the rest of high school she performed in musicals and plays, taking part in competition.

The acting bug made her personality bloom.  The somewhat tom boyish dairy girl became itchy for a more creative life.  This clashed with her parents more down to earth plans for her.  Arguments ensued and Darcy, determined to live her dream, moved as far away from her father as she could to the Washington coastline.  While her mother and she have patched things up, her father is still set on getting her back to having her feet on the ground.

Darcy makes friends easily and is welcoming and open.  She usually has an extra cup of sugar for whoever comes knocking at her door.  Her most recent job's tips have given her sudden access to better accommodations than the six girl apartment she was part of before.  Living alone has been refreshing but at times a little lonely, though she does like having the bathroom all to herself.

Apartment Number: 603

Time living at the Winslow:  Under 3 months.

What are some of your characters likes and dislikes?
- Dislikes: Cows, cattle, bovine, bulls, heifers, calves (well maybe she likes calves), oxen and any other thing that looks, acts, and smells like a cow- and/or moos.
- Likes: Noel Coward, Shakespeare, Patrick Hamilton, and Agatha Christie
- Darcy does not actually like the smell or taste of dairy.  While she will eat cheese and dairy products in food, she doesn't drink milk or eat cheese alone.  She does, however love ice cream.
- She loves good music from a wide range of genres- while broadway tunes are a fav, she also loves 80's rock, The Stones, AC/DC, Zeppelin, (and secretly Baby Metal specifically Gimme Chocolate and Hide and Seek- though she doesn't reveal that to everyone.) When she's learning lines- classical music without words to help her concentrate.
- She dislikes cleaning the bathroom- she does it, but it's her least favorite task.
- Cheesy pick up lines.

Any other information you would like to share:
Darcy's parents were pretty stalwart Methodists growing up.  She was raised Christian, Republican, and Conservative.  Her dalliances in the theater opened her up to an entirely new world of people that she came to adore.  Her father opposed her friendship with those who swore let alone anyone with sexual preferences that did not meet with the bible standard.

Since moving to Seattle, Darcy has become more open.  While she has no religious affiliation, she does believe in God and that he genuinely wants people to be good to one another.  She holds to Matthew 7:1-3 as the center of her religious beliefs and strives to be a genuinely good person to everyone.  While her parents, especially her father, believe she has become the child of Satan and she needs to be saved, Darcy tries to hold to the ideals she was taught her youth, while still accepting others for who they are and what makes them unique.


Darlene Klopfenstein was born to Hillary and Ed Klopfenstein in Punxsutawney, PA.  Raised on her parent's dairy farm, she learned at an early age to get up with the sun and to go to bed with it as well.  She learned fast that cows in every sense are jerks and that milk does not smell good especially when you have to go to school with it as your scent.  However, since a majority of the population had the same smell, it wasn't all bad.

When she was 12 Darlene began fixing the machinery.  She didn't really do it because she preferred the mechanics, she did it to get away from the cows. Fortunately she had a good hand with a wrench and soon her dad relied on her to keep the machinery working, which suited Darlene fine.  This also opened her up to have after school activities.

At the age of 15 Darlene took her first acting class.  It was a mistake.  The counselors were supposed to put her in the Animal Science class her father had picked out, but instead she was in a theater class.  Rather than getting it changed, she stayed in and loved what she experienced.  Everything about her life that was regimented and closed off fell away and Darlene became Darcy.  Even though she wouldn't change her name for another four years, her classmates picked up the nickname and it became her identity- her true self.

High School became difficult when she started getting into plays.  Her father was violently opposed to it, her mother felt that it was good for college applications. After much discussion she was allowed to be in plays as long as she joined 4H and competed in the livestock competitions.  Her classmates in the theater department took up the mantle and soon the calf known as "Deja Moo" became a thing.  When Darcy needed to be at practice her classmates took care of the calf that became a bull and despite his rather colorful name won ribbon after ribbon.  He was followed by "Bull Durham", and "Beth Jerky."

Enter: Darcy Stein

Darcy lied when she went to college.  Her parents believed she was going to Cornell to study Animal Science.  In truth she took her college savings from her winnings, rented an apartment with friends, and began seeking work as an actress. She dyed her hair blonde, bought a whole new wardrobe, and began earning her miles to getting her Equity card.  The shit hit the fan when her father paid her a surprise visit and couldn't find her on campus.  It took him a better part of a week to track her down, and when he did she was practically dragged out of the apartment.  The two had a massive fight in the lobby of her apartment building.  It ended with her roommates calling the police, him spending the night in jail, and Darcy taking a job in Seattle at the Seattle Shakespeare Company as a dresser- with a friend from high school who got her the job.  Selling all of her possessions, she drove across country, her car giving up the ghost as she pulled into town.

Her first couple years in Seattle have been rough.  There isn't as much work as New York, but she can't bring herself to go back or to go to LA.  She's fallen in love with the Seattle culture.  Working at the Lounge has been a change for the better.  While at first she was a little taken aback at the prospect of being basically a call girl, but the experience hasn't been horrible.  Still she cringes at the idea of her parents finding out.  Her belief is that perhaps at some point a producer might wander in and she'll be discovered.  The nice thing is, the hours are flexible and it gives her plenty of time to audition.

The tips were an unexpected bonus.  While she's never been in a compromising situation, she has some regulars, mostly Japanese business men, who prefer to sit and have drinks with her.  The extra money from the tips has allowed her to move up in her accommodations, but it has also locked her down to this job.