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21:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Name: Anton Jakova
Fae: Shadowjak/(Her) Midnight Thorn
Occupation: Courier/Smuggler for the Fae Courts
Eyes: Purple/Reflective
Hair: Black that fades to Smoky Purple-Grays
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.

Description: At first glance, Anton appears to be a slender, if somewhat pale gentleman of Eurasian descent. However, upon a closer look, his eyes seem slightly larger, with a deeper tilt, and  his ears swept-back, tapering to a point. His long, black hair gleams with twilight as his eyes shine reflectively with the same. He is clothed in a black silk shirt and black and purple Gothic waistcoat. Silver chains and studs adorn the vest and cuffs,while black pants encase his legs. At times, there is a dark, leather hooded longcoat to protect him from exposure. As he moves, he seems to glide with a sinuous grace, as if he flows instead of walks

Again, as you take a longer look, his shadow begins to tell a different tale. The form is slighter, the hair is wilder, with a suspicious pair of sharpness hidden within its flow. Hilts of various blades appear where none should be as does a long sinuous barbed tail that twitches to and fro. The sleekness of his attire suddenly displays some additional edges and bulk reminiscent of armor along with a mass of feather-like shadows along the shoulders. In areas of darkness, the shadow and normal form often overlap, physically  materializing the shadow aspects. The posture of the shadow is crouched, slinking as a predator ready to bolt or pounce.

(Boon/Grace)Shadow Rider. Anton is a Shadow Rider, able to become a two-dimensional shadow, complete with all the characteristics of a shadow. As such, he can then catch a ride as a targets shadow, traversing across surfaces as a shadow. With selective riding, this will allow for faster than normal travel, especially if used to switch from target to target. Anton can effectively transfer from one shadow to another by sliding across surfaces. This is done fast enough to appear as if he teleporting form one shadow to another.

(Boon)Shadowfang, the Umbral Edge. The Shadowfang is not a singular item, instead it is a collection of thirteen  blades composed entirely of shadow. The collection consists of six slender throwing blades, three at each hip, another pair of thicker blades cross sheathed at his lower back. Another pair are sheathed in his boots. A pair of karambits, one tucked  into each wrist, and a hand and a half bastard sword sheathed along the spine. While sheathed, these blades are nothing more than shadows, completely ephemeral, with no discernible mass. As such, they do not register as existing, either as weapons or anything at all. However, once drawn, the develop a solid coldness, an edge of cold darkness that cuts as easily as steel. The properties of these blades is that if thrown, they will travel as shadows, across surfaces until the reach their intended target, which upon contact, they will cut and bite with bitter cold. Once they have struck, they will dissipate, only to return to their spectral sheathes after a few breaths.

(Talent)Trickster. Anton's personal close quarter combat is that of Tricking, an amalgamation of flowing Parkour Movement and intense Acrobatic Martial Arts.

(Disadvantage)Tenebrous Traitor. Anton's shadow, his silhouette is clearly not human. The longer one looks at his shadow, the more inhuman it appears. Eventually, his outline will have a clearly demonic, somewhat devilish shape. Additionally, his apparel shape delineates a much more battle worthy form. His silhouette also has complete independence from his movement, capable of its own actions, its own movements. This allows the shadow to act more in line with his instincts and emotions than his will.

(Disadvantage)Fickle Fae Nature. Anton is a Fae, one of the Fair Folk. As such, he has certain limitations due to this nature. Like all Fae, Anton has a vulnerability to Iron, specifically Cold Iron. Cold Iron will cut through any protections, rendering them completely useless. Iron that has been formed through high temperatures will still cut through his defenses, ignoring half of their protections. Another Fae limitations is Bound by Word. A Fae cannot break any oath or truth offered. They are bound by their very own words. This works like a Geas, a mystical contract. Breaking this contract will weaken the Fae to half their strength until reparations can be made. Another trait is the Slippery Silver Tongue. The Fae are famous for their circumspect, flowery  language and riddles. No Fae every speaks straight to the point.

(Advantage/Disadvantage)Winter's Knight. Anton is a member of the Fae's Winter Court and holds the title of Winter's Knight. Anton is one of Mab's, Queen of Air and Darkness, Queen of the Unseelie, Chosen. As one of her Chosen, Anton bears certain responsibilities, mainly that of protecting Mab's interests. This will also grant special privileges as one of her Chosen. In addition, being one of her Chosen, Anton bears the Queen's Mark, a Black Rose covered in Frost and Ice Tattoo . The mark is unnaturally cold to the touch.
Midnight Thorn. Mab's Title for Anton is Her Midnight Thorn

(Advantage)Cold Blooded. As a member of the Winter Court and as one of Mab's Midnight Thorns, Anton suffers no ill effects to cold and cold effects. In addition, his body temperature is like a reptiles, matching the surrounding area. This renders him invisible to thermo-optics of any type.

