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13:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Marie Arceneaux

Despite being part of what is usually called the fairer sex, Marie is a woman of impressive height and muscular build. By now means a giant, she has flirted with six feet in height when fully clad in her armor. Beneath that fine castle steel, her flesh tells a tale of a harsh life. Hard muscle that would match a dock laborer, and a number of scars from her years of training and travelling tell the story of her life. But she is no oafish cad. As befitting a noblewoman of  Bretonnia, she has fair features, speaking of a healthy diet and good breeding. Chestnut hair frames her face, and she usually keeps it up in a warrior's bun. Calloused hands are usually grasped around a blade, or other weapon of her chosen pursuit. Her heraldry is a lovely silver sword on a field of quartered combination of white and blue, honoring the Houses of her parents. Her surcoat bears these colors proudly. Upon her steed, bearing her colors, she looks every inch the regal knight, despite the scandal of being a woman in what her culture considers the exclusive role of men.

Marie Arceneaux is a young woman of strange circumstances from a land that does not allow women to excel. The oldest of three children, Marie was forced into the role of responsibility early in her life. When she was barely ten winters old, her father was slain by Orc raiders during one of his patrols along the Irrana Mountains. As her mother had passed on giving birth to her brother Julien, this left the three children without protection of family. Taking charge of her younger siblings, Marie organized the few house servants that her small castle possessed and made the long and dangerous journey to her grandfather's lands. The aged Rodolphe Arceneaux took in the children out of familial obligation of course, but he was much impressed by the resolve and intelligence of his granddaughter. The old man loved all three of his grandchildren, but found himself drawn into the role of mentor of Marie as the years passed. While Julien was a gentle lad, his future was to secure the continuation of the family line, and Odette a joyous soul, her demure nature cemented her duties as one to be married off in a political marriage. But Marie presented a problem.

The young lady never showed any interest in any of the courtly arts expected of her gender, but was fiercely protective of her brother and sister in an almost parental fashion. And while Rodolphe doted on her, she pressed him more and more for wisdom on how to protect the family. This drive even caused her to request training in the knightly arts. Now, Rodolphe was a well-traveled and worldly lord, and as such had picked up some eccentricities. Despite the scandal, the old man allowed Marie to pursue her heart's desire and learn from the Knights sworn to him. Swordplay, equestrianism, and the iron-clad rules of Chivalry were made known to the girl. By the time that she had reached sixteen winters, she could match any of the young men that also learned from the bannerman of her grandfather. But it would be another four years before even the eccentric Rodolphe to allow his beloved granddaughter to take up lance and sword and reject the station expected of her. Marie had insisted unyieldingly for years to be given the right to become a Knight of the Realm, and when her grandfather relented, it was one of the happiest days of her life.

The Arceneaux Patriarch commanded that Marie complete an Errantry Tour, as any noble of Bretonnia would. Upon her satisfactory completion, he would grant her that title, despite what further scandal it might cause. But he could promise her no more than that. Without the touch of the divine like the legendary Repanse de Lyonesse, that was as far as she could expect to rise within Bretonnia society. For her part, Marie finds no shame or disappointment in this. All that she has ever wanted was to protect her family, and to win glories for her house, so that the loss of her father might not be the last time the world speaks of the Arceneaux.

In a bit of wisdom, the hopeful Knight has taken her Errantry Tour in the Empire, who's more cosmopolitan society might not shun her like her homeland. But despite this choice, Marie can expect just as much danger and opportunities for glory in these lands. With valor in her heart, and good steel at her side, she hopes to fulfill her duty with honor and dignity. Her desire has brought her from the Pale Sisters to the very heart of the Empire. What Altdorf holds next for her, only the Lady can say...