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00:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Raz Camora

Name: Raz Camora
Archetype: Fast-talking Detective
Monster: Human but sucks
Generation: 1940's. Old ass.
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Theme: Songs to do cocaine to.mp3
Experience: 1xp

POWERIntelligence   ✧ ✧ ✧Strength   ✦ ✧ ✧Presence   ✦ ✧ ✧
FINESSEWit   ✦ ✦ ✦Dexterity   ✦ ✦ ✧Manipulate   ✦ ✦ ✧
RESISTANCEResolve   ✦ ✦ ✧Stamina   ✧ ✧ ✧Composure   ✦ ✧ ✧


Raz looks like someone who's allergic to the sun. Every inch of skin is kept covered, not that it'd make much of a difference if it wasn't; there literally isn't anything to see. However he has learned civilized society finds someone walking around looking like a balaclava-ed bankrobber easier to parse than someone who is completely invisible. Depending on how he's covering his face, he usually looks like a fancy criminal with a mask, tinted goggles, or like a fancy burn victim who escaped the hospital before having his bandages removed. A little too H.G. Wells for his tastes but it does stop people asking dumb ass questions, for fear of insulting a man who recently had his whole face burned off. A lot of his wardrobe is nice except for the fact he seems to get a kick out of ruining his outfits with tacky ties and dubiously patterned dress shirts. Holds himself confidently enough but seems kind of aloof.

Generally Raz is fast-talking and gives off kind of smarmy vibes, like he's on the doorstep trying to sell you a vacuum. It's because he generally doesn't like dealing with people, and their bullshit, so him trying to be nice and civil comes off as insincere. Because it is. Still, he has a sort of roguish charm about him when he's not pretending to be nice and well-bred. He can usually find something in any given situation to complain or be snide about. Expect a lot of sarcasm and passive-aggressive needling. Probably doesn't process much of anything in a healthy manner, but blow is easier to find than a good therapist.

Morally, he's kind of gray. He tends to just follow the money and convenience. Seems waaay too comfortable with wagging his revolver at people and is a little too knowledgeable, then what could have been picked up theoretically, about disposing bodies.

Raz was a good boy from Chicago born at the tail-end of WW2. His dad was an Italian partisan who fell in love with a Jewish woman in Florence, and together they immigrated to the USA. They were very disgustingly in love all throughout Raz's childhood and he had a nice, respectable upbringing.

Other than the fact he grew up to be a dirty cop. Not just the regular amount of cop dirtiness, genuinely crooked, but that was very trendy in Chicago at the time. He openly rubbed elbows with a lot of the criminal elements in the city, was a regular at mafia adjacent speak-easys, and somehow a lot of critical evidence against guys in the mob would magically disappear or be overlooked under his watch. Imagine that. He also had a lot more cash than the salary of a homicide detective could provide, but maybe he did crochet or something on the side.

He also had a propensity for being nosy and jamming his sticky little detective fingers in things he really shouldn't. At the behest of the criminal underground, he did start snooping around the occult, and they conducted an oops! all demons! ritual. Which hadn't necessarily been doomed to a terrible fate but trying to cheat a Big Bad like the greedy, cocksure crooks he and his associates were sure did the trick. Anyway, bing, bang, boom he done went and got himself invisibled and irreparably cursed - but at least all his organs didn't liquefy and come out his pores, so maybe he got off comparatively easy compared to some of his pals.

He wasn't discovered by the spooks. He attests he found them first. He doesn't completely love his work but employment opportunity is not amazing for an invisible dude with two-hundred pounds of emotional baggage. It gives him an excuse to snoop around, be somewhat intellectually stimulated, pays the bills, and gives him some legit-looking IDs so it's not all bad. He's much more concerned with himself and finds it difficult to become personally involved in most of the cases. Maybe that's a good thing.


Dead Eye
When you go toe to toe with things creepier and crawlier than you on the regular, you learn to shoot accurately, shoot quickly, or you end up real dead real fast. When you aim with your custom gun, roll with Physical. When you successfully hit your target, inflict harm. On a 7-9 choose 1. On a 10+ choose 2.
    ✦ Inflict +1 Harm with a spicy bullet.
    ✦ Inflict a status condition with a spicy bullet.
    ✦ Quickdraw and act before your opponent.
    ✦ Shoot to wound (-1 harm) and carry +1 forward.

Measure Twice
You know what you're getting yourself into, right? All the best detectives have a big corkboard somewhere filled with sticky notes and pictures connected with strings. When you hunker down and spend time combing over your notes, roll with Mental. When you succeed, you find a clue. On a 10+ choose 1.
    ✦ You learn another character's secret.
    ✦ You discover you've been lied to.

On a 7-9, choose 1.

    ✦ You find contradictory information.
    ✦ You gain the condition "Burnt Out".


Stupid Piece of Shit
Wow, you really shit the bed on that one - par for the course! How do you even function? Go drink yourself into oblivion or score some Bolivian marching powder and mope over how you're such a fuck up. When you fail an occult roll, choose 1 of the following.
    ✦ Indulge and gain a condition like "Intoxicated", "High", etc.
    ✦ You're dry. Drop everything to acquire drugs. Somehow.
    ✦ Put your well-being on the line for the thrill.
    ✦ Fail to unwind (ahem, feed your addiction) and carry -1 Forward for rest of the scene. You continually sucking, being bad at things, and acting like an irritable little bitch boy.

Hey, You, with the Face
You look kind of stupid and people are bullying you. It's kind of hard to take someone seriously or trust them when they constantly look like a sweaty, two-bit bank robber. You do have a face, right? When you fail an occult roll, choose 1 of the following.

    ✦ An NPC becomes suspicious of you. You take -1 to rolls regarding them.
    ✦ You are refused entry unless you remove your mask.
    ✦ Someone harasses you or becomes hostile.
    ✦ Gain the condition "Dysmorphic" for the rest of the scene.


If I'm Going Down

You've finally stopped giving a shit about your job. And everything. You're a worthless piece of shit, so what's the point? Being a mean, insulting shithead and throwing things back in your loved one's faces brings some respite because you can be mad, momentarily, at people other than yourself. If you're going down, why not bring everyone else with you? Burn all your bridges, go completely AWOL, or embark on a pretty tremendous bender. Maybe throw in some reckless endangerment and suicidal ideation too. Any modicum of healthy living is out the window - whiskey is a vegetable, right? You break out of your Darkest Self when you are forced to confront your past or someone you care about crash and burns in your place.


Goal 1xp

Goal 2xp

✦ Big Fuckin' Gun (1xp)
✦ Cis Car (2xp)