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10:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Luna Duscae

Luna Duscae                              Description
    Despite a relatively modest physical size, Luna nonetheless has a substantial presence about her. Her usual demeanor is somewhat brooding and isolationist, though people's reaction varies; some see her as dark and mysteriously alluring, others as vaguely threatening but (usually) not hostile. She is, however a Shapeshifter, and while can adopt many shapes, she tends to favor a form fairly close to her original shape most of the time. Her voice is a warm middle-alto that can dip a little lower in soured moods, and she's capable of softening that cold and fierce exterior - it's actually not uncommon - though she seems at least selective about who gets to see that side of her.

    Five foot four, and of slight-medium build, nothing about Luna's general shape stands out too much. She's even slightly smaller than most would expect, though her jacket and slightly heeled footwear combine to make her seem a little larger, much of the time. Her limbs and core are softly toned to the eye, though her capabilities are superhuman between her Noble power and her vampiric body. Her hair is dark, cropped into a stylish long pixie cut, given vivid, dark scarlet highlights. Her eyes vary in color, though she typically lingers on a cool, almost bright blue, though her eyes sometimes vary toward those of a fox, or turn a bright, dangerous red in response to her thirst or fury. She has a distinctive tattoo behind her left ear, a version of her bloody crescent sigil. She usually also wears a pair of earrings depicting the sigil as well.

    Her typical attire consists of snug-fit pants, usually denim in style and skinny in cut, though the color tone can vary, with preferences for deep blue, black, or a burned sienna-red. Her usual footwear is modestly heeled boots suitable for any occasion, featuring a zip instead of ties. Some description of a simple tee-shirt is her usual top, though almost always covered over by a heavy leather jacket, usually colored to match her pants. Luna's attire falls within her shapeshifting capacity, and she can be flexible with it. She usually wears a classic-styled pocketwatch on a belt chain in one pocket.

    Luna's shape-shifting can allow her to adopt a number of forms beyond simple changes to her clothing or eye color, however. She can perform a rare vampire technique of dissolving herself into blood mist, allowing her to move through physical obstructions that aren't air-tight, or to avoid harm from mundane threats and miraculous ones that couldn't hurt a cloud of blood-mist. She has the ability to adopt the form of a bat, or a black-coated and nimble fox, and can enjoy their unique perks in such shapes, or even hybridize elements of those forms into each other or her human form. She usually only makes use of her hybrid forms within the comfort of Vespera, or if she seeks to make some kind of statement in another place beyond prosaic reality. Her bat-winged form has been mistaken for a succubus, and her fox-tailed form tends to inspire curiosity from the Crimson Triad in particular, especially when she manifests multiple tails.
    Luna is a... complicated individual. She is relatively young as Powers go, as Vampires go, and in many ways, she never did outgrow her phase of teenage rebellion that eventually blossomed into setting off on her own. She has, at least, taken to her obligations as a Power more seriously, though she feels somewhat unprepared and has difficulty wielding power over her Estate.

    When dealing with her vampiric followers, Luna is hands-off and aloof, slow to anger, but furious when her tolerance for the foolishness or short-sightedness of her kin leads to complications or conflicts. Similarly, she enjoys the dangerous air of mystery she usually projects, but can be open with those she feels... drawn to, though she can be picky about lowering her tough exterior, sometimes.

    Inside, she is a deeply romantic, deeply sad person, who's been repeatedly hurt, and has tried to do her best by all those depending upon her even if their reliance can often feel like a burden. More than anything, she craves an intimacy that can be mutual, but as a follower, a Vampire, and now a Noble, finding a compatible peer has ever been out of her reach. She satisfies herself with her blood thirst and a passion for her many followers, with guiding the vampires who've put themselves under her wing, and with fulfilling her duties to her Ymera, who can't seem to resist prodding at her emotions, to what end, Luna has never been able to truly divine.
Anchors & Notes
  • Lunar Manor (Wondrous Sanctum):
  • Altair (Wondrous Motorcycle):
  • Vampiric Harem (Mundane Collection):
  • Bloody Crescent (Icon):
Background Notes
    Luna has been many things; she was a rebel in her youth, a follower and a fangirl in a cult of vampire obsession, then she became one of the vampires she so idolized, and quickly realized it was hardly so beautiful as she fantasized.  She managed to feel alone despite being immersed in her kin, and in adoring mortals eager for her Kiss. And then, in one sad night, she resolved to burn with dawn's first light, and she tried to do so - yet night never did end for her, that evening, as she became the Power of the Night itself, and then, her Ymera came to her.

    Even as a Power, there is a loneliness she can't quench, something forever linked to that sad and listless night that never did seem to end for her. But she built herself past it. Returning free of her bonds to her Sire, with strength and power beyond that of elder vampires, she won a remarkable following.  Five whole clans, splinters of other factions, followed her to Vespera, Lady Evanessa's chancel, and as Luna helped to complete the formation of the demense, she wove gifts and protections for her vampiric followers into the fabric of the world. From her predecessor, she inherited an ornate and beautiful lunar manor. Even so, she resents being so relied upon by the Vampires who followed her - she wants to inspire them, but so many seem to either seek her approval or fear her wrath, and so she can't help but be stuck as their Elder, their Princess, to some, their Goddess. She has become as much of a star to the vampires as the vampires she once idolized were to her, so long ago.

    And all of it is, somehow, just as empty.