(Standing) Anton serves the Winter and Summer Courts as a Courier and sometime Smuggler for both. Even though he is one of Mab's Chosen, he walks freely between the two Courts.  Though he holds no titles in the Summer Court, he respected, and sometimes feared for his unique Boons and Grace. In regards to his Mortal interactions, Anton is viewed as someone with connections to an Eastern European Crime Syndicate. While this is not technically true, like the Fae Courts, he is both feared and respected for his dealings and discretion in these dealings.

(Drive/Personality)Anton's personal drives have him walk a very thin line between Chaos and Order. He is driven to do whatever his personal desires require. However, he never crosses into blatant Evil acts. His self interests are always primary...until they lead him towards possible loss and ruin. There is an odd playfulness to his personality, allowing him to move happily between both the Chaos and Order. In all of this, he is also bound to Mab's Desire and Will. Through his pact as one of Her Chosen, he must heed Her wants above his own, even to the extreme of ignoring his own personal ramification.

(Wildshape) Every Fae has a Wildshape, their animalistic soul given form. Anton's Wildshape has both a Feline and Serpentine feel, giving it an odd Predatorial Otter feel. There are also hints of feathers flowing among the fur and scales with the tail being longer with a distinctive barbed tip. As this is his soul given form, this is not something he shares freely.

This was built using the Maximum Risus Questionnaire

Who Are You?
Anton Jakova, Shadowjak, Her Midnight Thorn, Winter Knight and Fae Smuggler Extraordinaire!

Where Are You From?
Oner Fae SW, Hythania, Home to the Winter Court

Why Are You Here?
Everyone wants something, and Everywhere there is something to find, and I am just trying to bring the two Somethings together!

Three Things He Does Better Than Any Other Fae:
  • Flows With Shadows(5)
  • Hardcore Parkour(4)
  • Procures Secrets(4)

Three Things He Does Worse Than Any Other Fae:
  • Obey the Court Laws
  • Mind His Own Garden/Look The Other Way
  • Syncophancy

Three Things Known About Him
  • He Knows How/Where To Get Things and Who Wants Them The Most
  • He Hates Bullies, Especially Entitled Bullies
  • Can't Turn Down A Challenge

Three Things No One Knows About Him
  • Bastard Child of an OLD Forgotten Winter Court Family
  • He Serves Mab in More Ways Than Known
  • He Has a Form of Kleptomaina

Three Things He Believes is True
  • Everyone Has a Price/Vice
  • The Queen's Best Intrests are HIS Best Intrests
  • That Something Dark Lives Within Him

Three Things He Wants but Doesn't Have
  • His Queen's Undying Love
  • Respect Not Born of From Fear or Want
  • Knowledge of His Lineage

Three Things He Has But Doesn't Want
  • Reputation as a Thief and a Cheat
  • An EVIL Trapped Within His Body
  • A Heart that Bleeds Easily

Three Flaws
  • Tenebrous Traitor
  • Fickle Fae Nature
  • Winter's Knight

Three Things That He Loves/Cannot Live Without
  • His Ability to Move Freely/Both Physically and Metaphorically
  • A Small Family Pendant with Obsidian and Amethyst Stone Carved in His Wildshape
  • Challenge and Risk

Anton Jakova was a Street Orphan in the City of Hythania, Home of the Winter Court, of Oner Fae SW. His peculiar talents were noticed when he sought to steal from a princess of the Winter Court. Instead of putting him down like the vermin they thought he was, they trained him to serve the princess as an extension of her will. This was not done openly, publicly, as the will he would fulfill would often be very unpopular. His training was darker in nature, with little regards as to consequences as long as the outcome was successful. Overtime, the princess became Queen and the Orphan became Her Knight, Her Thorn, to Protect Her. For both, the process was long and perilous, fraught with both known and unknown dangers that had to be overcome. Their success brought them both reputations and scars that will outlive their unnaturally long lives.

Flows with Shadows is Cliche for: Shadow Rider/Shadowfang. His Inner Magics(Unimagus?).
Hardcore Parkour is Cliche for Trickster
Procures Secrets is a Catchall for Anything Kept Hidden, Even so far as Precious Items that one might keep guarded, say in a vault?

Obey the Court Laws: He Does What His Queen Wants/OR What HE wants, Regardless of Consequences.
Mind His Own Garden/Look The Other Way: Cannot Look The Other Way When Others are Doing Something He Doesn't Like
Syncophancy: Does NOT Fawn over ANYONE

Something Dark Lives within Him/An EVIL Trapped Within His Body: He Believes that His Magics are Derived from Something Dark and Evil Trapped within his body. He is Keeping Something from Escaping and Wrecking Havoc by having it in him.