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Welcome to Classic DnD: The World of Mystara

09:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Rilia cannot be much out of teenagehood, although her assuredness suggests that she might simply have held onto youthful features longer than one might expect. She secures her shoulder-length maple locks with a leather tie at the nape of her neck in a low ponytail, very occasionally bothering to braid the bundled hair into a pleated style if she finds herself with nothing more interesting to do.

Her belt matches her armor so exactly it must have come from the same leatherworker, hanging from it a plain steel sword and crossbow, well made, but hardly the creation of a master. Other than this she might appear a regular traveller in all respects, worn over one shoulder a battered leather knapsack surely filled with mundane necessities for the road.


People who have not spent much time in Rilia's company might think her quite commonplace, a girl who seems pleasant enough but rarely ventures anything that makes an impression on the present company. The observant, however, will note that Rilia is ever watching the actions of those around her. What precisely she is intent on cataloguing is unclear, and if asked about this odd habit she reacts perplexedly.

In truth, Rilia is exuberant to a fault, barely able to channel her boundless energy into productivity. Her mind is constantly awhirl of how she might bilk folk that she thinks deserve it, which is, nearly everyone. This Rilia is rarely seen, and only by those that she considers friend. One might wonder, what it was that caused her to guard herself so thoroughly.


"You wish to know from where I hail? Well, I was born to an Irendian noble House but was disinherited for cheating in an Adventurer Tournament. No wait, I misspoke. What I meant to say is that I was found as a babe at the treeline of the Canolbarth forest and raised by elves. Why don't I speak Elvish? Umm well, actually I recently docked from a Minrothaddan vessel, so of course you understand I can't say much more about it."